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Collapse KL15 - Manor of HardwickKL15 - Manor of Hardwick
1 - Admission:-William Bath and Sarah Cundell, on death of James Best, under Will of Anna Appleton
2 - Admission:-William Dare on surrender of Thomas Barron
3 - Admission:-Henry Kelsey of Shenfield, Essex on surrender of Robert Cotton. Surrender:-Henry Kelsey to Use of his Will.
4 - Admission:-High Thomas. Master of Christ's College, on surrender of Thomas Metcalfe, Rector of Hardwicke
5 - Admission:-Ann Ogrum under will of Joseph Ogrum her husband of Cambridge
6 - Admission:-John Ogrum under will of Joseph Ogrum his father
7 - Admission:-John Purchas of Cambridge on surrender of John Ogrum
8 - Admission:-Robert Cotton junior of Shenfield on surrender of Henry Kelsey
9 - Admission:-William Cotton of London on surrender of Robert Cotton of Southwark. Admission:-William Cotton of London on surrender of Hugh Thomas. Admission:-William Cotton senior for life and William Cotton junior, for life and then to Use of Will of William Cotton senior, on surrender of William Cotton senior
10 - Admission:-Ann Reynolds to reversion on death of Sarah Cundell. Admission:-Sarah Cundell on surrender of Ann Reynolds and Samuel her husband. Surrender:- Sarah Cundell to William Cotton of London. Admission:-William Cotton on surrender of Sarah Cundell. Admission:-William Cotton senior and William Cotton junior or their lives, and then to Use of Will of William Cotton senior on surrender of William Cotton Senior
11 - Admission:-William Cotton senior and William Cotton junior for their lives, and then to Use of Will of William Cotton senior, on surrender of William Cotton senior
12 - Admission:-Frances Bridgett Ogrum on death of Anne Ogrum and John Ogrum, her father
13 - Admission:-Sarah Ogrum, an infant in custody of John Purchas, on death of John Ogrum her father to lands in Toft, Hardwick and Kingston
14 - Recovery:-Francis Bridgett Ogrum-lands as in L15/12
15 - Recovery:-Sarah Ogrum as in L15/13
16 - Admission:-William Cotton junior on surrender of Francis Bridgett Ogrum. Admission:-William Cotton junior on surrender of Sarah Ogrum
17 - Admission:-William Royston of Hardwick on surrender of William Cotton
18 - Conditional Surrender:-William Royston to George Chapman
19 - Admission: William Dare of Hemingford Abbots on surrender of Robert Adams of Over
20 - Admission:-Sir St. Vincent Cotton Bart of Madingley on death of Sir Charles Cotton his father
21 - Admission:-William Royston on surrender of William Dare
22 - Admission:-Reverend Edward Serecold Pearce on surrender of William Royston
23 - Admission:-James Michael Foster on surrender of Reverend Edward Serocold Pearce Serecold
24 - Admission:-James Michael Foster on surrender of Sir St. Vincent Cotton
25 - Pedigree of Family of Adams of Hardwick
26 - Will of William Adams of Lincoln's Inn Fields
27 - Will of Warren Adams of Cambridge (Probate 5 February 1747/8)
28 - Will of Thomas Rutherford, King's Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge (Probate 26 March 1772)
29 - Bargain and sale of copyhold land:-Commissioners in Commission of Bankruptcy issued v. Maldin Wallis to William Royston
30 - Conveyance of capital messuage &c:-Reverend Edward Serocold Pearce Serocold and another to James Michael Foster
31 - Conveyance of cottage &c:-Sir St. Vincent Cotton to James Michael Foster