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Collapse KMAN1 - Records of the Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle KMAN1 - Records of the Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle
Collapse A - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 PapersA - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 Papers
Expand 1 - Original Catalogue: M11 - Original Catalogue: M1
Expand 3 - Original Catalogue: M33 - Original Catalogue: M3
Expand 4 - Original Catalogue: M44 - Original Catalogue: M4
Expand 5 - Original Catalogue: M55 - Original Catalogue: M5
Expand 6 - Original Catalogue: M66 - Original Catalogue: M6
Expand 7 - Original Catalogue: M77 - Original Catalogue: M7
Expand 8 - Original Catalogue: M88 - Original Catalogue: M8
Expand 9 - Original Catalogue: M99 - Original Catalogue: M9
Expand 10 - Original Catalogue: M1010 - Original Catalogue: M10
Expand 11 - Original Catalogue: M1111 - Original Catalogue: M11
Expand 12 - Original Catalogue: M1212 - Original Catalogue: M12
Expand 13 - Original Catalogue: M1313 - Original Catalogue: M13
Expand 14 - Original Catalogue: M1414 - Original Catalogue: M14
Expand 15 - Original Catalogue: M1515 - Original Catalogue: M15
Expand 15A - Original Catalogue: M15A15A - Original Catalogue: M15A
Expand 16 - Original Catalogue: M1616 - Original Catalogue: M16
Collapse 16A - Original Catalogue: M16A16A - Original Catalogue: M16A
1 - Insurance policies for properties owned by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow in Huntingdonshire
2 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's estate vouchers, receipts and other papers
3 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's estate vouchers, receipts and other papers
4 - Plan titled "Ground Plan of the Mansion, Park, Plantations etc at Brampton, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow..."
Expand 5 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's estate papers5 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's estate papers
Expand 6 - Draft conveyances of land by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow for schools and churches6 - Draft conveyances of land by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow for schools and churches
7 - Ellington Clothing Society vouchers and receipts
Expand 8 - Title deeds and agreements relating to lands purchased by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow8 - Title deeds and agreements relating to lands purchased by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow
9 - Schedule of toasts to be made at the audit dinner given at Brampton Park for the tenants of Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow
10 - Manor of Brampton: admissions, surrenders and other papers
Collapse 11 - Papers relating to the Bernard Sparrow estates in Huntingdonshire and Essex11 - Papers relating to the Bernard Sparrow estates in Huntingdonshire and Essex
1 - Particulars of a farm in Houghton cum Wyton for the trustees of the late Sir Robert Bernard
2 - Copy order for the diversion of the highway at Grafham
3 - Sale particulars for a manor house and estate in Brampton
4 - Memorandum of an agreement for the exchange of certain lands in Essex
5 - Inventory of the plate at Brampton Park, belonging to Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow
6 - Sale particulars for a freehold and copyhold estate at Brampton
7 - Valuation of timber on the estate owned by the late Robert Godby at Brampton and purchased by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow
8 - Memorandum signed by the trustees of the Town Farm estate in Ellington, allowing Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow £17 a year to support a day and Sunday school in the parish
9 - List of deeds relating to the Irish Estates
10 - Inventory and valuation of fixtures in the home of the late Mr Jefferson at Brampton
11 - Sketch plan of Stowe Field allotment, awarded to Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow under the 1839 Spaldwick Inclosure
12 - Valuation and receipt for sundries at a house occupied by Mrs Green (formerly Mrs Jefferson's) at Brampton
13 - Abstract of the Middle Level Drainage Commissioners' accounts and auditor's report
14 - Receipt for £20 paid by Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow to Peter Wilson "for the payment of pensioners"
15 - Agreement for liberty to cut a dock on the saltings at East Hall Farm in Paglesham [Essex]
16 - Inventory of machinery etc at Houghton Mills belonging to the proprietor
17 - Undated sketch plans showing Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's properties in several unidentified parishes
Expand 12 - Terriers and surveys of Ellington 12 - Terriers and surveys of Ellington
13 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's vouchers, receipts and other papers, mostly relating to the school at Leigh [Essex]
14 - Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow's vouchers, receipts and other papers, mostly relating to charities in Essex and Huntingdonshire
15 - Bundle of wood accounts for the estates of Lady Olivia Bernard Sparrow in Essex
16 - Plan of proposed alterations to the chimney piece at Tandragee Castle by William Howard
Expand 17 - Original Catalogue: M1717 - Original Catalogue: M17
Expand 18 - Original Catalogue: M1818 - Original Catalogue: M18
Expand 19 - Original Catalogue: M1919 - Original Catalogue: M19
Expand 20A - Original Catalogue: M20A20A - Original Catalogue: M20A
Expand 20B - Original Catalogue: M20B20B - Original Catalogue: M20B
Expand 21A - Original Catalogue: M21A21A - Original Catalogue: M21A
Expand 21B - Original Catalogue: M21B21B - Original Catalogue: M21B
Expand 22A - Original Catalogue: M22A22A - Original Catalogue: M22A
Expand 22B - Original Catalogue: M22B22B - Original Catalogue: M22B
Expand 39 - Original Catalogue: M3939 - Original Catalogue: M39
Expand 46 - Original Catalogue: M4646 - Original Catalogue: M46
Expand 49 - Original Catalogue: M4949 - Original Catalogue: M49
Expand 55 - Original Catalogue: M55 [The Duke of Manchester's Willow Lane Brickworks, between Stonely and Great Staughton]55 - Original Catalogue: M55 [The Duke of Manchester's Willow Lane Brickworks, between Stonely and Great Staughton]
Expand B - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 VolumesB - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 Volumes