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Collapse KMAN1 - Records of the Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle KMAN1 - Records of the Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle
Collapse A - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 PapersA - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 Papers
Expand 1 - Original Catalogue: M11 - Original Catalogue: M1
Expand 3 - Original Catalogue: M33 - Original Catalogue: M3
Expand 4 - Original Catalogue: M44 - Original Catalogue: M4
Expand 5 - Original Catalogue: M55 - Original Catalogue: M5
Expand 6 - Original Catalogue: M66 - Original Catalogue: M6
Expand 7 - Original Catalogue: M77 - Original Catalogue: M7
Expand 8 - Original Catalogue: M88 - Original Catalogue: M8
Expand 9 - Original Catalogue: M99 - Original Catalogue: M9
Expand 10 - Original Catalogue: M1010 - Original Catalogue: M10
Expand 11 - Original Catalogue: M1111 - Original Catalogue: M11
Expand 12 - Original Catalogue: M1212 - Original Catalogue: M12
Expand 13 - Original Catalogue: M1313 - Original Catalogue: M13
Expand 14 - Original Catalogue: M1414 - Original Catalogue: M14
Expand 15 - Original Catalogue: M1515 - Original Catalogue: M15
Expand 15A - Original Catalogue: M15A15A - Original Catalogue: M15A
Expand 16 - Original Catalogue: M1616 - Original Catalogue: M16
Expand 16A - Original Catalogue: M16A16A - Original Catalogue: M16A
Collapse 17 - Original Catalogue: M1717 - Original Catalogue: M17
Expand 1 - Military maps, plans and drawings1 - Military maps, plans and drawings
Collapse 3 - Prints and cartoons3 - Prints and cartoons
3 - Set of ten double plate engravings of statues of mens' heads
4 - A series of seven engravings (incomplete) of heads and the human form
5 - Commemorative facsimile copy of the Magna Carta
6 - French engravings of artworks at the Florence Art Gallery and Pitti Palace
Expand 7 - 24 prints and engravings 7 - 24 prints and engravings
Collapse 8 - 35 prints and engravings 8 - 35 prints and engravings
1 - Design for a ceiling showing Da Vinci's "Last Supper" against a background of minute text in Latin
2 - Engraving of the "Frontispiece d'un Ancien Monument de la ville de Reims"
3 - Engraving of "Voute de l'arcade de Leda" of the Porte de Mars, Reims [France]
4 - Engraving of "Voute de l'arcade de Romulus" of the Porte de Mars, Reims [France]
5 - Engraving of "Voute de l'arcades des Saisons" of the Porte de Mars, Reims [France]
6 - Engraving titled "The defeat of the Spanish Armada"
7 - Engraving titled "The daughter of Cromwell urging him to repentance"
8 - Engraving titled "Clifford accusing Stanley"
9 - Engraving titled "Condemnation of Anne Boleyn"
10 - Engraving titled "Trial of the marriage of Henry VIII"
11 - Engraving titled "Mary Queen of James II quitting the Kingdom"
12 - Engraving titled "Queen Margaret attacked by the robber"
13 - Engravings of two heads, after Leonardo da Vinci
14 - Engraving of a young woman, after Leonardo da Vinci
15 - Engraving of the head of St John the Baptist
16 - Engraving of a young woman, thought to be Salome
17 - Engraving of a soldier holding the head of St John the Baptist
18 - Engraving of a young boy dancing, with title in Greek
19 - Satirical lithograph titled "An Interesting Group: Misfortune Makes us Acquainted with Strange Bedfellows"
20 - Satirical lithograph titled "Another Saint Sebastian Shot at by Cruel Archers"
21 - Satirical lithograph titled "Extraordinary Musician! Wot Plays on Various Instruments - All At Once!"
22 - Satirical lthograph titled "A Study for a Caius Marius Sitting Amidst the Ruins of Carthage. Rather a Serious Subject"
23 - Satirical lithograph titled "The State Waggon in Difficulties"
24 - Coloured lithograph of a King holding a sword and a charter
25 - Lithograph titled "Observations Critiques. Variete des Pipes et de leurs Fumeurs"
26 - Lithograph titled "Observations Critiques. Variete des Priseurs"
27 - Lithograph titled "Observations Critiques. Chapellerie au XIX Siecle (1re serie): Chapeaux Civils"
28 - Lithograph titled "Observations Critiques. Variete des Cannes"
29 - Lithograph titled "Observations Critiques. Etude Phrenologique at Col-logique des Francais en 1834"
30 - Coloured lithograph titled "Route de Poste"
31 - Coloured lithograph titled "Moeurs du 19eme Siecle. Les Petits Bourgeois en partie de Campagne on Le Diner Renverse"
32-33 - Two lithographs titled "The Midday Regale of the Tyrolese" and "The Evening Regale of the Tyrolese"
34 - Two aquatint etchings titled "Mr. H. Angelo's Fencing Academy"
35 - Engraving commemorating the appointment of the Duke of Manchester as an Honorary Member of the Royal Jennerian Society
36 - Mounted cartoon print of Viscount Mandeville, published by Vanity Fair
9 - Series of twelve watercolours of seascapes, thought to be by A. F. English
Expand 4 - Other papers re-catalogued by Dickinson4 - Other papers re-catalogued by Dickinson
Expand 18 - Original Catalogue: M1818 - Original Catalogue: M18
Expand 19 - Original Catalogue: M1919 - Original Catalogue: M19
Expand 20A - Original Catalogue: M20A20A - Original Catalogue: M20A
Expand 20B - Original Catalogue: M20B20B - Original Catalogue: M20B
Expand 21A - Original Catalogue: M21A21A - Original Catalogue: M21A
Expand 21B - Original Catalogue: M21B21B - Original Catalogue: M21B
Expand 22A - Original Catalogue: M22A22A - Original Catalogue: M22A
Expand 22B - Original Catalogue: M22B22B - Original Catalogue: M22B
Expand 39 - Original Catalogue: M3939 - Original Catalogue: M39
Expand 46 - Original Catalogue: M4646 - Original Catalogue: M46
Expand 49 - Original Catalogue: M4949 - Original Catalogue: M49
Expand 55 - Original Catalogue: M55 [The Duke of Manchester's Willow Lane Brickworks, between Stonely and Great Staughton]55 - Original Catalogue: M55 [The Duke of Manchester's Willow Lane Brickworks, between Stonely and Great Staughton]
Expand B - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 VolumesB - Papers of the Montagu family: Accession 1 Volumes