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Collapse KHP61 - Orton Longueville Holy Trinity Parish ChurchKHP61 - Orton Longueville Holy Trinity Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent: The service of the church1 - Incumbent: The service of the church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy
Expand 3 - The Incumbent: The Benefice3 - The Incumbent: The Benefice
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: Financial records5 - Churchwardens: Financial records
Collapse 6 - Churchwardens: Records of Church Property6 - Churchwardens: Records of Church Property
Collapse 1 - Faculties1 - Faculties
1 - Faculty for the removal of the body and coffin of Lord Douglas William Cope Gordon from Orton Longueville churchyard to the family mausoleum in Orton Longueville church
2 - Faculty for carrying out certain restorations and alterations to the church stonework, roof, tower, windows, pews etc.
3 - Faculty for a painted window and a new pulpit in Orton Longueville church
4 - Faculty to install electric lighting in Orton Longueville church
5 - Faculty for a new screen, organ and heating stove Orton Longueville church
6 - Faculty for an ivory crucifix with a small bronze plate Orton Longueville church
7 - Faculty to re-seat the nave and aisle Orton Longueville church
8 - Faculty to place two Coleman "Decorama" oil-burning space heaters in Orton Longueville church
9 - Faculty to erect an altar in the south aisle of Orton Longueville church and to include in the cornice over the dossal the words "The Altar of All Saints Bottlebridge"
10 - Faculty to inter the ashes of Canon Arthur Royle in the north side of the sanctuary of Orton Longueville church, with plan of showing the position of the inscribed stone
11 - Faculty authorising the electrical rewiring of the church with the existing electrical points and fittings to remain
12 - Faculty to install 5 Vulcana Kestrel gas fired heaters to replace the old heating system Orton Longueville church. This application supersedes an earlier application for 6 Drugaser Heaters and does not involve the re-siting of the Priest's Stall.
13 - Faculty for the installation of four floodlights in the churchyard of Orton Longueville church
14 - Faculty to install a sound reinforcement system and induction loop in Orton Longueville church
15 - Faculty to carry out repair work to the masonry of the north aisle, vestry wall and chancel walls
16 - Faculty to lay new concrete slabs, drains and gullies immediately in front of the south porch entrance, and to erect a 4 metre high lighting column with lantern beside the main path to the south porch.
17 - Faculty to remove the existing lead covering to the south aisle roof and associated lead gutters and flashings, and replace with new cast lead.
18 - Faculty to provide a new base for the altar top in Orton Longueville church
19 - Faculty to repoint the chancel wall, to repair the south parapet gutter and downpipe, to rebuild the west boundary wall of the churchyard, to repair the east front Ha-Ha and retaining wall and to provide new paving
20 - Three Archdeacon's certificates authorising the execution of proposed work in Faculty applications (work not specified)
Expand 2 - Valuations and lists of church property 2 - Valuations and lists of church property
Expand 3 - Records relating to the churchyard or burial ground3 - Records relating to the churchyard or burial ground
Expand 4 - Records of church restoration and improvement works 4 - Records of church restoration and improvement works
Expand 7 - The Churchwardens: Correspondence and Papers7 - The Churchwardens: Correspondence and Papers
Expand 8 - Records of the vestry and the PCC8 - Records of the vestry and the PCC
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 24 - Records of societies and special committees 24 - Records of societies and special committees
Expand 25 - Records of schools and parochial charities25 - Records of schools and parochial charities
Expand 26 - Records received on public deposit 1: Enclosure records26 - Records received on public deposit 1: Enclosure records
Expand 28 - Records received for safe keeping28 - Records received for safe keeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the Parish29 - Items published by the Parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference