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a1 - Oaths of allegiance for Excise Officers
a2 - Appeal by Thomas Poole, gent and officer for Duty in Hides against judgement concerning Henry Guiver of Swaston, Tanner, for drying 38 hides and not giving notice of this to proper authorities. Originl judgement upheld.
a3 - Appeal by parish of St Edwards, Cambridge against warrant removing Mary Dirbinson, widow, from Parish of Great St Marys to parish of St Edwards as place of her last legal settlement. Warrant confirmed and St Edwards ordered to pay 20 shillings towards costs of Great St Marys or be held in contempt of court.
a4 - Appeal by parish of Swaffham Prior against warrant removing Martha Hunt (formerly Cockerton) and child from Fen Ditton to Swaffham Prior as place of legal settlement.
a5 - Order for Gregory Wale (Treasurer) to make a payment to James Goodalls (Deputy Treasurer) for transcribing and disturbing certain letters.
a6 - Appointment of William Preston of parish of Great St Mary as bricklayer for repairing Shire Houses and Castle in place of Richard Bartholomew, deceased.
a7 - Order for an assessment to be levied on inhabitants of Wivelingham [Willingham] for upkeep of highways, causeways and bridges.
a8 - Order for payment by Treasurer to Thomas Curtis (undersheriff) for expenses, incurred in providing dinners for J.P.s
a9 - Order for payment by Treasurer to the Keeper of the Gaol for expenses incurred for providing for prisoners sick of the small pox and for Alice Eyres and her child.
a10 - Adjournment at the Falcon in Cambridge. Order for payment by Treasurer to John Yorkes (Undersheriff) for taking down evidence from several witnesses about an intended riot in Cambridge
a11 - Order for JPs to inspect accounts of County Treasurer, Gregory Wale, Esq
a12 - Order for payment to John Thurold, gent, for expenses incurred in getting the 'Associations' to the King subscribed by several freeholders and inhabitants of Cambs
a13 - Order for appeal of parish of Fulbourn against removal of Stephen Martin and family from the parish of Carleton to Fulbourn to be held over to next sessions.
a14 - Order for county Treasurer to pay Thomas Luck, Esq (Clerk of Peace) for expenses incurred in having printed the Rates for Servants Wages and prices of carriage of goods and having these distributed throughout the County.
a15 - Statement of accounts of County Treasurer made by virtue of previous order
a16 - Complaint by inhabitants of parish of Sawston against John Wilson, yeoman, who threatened to leave his wife and leave her as charge on the parish. Referred to Opinion of Judge at next Assizes.
a17 - Order for County Treasurer to pay the Constables of Snailwell for the loss of a home (Christopher Oliver)
a18 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Sepulchre's in Cambridge against warrant for removing William Browne, his wife and family from parish of St Giles to that of St Sepulchre's. Warant set aside and parish of St Giles to pay part of costs of St Sepulchre.
a19 - Warrant for removal of Stephen Martin and family from parish of Carleton [Carlton] to that of Fulbourn upheld
a20 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Michael's in Cambridge against warrant for removing Alexander Caldecote, his wife and daughter from parish of St Andrew's the Great above parish. Warrant quashed.
a21 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Mary's in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk against warrant for removing John Eldred, his wife and daughter from Soham to above parish. Appeal allowed.
a22 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Edward's, Cambridge, against warrant for removing Edward Peters from Great Shelford to the above parish. Held over to next Sessions and Great Shelford to contribute towards costs of St Edwards.
a23 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Clerk of Peace for printing rates for servants etc
a24 - Adjournment at Black Bear. Order that John Hobart, gent to suceed father William Hobert, gent as one of Chief Constables for Hundred of Wetherley in Cambridge having taken oath before High Constable.
a25 - Warrant for removal of Stephen Martin and family from parish of Carleton to that of Fulbourn quashed. Fulbourn to contribute towards costs of Carleton
a26 - Warrant for removal of Edward Peters from Great Shelford to parish of St Edwards, Cambridge confirmed
a27 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Andrews, Cambridge, against warrant for removal of Robert Sanders and Elizabeth his wife from Parish of All Saints to above parish. Appeal allowed and order quashed.
a28 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge against warrant for removing Hannah Saunders from parish of All Saints, Cambridge to the above parish. Appeal allowed.
a29 - Appeal of inhabitants of parish of St Edwards, Cambridge against an order for removal of Mary, the wife of William Martin, joiner, and John Martin their son from the parish of St Andrew the Great to the above parish. Order confirmed.
