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Collapse KHP61 - Orton Longueville Holy Trinity Parish ChurchKHP61 - Orton Longueville Holy Trinity Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent: The service of the church1 - Incumbent: The service of the church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy
Expand 3 - The Incumbent: The Benefice3 - The Incumbent: The Benefice
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: Financial records5 - Churchwardens: Financial records
Collapse 6 - Churchwardens: Records of Church Property6 - Churchwardens: Records of Church Property
Expand 1 - Faculties1 - Faculties
Expand 2 - Valuations and lists of church property 2 - Valuations and lists of church property
Expand 3 - Records relating to the churchyard or burial ground3 - Records relating to the churchyard or burial ground
Collapse 4 - Records of church restoration and improvement works 4 - Records of church restoration and improvement works
1 - Letter to Richard Hetley, churchwarden, explaining that the entire cost of the recent restoration has been defrayed by the Duke of Northumberland, the Marquis of Huntly and the rector
2 - Declaration signed by Richard Hetley, churchwarden, regarding the disputed use of the clerk's pew in front of the pulpit
3 - Church seating plan
4 - Plan of proposed additions to the chapel belonging to the Marquis of Huntly at Orton Church
5 - Bundle of letters from contributors to the Appeal Restoration Fund
6 - Correspondence and other papers concerning the restoration of the church
7 - Plan of design for pavement to nave
8 - Plan of church with nave pavement marked in pink
9 - Design for a new pulpit
10 - Design for a new oak clergy seat and prayer desk
11 - Design for a new oak lecturn
12 - Letter from John Thompson & Co. building contractors of Peterborough, with estimates for the cost of a new pulpit, reading desk and lecturn
13 - Correspondence and other papers concerning the restoration works to the chancel
14 - Report and estimate for the proposed restoration of Orton Longueville Church, provided by H. M. Townsend and R. A. Fordham, architects, of Peterborough
15 - Correspondence and receipts for a memorial window and plaque to the late Reverend Royston
16 - Specification of works and materials to be used in the restoration of the chancel roof and east window at Orton Longueville Church, provided by H. M. Townsend and R. A. Fordham, architects, of Peterborough
17 - Poster advertising the re-opening of the restored chancel
18 - Poster advertising a garden fete and sale of works in aid of the Church Restoration Fund
19 - Church Restoration Fund appeal for contributions
20 - Plan of proposed new heating apparatus at Orton Longueville church
21 - Receipts, correspondence, contract and specification for new electric light installation by Arthur & Sharpe, electrical engineers of Peterborough
22 - Plan of proposed new heating system at Orton Longueville church
23 - Correspondence and papers concerning the provision of new pews
24 - Plan showing current layout and proposed new layout of pews
25 - Designs for proposed new pews
26 - Designs for proposed new pews
27 - Plan of church showing location of proposed new heating units
28 - Correspondence and papers about a proposed new heating system
29 - Correspondence, specifications and photographs relating to church repair and restoration works
30 - Correspondence, specifications, tenders and plans for church repair and restoration works
31 - Correspondence, photographs, plans, faculties and other papers concerning the restoration of church bells
32 - Correspondence and papers concerning The Trinity Project, an extension to the north side of the church to include a meeting room, toilet and kitchen facilities
Expand 7 - The Churchwardens: Correspondence and Papers7 - The Churchwardens: Correspondence and Papers
Expand 8 - Records of the vestry and the PCC8 - Records of the vestry and the PCC
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 24 - Records of societies and special committees 24 - Records of societies and special committees
Expand 25 - Records of schools and parochial charities25 - Records of schools and parochial charities
Expand 26 - Records received on public deposit 1: Enclosure records26 - Records received on public deposit 1: Enclosure records
Expand 28 - Records received for safe keeping28 - Records received for safe keeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the Parish29 - Items published by the Parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference