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Collapse KP153 - Teversham Parish ChurchKP153 - Teversham Parish Church
Expand 1 - Registers and Service of the Church1 - Registers and Service of the Church
Expand 2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions, etc.2 - Clergy papers: licences, institutions, etc.
Expand 3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc.3 - Benefice: glebe, tithes, etc.
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: rates4 - Churchwardens: rates
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: accounts5 - Churchwardens: accounts
Collapse 6 - Churchwardens: property6 - Churchwardens: property
1 - Faculty to sell metal from broken bells to help defray expenses of recent church repairs, leaving one good bell to give notice of divine service
2 - Mortgage of rates to the Public Works Loan Commission to secure £400 towards repair and restoration of church
4 - Faculty for the removal of the body of Thomas Ware from churchyard to Highgate Cemetery, requested by his widow, Elizabeth Ware
5 - Letter to the rector stating that the churchwardens should present themselves to the Archdeacon to be admitted to office, and that Teversham is exempt from the Archdeacon's jurisdiction for the purpose of granting marriage licences
6 - Plans of church, made for the restorations
7 - Citation for faculty to restore and alter church, lower churchyard, repair stone and plaster work, install a new ringing floor, lay floor with tiles, install new seating, reglaze windows, clean and restore font and chancel screen, refix pulpit, provide warming apparatus etc.
8 - Faculty to restore and alter church, lower churchyard, repair stone and plaster work, install a new ringing floor, lay floor with tiles, install new seating, reglaze windows, clean and restore font and chancel screen, refix pulpit, provide warming apparatus etc.
9 - Letter from the Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building and Repairing of Churches and Chapels granting £25 towards cost of restoring church
10 - Letter to the rector stating that the Secretary of State has no jurisdiction over the condition of a vault in the church yard
11 - Detailed specifications for repairs and alteration to church, with covering letter dated February 1897, from Rev. C.B. Drake, then at Leverington rectory, to his successor at Teversham
12 - Licence to use the school room for divine service while the church is closed for restoration work
13 - Plan, on tracing paper, showing ground floor lay-out of church and rough transverse section
14 - Plan, on tracing paper, showing position of new seating
15 - Plan, on tracing paper, showing ground plan of pulpit
16 - Memorandum that no grave ought to be dug on the south side or near east end of church, after a former burial was dug through at the interrment of Michael Foot
17 - Inventory of moveable goods belonging to church, made by Rev C.B. Drake
18 - Design for a new organ and restoration of old chancel screen: a fine pen and ink drawing
19 - Fire insurance policies, on church and on chancel, including organ
20 - Circular letter from Clerk of the County Council enquiring as to the nature of the parish records and their future custody
21 - Inventory of church goods
22 - Papers concerning the war grave of 59859 Kester D.B. of the Northamptonshire Regiment, including citation for faculty, agreement to maintain grave, small plan showing its position etc.
23 - Circular letter from H.W. Saunders of Foxton, requesting information on the parish records, with note of rector's reply
24 - Letter from Ecclesiastical Commission about the legal conveying of land for an additional burial ground
25 - Notices from the Archdeacon of Ely of his intended visitation
26 - Brief note from Messrs. Utting and Buckingham Ltd., of East Dereham, informing the rector of the price of a new stove
27 - Note from a well-wisher expressing opinion that the chancel screen would be improved by the removal of the recent inscription
28 - Letters and papers concerning insurance, including fire insurance policy and new draft policies for church, school & charity cottage
29 - Faculty to erect a second altar in the south aisle, to memory of J.E. Turner, rector of Teversham 1909-1932
30 - Plan showing the church yard and position of some headstones and a grave
31 - Notice from the Church Commissioners that the church has been listed as of special architectural or historic interest
Expand 8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council8 - Vestry and Parochial Church Council
Expand 25 - Charities and schools25 - Charities and schools
Expand 26 - Inclosure records26 - Inclosure records
Expand 28 - Final miscellaneous records28 - Final miscellaneous records