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Collapse KPGMD - Dickinson CollectionKPGMD - Dickinson Collection
Expand 2272 - Dickinson Collection Accession 22722272 - Dickinson Collection Accession 2272
Expand 2398 - Dickinson Collection: further maps and photos2398 - Dickinson Collection: further maps and photos
Collapse 2913 - Dickinson Collection Accession 29132913 - Dickinson Collection Accession 2913
Expand M - Manorial recordsM - Manorial records
Collapse Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous
1 - Written by Mr Dickinson: Northampton Rural District - Official Guide
Expand 2 - Local Population Studies Magazine &c2 - Local Population Studies Magazine &c
Expand 3 - Council for British Archaeology Group Bulletins3 - Council for British Archaeology Group Bulletins
4 - Translation of Huntingdonshire Domesday (duplicate copy)
Expand 5 - Box file marked 'Other Counties - Village & Town Notes'5 - Box file marked 'Other Counties - Village & Town Notes'
Expand 6 - Notes on Huntingdonshire villages, notes for talks &c.6 - Notes on Huntingdonshire villages, notes for talks &c.
Expand 7 - Box file marked 'Huntingdon Notes Boro' Minute Extracts': contents marked 'Z7'7 - Box file marked 'Huntingdon Notes Boro' Minute Extracts': contents marked 'Z7'
Expand 8 - Box file marked 'Huntingdon Notes Boro' Minute Extracts': contents marked 'Z8'8 - Box file marked 'Huntingdon Notes Boro' Minute Extracts': contents marked 'Z8'
Expand 9 - The Charters of Huntingdon and Godmanchester (formerly in box file marked 'Godmanchester Charter and Documents')9 - The Charters of Huntingdon and Godmanchester (formerly in box file marked 'Godmanchester Charter and Documents')
Expand 10A - Records relating to the expansion of the Town of Huntingdon10A - Records relating to the expansion of the Town of Huntingdon
Collapse 10B - Xeroxes [of records relating to the expansion of the Town of Huntingdon]10B - Xeroxes [of records relating to the expansion of the Town of Huntingdon]
1 - Xerox of Feoffment of Simon (de Broughton) Master of the Hospital and the co-brethren of a messuage in parish of St Lawrence, Huntingdon, to William and Juliana Toulesland, c 1312 (xerox - 3 copies)
2 - Xerox of Feoffment of George Barrys, executor of Emma Raven of a barnyard and barn with its adjacent croft to Thomas Ereth, clerk - the third haggable to be paid, 1511 (xerox - 2 copies)
3 - Xerox of Inquisition as to the legal status of the Hospital of St John and the Grammar School - its effect is to free the school from the payment of tithes and other taxes, 1570 (xerox - 2 copies)
4 - Xerox of Receipt of Thomas Eynes (a Haynes) for £4 11s arrears of rent due on the land of the dissolved Hospital of St John - produced over a law suit of some 30 years, later involving the establishment of the Grammar School, 1550 (xerox - 9 copies)
5 - Xerox of Discharge from rent - estate not named, 1724-6 (xerox)
6 - Xerox of Declaration of renewal and alteration to Huntingdon Borough Charter from Thomas Beard D.D., registrar and member of the Borough's Common Counsell
7 - Xerox of Order: Council of State to Deputy Lieutenants of Hunts - muster roll of both horse and foot should be returned yearly with names of defaulters at every muster, but no such roll returned from Hunts for the past three years, therefore they are ordered to return such a roll, or answer the default in London in person, 1630 (damaged)
8 - Xerox of Order: Council of State to Earls of Manchester and Bullingbrook - the Deputy Lieutenants of Hunts. The post of muster-master is to be continued, he is also to be paid though what means is to be decided by the Lord Lieutenant, 13 July 1630
9 - Xerox of Petition: Lewis Phillips, late Undersherriff of Hunts, Henry Burnaby, Bailiff of Toseland Hundred, to Rt. Hon. Edward, Duke of Manchester.
10 - Xerox of Certificate of muster force: horse and foot in Hunts by the Deputy Lieutenants of Hunts
11 - Xerox of John Merrell to Rt Hon Lord Viscount Manderville
12 - Xerox of Commissioners of Militia of Hunts
13 - Xerox of Order of Council of State saying the same and saying that Lord Widdington should issue a Commission for this purpose, 21 April 1660
14 - Xerox of Order of Parliament to restore the Earl of Manchester to be Custos Rotulorum of the Counties of Huntingdon and Northampton, 12 May 1660
15 - Xerox of a list of landowners in the County of Huntingdon, June 1660
16 - Xerox of Salomons Decree
17 - Xerox of a Declaration of the Commons
18 - Xerox of Petition to King Charles on the death of King James, 1625
19 - Xerox of a maiden speech about the Duke of Buckingham (?) with a Commons petition to the king on their suffering, nd, (1625-8?)
