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Collapse KP129 - Over Parish ChurchKP129 - Over Parish Church
Expand 1 - Registers and Service of the Church1 - Registers and Service of the Church
Expand 2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions etc2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions etc
Expand 3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: accounts5 - Churchwardens: accounts
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: property6 - Churchwardens: property
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: other records7 - Churchwardens: other records
Expand 8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council
Expand 9 - Constable: accounts9 - Constable: accounts
Expand 11 - Overseers: poor rates11 - Overseers: poor rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: accounts12 - Overseers: accounts
Expand 13 - Overseers: settlement papers13 - Overseers: settlement papers
Expand 14 - Overseers: apprenticeship14 - Overseers: apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: bastardy15 - Overseers: bastardy
Expand 16 - Overseers: other settlement papers16 - Overseers: other settlement papers
Expand 18 - Overseers: miscellaneous pre-1834 documents18 - Overseers: miscellaneous pre-1834 documents
Expand 19 - Overseers: miscellaneous post-1834 documents19 - Overseers: miscellaneous post-1834 documents
Expand 20 - Surveyors: highway rates20 - Surveyors: highway rates
Expand 21 - Surveyors: accounts21 - Surveyors: accounts
Expand 22 - Surveyors: other records22 - Surveyors: other records
Collapse 23 - Statutory bodies23 - Statutory bodies
1 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Molecatcher's agreement between Thomas Frisbey, treasurer of Over fen profits, and John Clarke of Hilton, Huntingdonshire, labourer
2 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Authorisation by numerous owners and occupiers of low land in Over (including James Edwards, Lord of The Manor) given to John Collett sen., John Pearson sen. and John Bond sen., to oppose by legal means the construction of a drain by the inhabitants of Willingham on the east side of the Division Ditch in West Fen, which obstructs drainage from the low lands in over into the Ouse
3 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Agreement between numerous inhabitants of Over to build a watermill upon Longholme Bank or elsewhere to carry off waters from their lands at the expense of the parties concerned in proportion to the extent of their landholding, and appointment of Henry Collett, Newman Pearson, John Disbrow, John Collett and John Martin sen. to oversee and manage the work
4 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Agreement between the trustees (Henry Collett, Newman Pearson, John Disbrow, John Collett and John Martin sen.) appointed for creating a water-mill for draining lands in Over, and the parishioners of Willingham, concerning the erection, maintenance and operation of the mill
5 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
6 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
7 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
8 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
9 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
10 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
11 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
12 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
13 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
14 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Rate
15 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Accounts
16 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Abstract of Accounts
17 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Receipts for money paid into Over Drainage account with Ebenezer Bird Foster, George Edward Foster and Charles Finch Foster, Bankers, St. Ives
18 - Over Drainage Commissioners. Minutes of meetings of Over Drainage Commissioners concerning a new boiler for the engine: draft and full copies
19 - Over Drainage Commissioners. List of 54 persons presumably owners of land in Over drainage area from various parts of Cambridgeshire (including Over) and other counties, entitled 'Over Drainage'
20 - The Company of Adventurers. Order naming Mr Robson and Mr James Disborow as Commissioners for the town and Mr Thomas Dereham and Mr Farrer as Commissioners for The Company `to end all differences between the town and Commissioners'
21 - The Company of Adventurers. Order naming Mr Hamond and Mr Walker as Commissioners for the Company
22 - The Company of Adventurers. Order naming Thomas Duckett, Thomas Bendish, John Mingay and Henry Farrer as referees for the Company
23 - The Company of Adventurers. Order naming Mr Robert West and Mr Arkhurst as referees for the town
24 - The Company of Adventurers. Agreement to refer the dispute over the cutting and embanking of Over lands by the Adventurers to Major General Disbrowe at Ely
25 - The Company of Adventurers. Acceptance by the Company of Major General Disbrowe's judgement that £550 be paid to them by the town of Over for 160 acres
26 - The Company of Adventurers. Memorandum of agreement between Sir Gilbert Gerard and Mr Bridges and the Adventurers that the former shall receive 500a in Glatton and Holme in exchange for their 171a in Over and 300a in Wicken Sedge
27 - The Company of Adventurers. Order to draw up conveyances relating to 500a in Glatton and Holme
28 - The Company of Adventurers. Bargain and sale of 171a in Over Common in exchange for land in Glatton and Holme
29 - The Company of Adventurers. Receipt for £550 from Robert West, purchase money for 171 acres in Over Common
30 - The Company of Adventurers. Note from Thomas Bland to Mr George Dalton concerning taxes chargeable on 171a conveyed to Robert West
31 - The Company of Adventurers. Proposals of inhabitants of Over concerning taxes payable on 171a, cost of building a gote to carry water from the Ouse to land in the parish and placing fencing between Mr Crane's ground and town, the surfacing of the path to Over Coates ferry, etc, with the Company's response
32 - The Company of Adventurers. Receipt for £30 from Mr John Knot, purchase money for 10a, part of the 171a in the 11th lot in Over Common
33 - The Company of Adventurers. Receipt for £91.18s.3d. from Robert West and others for taxes
34 - The Company of Adventurers. Deed of covenant for quiet enjoyment of 10a, part of 171a, John Knott of London, gent to Robert West, esq and others
35 - The Company of Adventurers. Bill of Mr John Hopkinson, clerk for entering deeds and orders relating to the Over dispute in the Adventurer's books
36 - The Company of Adventurers Case concerning title to the bank abutting on the 171a reciting judgement of Major General Disbrow, 5 August 1763 and indentures of 20 February 1654 and 1 June 1666
37 - The Company of Adventurers. Questions concerning feoffees of trust lands with reference to the 171a purchased from the Adventurers
38 - The Company of Adventurers Extracts from the Act for Draining the Great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level, 1661
Expand 24 - Special committees24 - Special committees
Expand 25 - Charities and schools25 - Charities and schools
Expand 26 - Inclosure records26 - Inclosure records
Expand 28 - Final miscellaneous records28 - Final miscellaneous records