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Collapse KP129 - Over Parish ChurchKP129 - Over Parish Church
Expand 1 - Registers and Service of the Church1 - Registers and Service of the Church
Expand 2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions etc2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions etc
Expand 3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: accounts5 - Churchwardens: accounts
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: property6 - Churchwardens: property
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: other records7 - Churchwardens: other records
Expand 8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council
Expand 9 - Constable: accounts9 - Constable: accounts
Expand 11 - Overseers: poor rates11 - Overseers: poor rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: accounts12 - Overseers: accounts
Expand 13 - Overseers: settlement papers13 - Overseers: settlement papers
Expand 14 - Overseers: apprenticeship14 - Overseers: apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: bastardy15 - Overseers: bastardy
Expand 16 - Overseers: other settlement papers16 - Overseers: other settlement papers
Expand 18 - Overseers: miscellaneous pre-1834 documents18 - Overseers: miscellaneous pre-1834 documents
Expand 19 - Overseers: miscellaneous post-1834 documents19 - Overseers: miscellaneous post-1834 documents
Expand 20 - Surveyors: highway rates20 - Surveyors: highway rates
Expand 21 - Surveyors: accounts21 - Surveyors: accounts
Expand 22 - Surveyors: other records22 - Surveyors: other records
Expand 23 - Statutory bodies23 - Statutory bodies
Expand 24 - Special committees24 - Special committees
Expand 25 - Charities and schools25 - Charities and schools
Expand 26 - Inclosure records26 - Inclosure records
Collapse 28 - Final miscellaneous records28 - Final miscellaneous records
1 - Manor of Over: Exemplification of a recovery suffered on 2a. pasture called Skiners Dole by Pett Wade, demandant, v. Frances Wilmore, widow; Pett Wade then surrendered it to use of Thomas Cowell
2 - Assignment of lease of lands belonging to the workhouse (unspecified) in Cambridge formerly leased by the feoffees to William Becheno of Over for 21 years
3 - Lease for 4 years of dwelling house, 15a. arable, 1a. leys in Milfield Close, 1 close pasture in Coxtownsend, 1a. 0.5r. of Longmeadow, 5a. 2r. marsh in Ouze fen, 2r. in Ford fen, 3r. in South Fen meadow, close of pasture in Bare fen and another close adjoining same at Coxtownsend, all in Over, except the parlour and closet and right of entry to same in part of the house, reserved to Henry Pyke
4 - Bond for £40 to keep covenants specified in mortgage deed
5 - Manor of Over: Memorandum of conditional surrender for 1 year to raise £30, on 2.5a. pasture called Cowell's Dole, 2r. longmeadow in Ouze fen and 5a. arable dispersed in fields (details given)
6 - Manor of Over: Memorandum of conditional surrender for 1 year to raise £30, on 2.5a. pasture called Cowell's Dole, 2r. longmeadow in Ouze fen and 5a. arable dispersed in fields (details given)
7 - Bond for £63 relating to lands in Manor of Over (see P129/28/6 for details of property)
8 - Probate of will dated 16 March 1704/1705 of Abraham Cowell of Over, yeoman
9-10 - Lease and release of messuage with 1a. orchard and close in Over abutting west on Tenterleyes and east upon Sandpit pond
11 - Bond for £40 to perform covenants of messuage with 1a. orchard and close in Over abutting west on Tenterleyes & east upon Sandpit pond
12-13 - Lease and release of messuage with 1a. orchard and close in Over abutting west on Tenterleyes and east upon Sandpit pond
14 - Assignment of bond dated 29 April 1718 William Cowell to feoffees
15 - Justice's order to the churchwardens and overseers of St. Andrew the Great, Cambridge, to relieve Elizabeth, wife of Richard Moul, dangerously ill in childbirth, with note of relief received
16 - Tradesmen's Club Friendly Society. Accounts
17 - 'The Marriage Registers of Over' 1577 - 1812
18 - Glossary of words found in churchwardens' accounts (typed, probably from a book)
19 - Land Tax assessment for Over
20 - Fragment from a rate book (badly damaged by damp)
21 - List of persons in relief from Mansion House Fund through the Lord Mayor of London applied for by Rev. William Dixon vicar, an account of loss by flood, July 1875
22 - List of properties and possessions owned by various individuals which were destroyed by fire, showing whether these were insured
23 - Survey of lands in the manor of Over called Penny Lands carried out on behalf of George Sheffield by Sir John Cotton, John Shotbolte, Esq and Thomas Butler, Deputy of Robert Taylor, Esq, surveyor of the County of Cambridge
24 - Feoffment of 2a 1r pasture in Bare Fen
25 - Will of Edward Spencer of Swavesey, tailor including bequests to his sister, Ann Crosse and her husband John Crosse of Stowe, labourer, his sister, Mary Spencer, Henry Woodwarde, his apprentice and Thomas Cowell of Over, ploughwright, his executor
26 - Copy will dated 17 June 1731 and probate of Elizabeth Ellis of Over, widow including bequests to Mary Francsum, Elizabeth Whitein, Henry Thodey, Robert Thodey and to her sister and executrix, Mary Greay
