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Collapse KP153 - Teversham Parish ChurchKP153 - Teversham Parish Church
Expand 1 - Registers and Service of the Church1 - Registers and Service of the Church
Expand 2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions, etc.2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions, etc.
Collapse 3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc.3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc.
1 - Memorandum by J. Brocklebank, Rector, to his successor, concerning the letting of land near Quy Water to accommodate Quy Mill, his erection of a new rectory, and his own illness
2 - Memorandum of agreement made between the rector, and churchwardens and overseer of Little Wilbraham, allowing the latter to drain Little Wilbraham Fen by means of a drain across the rector's land, known as Fisher's Fen
3 - Certificate that the counterpart lease (of some glebe land) between Rev. J. Ashley, rector and John Grain of Teversham, farmer, was deposited in the Diocesan Registry
4 - Plan of three sections drawn between the first and second public drains in Teversham Fen, and small plan of the sites
5 - Copy of an instrument sealed by Ecclesiastical Commissioners to abolish annual tenths and pensions
6 - Agreements to take the allotments of 1r. each in Causeway field, with rules, plan of layout of allotments and circular about the allotments system
7 - Memorandum of agreement between Charles Drake, rector, and William Foote, farmer, of Teversham, to let closes called Great Ferries, Hunts Close and Little Ferries, containing 10a. 2r. at annual rent of £21
8 - Letters between the rector and the Surveyors of Little Wilbraham concerning repair of the bridge over the drain in Fisher's Fen (see P153/3/2)
9 - Papers concerning works necessary to put in repair dilapidations at the rectory, glebe farm and chancel of church, including schedule and account for work, letters to Queen Anne's Bounty, etc.
10 - Copy of sealed instrument to redeem first fruits, by annual payments to be made in future to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
11 - Letter to rector concerning new method of apportioning goods
12 - Letter from Ely Diocesan Board of Finance to inform rector of £28 augmentation to benefice, with draft letter of thanks in reply
13 - Instrument fixing table of fees, with covering letters and circulars from Ecclesiastical Commission
14 - Papers and circulars concerning dilapidations, including charging assessments, and schedule of repairs necessary at rectory amounting to £250, 1955
15 - Wayleave agreement between Rev. C.W. Colbourne, rector, and the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Electricity Company, granting permission for cables and poles to be laid across glebe land in Little Wilbraham Fen
16 - Papers concerning the sale of 119a. 1r. 25p. Rectory Farm for an extension to aerodrome at Marshall's Flying School, for £11,000
17 - Letters to the rector concerning sale of glebe and school land to County Council for road widening
18 - Circular concerning trees on glebe land and in churchyards (printed)
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: rates4 - Churchwardens: rates
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: accounts5 - Churchwardens: accounts
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: property6 - Churchwardens: property
Expand 8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council
Expand 25 - Charities and schools25 - Charities and schools
Expand 26 - Inclosure records26 - Inclosure records
Expand 28 - Final miscellaneous records28 - Final miscellaneous records