20 - Xerox of a Petition from the Citizens and Burgesses of the Common complaining at the plans of the 1st Duke of Buckingham, nd (James I or Charles I)
21 - Xerox of a Rough Draft of a speech to present a Bill to license a company for the West Indies, nd (James I or Charles I)
22 - Xerox of a Bill to relieve the poor from the oppression of money-makers and brokers by the establishment of banks in the City of London, and other cities, nd (James I or Charles I)
23 - Xerox of 'Reasons why it sholde be by waye of Motions rather than petitions'.
24 - Xerox of Minute or Journal Book (?) of the House of Commons, probably 1628
25 - Xerox of notes on the Short Parliament by O. St. John, 20 April-5 May 1640 (this authorship has been queried)
26 - Xerox of Petition from Richard Golby, Rector of Framlingham, to the Peers of the Realm requesting to be restored to his living having been sequestered from it in 1650 for disapproving of the changes in government, nd (1650-70)
27 - Xerox of Petition from Sudbury asking for an acceleration in the hearing of their petition, or at least the taking of the testimonies of the elderly, nd (1642-70)
28 - Xerox of Petition from Christopher Yardley of East Greenwich against James Bridgeman for trying to deceive, by non-payment of a debt and asking for a subpoena to force him to appear before a Court of Chancery, nd (post 1652)
29 - Xerox of documents by Nathaniel Rich, in shorthand - An A-Z of man's duties and qualities, c 1624
30 - Xerox of Notes to deal with the Civil War - referring to the successes of Fairfax, Mydleton, Brereton and Colonel Rigby, 1643 or 1644
31 - Xerox of agreement whereby Thomas Donner of Maldon, Essex, wagonmaster, has an obligation to maintain various buildings nullified, 1532
32 - Xerox of Rental (no date or parish), probably early 17th century
33 - Xerox of List of payments, possibly tax assessment, nd, probably early 17th century
34 - Xerox of List of administrations, 1577-8
35 - Xerox of part of an indenture between Henry Williams alias Cromwell (senior) of Ramsey and Henry Williams also Cromwell (junior) on the one hand and John Sampson of the Great Whyte on the other. Receipt of money for land in the town, 19 May nd
36 - Xerox of fees, pensions and annuities due to Robert Lord Riche (later Earl of Warwick), 17 February 1606
37 - Xerox of other revenues due to Robert 2nd Earl of Warwick, Michaelmas 1634. accounts for the 2nd Earl, 1623-5 (with 10/B/36)
38 - Xerox of rent and revenues of the 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1622
39 - Xerox of rent and revenues of the 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1628
40 - Xerox of rent due - Lady Day 1633, including Oliver Cromwell's signature - estate not stated (some notes to June 1636)
41 - Xerox of Judgement on the Manor of Poole, under Coppyes and Fairfax, 14 October 1638 (with translations of the Latin)
42 - Xerox of Indenture between the bayliffe of Godmanchester and Edward Montague of Hinchingbrooke - giving him the fishery with the pondyard in Godmanchester provided access is preserved for labourers to draw water from this spot, 30 April 1653
43 - Xerox of Trigonometric notebook, 2 x 5 leaves, nd
44 - Xerox of Transfer of insurance of a house in Cambridge Street, Westminster, from Thomas Whitford to Henry Coumbe, 25 March 1720
45 - Xerox of Letters from Thomas Carlyle to the 6th Duke of Manchester, over his desire to look at documents for his forthcoming publication of 'The Life and Letters of Oliver Cromwell', 6 February 1845, 2 April 1845, 1 May 1845
46 - Xerox of title page of Volume I of the Reverend Mark Noble's Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, 1787
47 - Xerox of page showing North Front of Hinchingbrooke from book on Cromwell Family, nd
48 - Xerox of the Armorial bearings of the Cromwells at Hinchingbrooke, nd
49 - Xerox of List of pictures at Hinchingbrooke to be lent to the Council, nd
Expand 3001 - Dickinson Collection Accession 30013001 - Dickinson Collection Accession 3001
Expand 3500 - Dickinson Collection Accession 35003500 - Dickinson Collection Accession 3500
Expand 4696 - Dickinson Collection Accession 46964696 - Dickinson Collection Accession 4696