27 - Lease for 4 years of 2 pastures in Farther Bluntsmere and Narwell, 1 pasture in Skeggs and 1 pasture in Hawscroft and for 3 years of 1 pasture in Bare Fen, 5a 3r in Longmeadow, 9a 3r in Ouse Fen and 39a lying dispersedly in the fields of Over, rent £47.10s.6d
28 - Wrapper for P129/28/29 listing Collett deeds (P129/25/12-14)
29-30 - Lease and release of a cottage in Fen End, Over
31-33 - Lease and release of a cottage in Fen End, Over (as in P129/28/29-30)
34-35 - Lease and release of a messuage with a dove house at Church End, Over
36-37 - Lease and release of a messuage in Church End with a dove house
38 - Copy will, dated 18 February 1779 and probate of Stevens Storton of Over, miller bequeathing £20 to his son, John and his dwelling house to his wife, Lydia
39 - Attested copy, dated 7 August 1849, of lease and release of dwelling house
40 - Attested copy, dated 7 August 1849 of a mortgage of 8a arable lying dispersedly in the fields of Over and other freehold lands and tenements for securing £100
41 - Copy of will, dated 11th April 1829 and probate of John Robertson the elder of Over bequeathing his personal estate to his son, John and 8a lying dispersedly in Over, and in Ouse Fen and a messuage to his friends, William Rook of Over, gent and James Biddall of Hillrow in Haddenham
42 - Attested copy, dated 7 August 1849, of assignment of mortgage (see P129/28/40) for securing £100
43 - Attested copy dated 7 August 1849 of an assignment on 5a.3r.31p in Willingham Field, 1a.29p in Ouse Fen, 1a.2r.32p copyhold in Ouse Fen, a messuage with garden containing 10p and a messuage with garden containing 22p for securing £38.10s
44 - Particulars and conditions of sale of a messuage with garden containing 22p part of the estate of John Robertson, deceased with memorandum of sale to Joseph Gifford
45 - Attested copy dated 3 September 1849 of surrender of mortgage (P129/28/43) and release of claim
46 - Abstract of title of Mr James Biddall to a freehold tenement at Church End, Over, 1779-1849
47 - Notes of papers deposited in and borrowed from the parish chest
48 - Volume containing names, ages and occupations of inhabitants of Over as enumerated in the censuses of 1841 and 1851
49 - Volume containing list of documents in parish chest compiled by Rev. C. Warren
50 - Rules of Over Friendly Society
51 - Partial amendment of rules of Over Friendly Society
52 - Booklet with notes of history of Over extracted from `Historia Ramesiensis', Domesday Book etc and observations on various 'finds' during the restoration of the church including an ecclesiastical jetton and a trade token of Thomas Powell, Cambridge 1666
53 - Valuation of estates in the Manor of Over by Robert Bicheno, 6 December 1752 copied from a book in the possession of the executors of Benjamin Bicheno
54 - Sale particulars of Porters Farm, Over, with plan
55 - Agreement for exchange of land between Mr De Freville and the Lord of the Manor to make the recreation ground square (2 copies)
56 - Volume compiled by Rev Charles Warren, with some later additions, listing rectors and vicars of Over 1300-1987
57 - Letters to Rev Charles Warren from the Local Government Board and the Charity Commission regarding pasturage of droveways with Warren's statement of the case
58 - Letter to Rev Charles Warren from Charles Stretten Deputy Chief Constable detailing conviction of Mary Kemmington of Over for pound breach
59 - Notes on Over Baptist Chapel
60 - Transcripts of documents relating to Over Rectory, Manor etc with letter from Henry Grove of 39 Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square
61 - Part of printed leaflet on restoration of St Mary's
62 - Bundle of transcripts of documents relating to Over later numbered and listed by Rev Normandale in his description of the contents of Over Vicarage Box
63 - Summary Account of The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
64 - Church organ restoration appeal
65 - List of books and documents in Over parish chest compiled by Rev T. Normandale
66 - Notes on contents of Over Vicarage box by Rev T Normandale
67 - Lists of rectors and vicars of Over 1309-1904
68 - Extract from Visitation Book of William Gager, Vicar-general 27 November 1609 concerning conduct of Church services by Ezra Purkiss, the schoolmaster
69 - Transcript of inventory of house and land belonging to the Vicarage of Over, 17 September 1615
70 - Sale particulars of 25a 1r 12p market garden land in Over. Names of purchasers pencilled in
71 - Receipt and undertaking on discharge of annual rent Guy Wentworth Stanley Esq to Rev F G Weston
72 - Agriculture Act 1947: Over and Bare Fens Terms of Reference to the Agricultural Land Commission and Draft Report of the Over and Bare Fens Committee to the Agricultural Land Commission (2 copies)
73 - St Mary's Church, Over: points to be noticed
74 - Schedule of repairs to glebe property and vicarage
75 - Rough list of deeds in parish chest
76 - Brief notes on chantries, church architecture, etc
77 - Extract from Cole Add Ms 5821 listing incumbents of Over chantry, 1391-1539
78 - List of bishops, hospitals and various institutions with dates [of communication with them?]
79 - List of contents of vicarage boxes drawn up by Rev D J Hardy