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Collapse KHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish ChurchKHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent: the service of the church1 - Incumbent: the service of the church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy
Expand 3 - Incumbent: The benefice3 - Incumbent: The benefice
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: The church rate4 - Churchwardens: The church rate
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: Financial records5 - Churchwardens: Financial records
Collapse 6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property
1 - Order of exchange by the Inclosure Commissioners.
2 - Printed rules for the firemen of St.Margaret's parish, King's Lynn and of Stockport.
3 - Correspondence concerning the Insurance Companies replies to the Churchwardens' circular re the defrayment of expenses on calling the fire engine out, with estimates for the fitting up of the fire engine & provision of other equipment.
4 - Copy of the case & the opinion of Dr. Addams re. the cost of building a new vestry.
5 - Estimates, specification & drawings for the building of the new vestry.
6 - Citation for the erection of a vestry.
7 - Faculty for the erection of a vestry room on the northside of the chancel.
8 - Contract made between the churchwardens of Kimbolton & William Streather of Raunds, Northants, for the repair of the church spire, with specification, estimates & drawing
9 - Fire insurance policy on the parish church, & pews, pulpit & fittings.
10 - Orders in council for the discontinuation of burials in Kimbolton churchyard
11 - Faculty for alterations & repairs to the church.
12 - Inventory of goods belonging to Kimbolton parish church
Expand 13 - Receipts for loans of documents to the parish Council13 - Receipts for loans of documents to the parish Council
14 - Inventory of documents in Kimbolton parish church chest.
15 - Letter, J. F. Carter, clerk to the Parish Council, to the vicar and churchwardens re the transfer of parish documents to the Parish Council.
16 - Letter, from the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office, Ltd., enclosing particulars of the free Air-Raid Compensation Scheme.
17 - Faculty for the erection of a thirteenth century font.
18 - Faculty for the installation of a low pressure hot water system in the parish church.
19 - Faculty for the installation of electric light in the parish church.
20 - Faculty to take down and rebuild part of the spire, for a new vane rod, to overhaul the weather cock and to consolidate the structure of the parish church etc.
21 - Faculty for rebuilding the organ in Kimbolton church.
Expand 22 - Plans of church alterations (3) by Marshall Sisson of Godmanchester.22 - Plans of church alterations (3) by Marshall Sisson of Godmanchester.
23 - Faculty for the provision of new panelling & communion rails in the sanctuary of Kimbolton church, to extend the altar, to place a new cross & candlesticks upon the same, and to redecorate the walls of the sanctuary & the two side chapels.
24 - Faculty to install a new oak clergy desk, choir stalls & lectern; to remove certain front pews; & to accept a gift of a processional cross also bearing the above inscription.
25 - Faculty for repairs & alterations to the north-east chapel of the parish church, & to place in the chapel an altar table, new panelling, a credence table & altar rails.
26 - Citation to dismantle the five bells in the parish church & to provide a new cast-iron framework, to repair the clappers etc.
27 - Faculty to dismantle the five bells in the parish church etc. With a cancelled faculty dated 13 June 1962 for the same work.
28 - Faculty to repair the south wall of the church to overhaul the roof coverings, repaint the iron-work of the windows, repair the belfry floor, & decorate the walls of the nave & aisles of the parish church.
29 - Faculty for the installation of a new oil-fired heating boiler in a chamber to be constructed in a corner of the vestry of the church & to replace the existing underground boiler & chamber.
30 - Faculty for the blocking-in of the belfry windows of the church steeple.
31 - Citation to install electric light in the staircase leading to the bell tower & in the clock room, to install fluorescent light in the belfry, & to fit two spot lamps to illuminate the choir area.
32 - Faculty to install electric lighting
33 - Faculty for installation of electric organ
34 - Condition report, St Andrews Church, Kimbolton
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers
Expand 8 - Records of the vestry and PCC8 - Records of the vestry and PCC
Expand 10 - Constable: General records10 - Constable: General records
Expand 11 - Overseers: Rates11 - Overseers: Rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 13 - Overseers: Settlement13 - Overseers: Settlement
Expand 14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: Bastardy15 - Overseers: Bastardy
Expand 18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers
Expand 23 - Papers received for information23 - Papers received for information
Expand 25 - Records of schools and parochial charities25 - Records of schools and parochial charities
Expand 26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records
Expand 27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records
Expand 28 - Records received for safekeeping28 - Records received for safekeeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the parish29 - Items published by the parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference
Expand 31 - Stanground Burial Board31 - Stanground Burial Board