a30 - Appeal by inhabitants of Fendrayton [Fen Drayton] against warrant for removal of Elizabeth, the wife of William Thompson, ropemaker, from te parish of Great St Mary's to the above parish. Held over to next Sessions.
a31 - Order for County Treasurer to make a payment to the Kepper of the Gaol for expenses incurred by the escape of John Ullyat which was occasioned by the 'insufficiency of the Reparations of the said Gaol'
a32 - Poor Rates concerning William Baldham of Royston to be quashed
a33 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to the Deputy Clerk of the Peace (James Goodall) for transcribing several copies of a letter
a34 - Claim of Joseph Almi(?) and John Cracknell that do not have sufficient relief from parish of Swaffham Prior being infirm and unable to work for themselves. Order that to be paid 12 pence a week for their relief to be paid by Overseers of Poor.
a35 - Order that John Samms to be appointed Chief Constable of the Hundred of Armingford in place of John Samms senior, his father
a36 - Order that William Anderson of Wicken to succeed Robert Norfolk deceased as one of Chief Constables of the Hundred of Staploe (i.e. Staplow)
a37 - Appeal of William Durrant of Fordham concerning male bastard child born of Mary Watson. Child adjudged to be that of William Durrant and he to make payment to the Churchwardens for the expense of the lying-in and every week until the child reaches age of 12 and ceases to the chargeable to the parish make a further payment to the churchwardens etc
a38 - Warrant for removal of Elizabeth, wife of William Thompson, ropemaker, from parish of St Mary's to the parish of Fen Drayton quashed.
a39 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Hildersham against a warrant for the removal of John Godding and his wife Elizabeth from the parish of Little Abington to the above parish. Warrant confirmed.
a40 - Order to confirm grant of cottage made by Mrs Elizabeth Symonds, Lady of the Manor of Longstowe to Clement Ratford of Longstowe, carpenter, destitute of a habitation for himself and family.
a41 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Bassingbourn against order for the removal of John Wright and Mary his wife and Bridget their daughter from the parish of Whittlesford to the above parish. Held over until next Sessions.
a42 - Adjournment at the Falcon, Cambridge. Statement of accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, Treasurer of the Militia for the County of Cambridge. From November 1715
a43 - Order that Clerk of the Peace and Deputies, when the JPs appoint, shall grant or renew Licences to Victuallers for selling beer, ale, brandy, etc and enter all the details in a book kept for theat purpose and also keep Registers of the names and addresses of all LIcenced Victuallers within the specific HUndreds and Divisions of the County. Clerk of the Peace and deputies shall be paid one shilling out of fees to be paid by each Victualler.
a44 - Order for removal of John Wright and Mary his wife and daughter from the parish of Whittlesford to Bassingbourn parish quashed. Parish of Whittlesford to contribute to costs of Bassingbourn parish.
a45 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Buckden in Hunts against a warrant for removing Frances and Margaret Clayton from Bottisham to Buckden. Warrant confirmed.
a46 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of St Andrews, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of John Rutterforth with wife Ann and child from parish of Wendy to St Andrews parish. Appeal upheld.
a47 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Barton against warrant for removal of Mary, the wife of Elias Parker from Boxworth to Burton parish. Warrant confirmed.
a48 - Appeal by inhabitants of Stapleford against warrant for removing John Plinner and Sarah, his wife from parish of Hildersham to Stapleford parish. Appeal upheld.
a49 - Appeal by inhabitants of Toft against warrant for removing of Mary Stallerbrass from Elsworth to Toft parish. Held over to next Sessions.
a50 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to the Clerk of the Peace for printing the rates for servants wages, etc
a51 - Order that Sir Christopher Hutton to be discharged from office as one of the 'Conservators' of the River Cam and Gregory Wales elected his place.
a52 - Warrant for removal of Mary Stallerbrass from Elsworth to Toft confirmed.
a53 - Appeal by inhabitants of Papworth Everard against warrant for the removing of Thomas Custer and family from the parish of Gravely to Papworth Everard. Warrant confirmed. Certificates to be referred to te next Assizes.
a54 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Great St Mary against warrant for the removing of Jeoffrey Abelston, Mary his wife and John their child from the parish of the Holy Trinity, Cambridge to that of Great St Marys. Held over to next Sessions.
a55 - Order for a payment by the County Treasurer to the Keeper of the Gaol for the building of a staircase in the House of Correction.
a56 - Appeal by the inhabitants of St Mary the Great against a warrant for the removing of Mary Bagshaw, widow, from the parish of St Andrws the Great to St Mary the Great. Appeal disallowed.
a57 - Confirmation of order made for the removal of Mary Hills from the parish of Barrington to that of Guilden Morden (no appeal)
a58 - Order for a payment by the County Treasurer to the Under-Sheriff for expenses incurred by providing dinners for the Justices.
a59 - Order to William Ashwell, master, to pay the wages of Mathew Fabraham who became lame while in 'his said master's service of husbandry'
a60 - Order to the Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Conington to make payment to Robert White of Conington who incurred the expense of the lying-in of Elizabeth Robinson
a61 - Confirmation of warrant for the removal of Jeoffrey Ableston and family from the parish of Holy Trinity to that of Great St Marys.
a62 - Appeal by inhabitants of the parish of Ramsey, Hunts against warrant for the removing of Mary Curblington, the wife of William Curblington and Rachel their daughter from the parish of St Botolphs to that of Ramsey. Warrant quashed.
a63 - Appeal by inhabitants of the parish of Cottenham against warrant for the removing of Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Hunt from the parish of Swaffham Prior to Cottenham parish. Warrant quashed.
a64 - Order to inspect the accounts of Geoffrey Wale, County Treasurer at the next Quarter Sessions
a65 - Order for churchwardens and overseers of the poor at Over to pay weekly relief and maintenance to Thomas Rogers and Margaret his wife, they being unfit to work and provide for themselves.
a66 - Order sending Mary Everard of the parish of Impington, accused of disorderly behaviour and refusal to work, to the House of Correction for the County.
a67 - Order that the name of the Prosecutor or names of the witnesses to be endorsed on the back of every Indictment to be prosecuted in this Court before it be brought before Grand Jury. Without this no defendant is obliged to appear or plead
a68 - Appeal by inhabitants of the parish of Cowlinge, Suffolk against a warrant for the removing of Mary Marshall (single woman) from the parish of Cheveley to Cowlinge parish. Appeal upheld
a69 - Appeal by the inhabitants of the parish of Haddenham in the Isle of Ely against a warrant for the removing of Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Hunt, from Fenditton to Haddenham. Warrant confirmed.
a70 - Appeal by the inhabitants of the parish of St Peters, Cambridge against a warrant for the removing of Richard Harden and Elizabeth his wife from the parish of St Clements to that of St Peter's. Warrant quashed.
a71 - Appeal by the inhabitants of the Parish of Teversham against a warrant for the removing of James Thurston and Frances his wife from the parish of Fulbourn to that of Teversham. Warrant confirmed as regards James Thurston, but quashed as regards his wife.
a72 - Accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, Treasurer of County
a73 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to the Keeper of the Gaol for his expenses incurred in providing for eight Condemned Prisoners.
a74 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to the Clerk of the Peace for procuring the printing of the Rules of the Servants Wages, etc
a75 - Appeal by the inhabitants of the parish of Peterborough against a warrant for the removing of Mary Hetherington from the parish of Elm in the Isle of Ely to Peterborough and also against another warrant for the removal of Ann Wallis, spinster from the parish of March in the Isl of Ely to Peterborough Referred to the Opinion of Sir John Fortescue of the Court of the King's Bench over whether this case ought to be dealt with by the Quarter Sessions for the County of Cambridge or those for the Isle of Ely.
a76 - Appeal by John Fielding of Swaston against judgement that he was the father of a female bastard born of Anne Chume of Hildersham. Appeal upheld
a77 - Appeal by inhabitants of the parish of Cottenham against a warrant for thre removal of Mathew Fabraham from the parish of Cherry Hinton to that of Trumpington. Warrant quashed.
a78 - Appeal by Jonathon Dickinson of Chesterton (husbandman) against a warrant for the removing of Elias Blunt from Girton to Chesterton to be delivered to his Master Jonathon Dickinson until 'he shall have accomplished his services according to his Hiring'. Warrant set aside.
a79 - Order for the County Treasurer to pay the Keeper of the Gaol for expenses incurring by his providing for Thomas Crane a lunatic and for four prisoners with small pox
a80 - Appeal by the inhabitants of All Saints, Cambridge against a warrant for the removing of Isabel Bently (widow) with William Bently, her son (7 years), Edward Bently, her son (6 years) and Isabel, her daughter (c13 years) from the parish of St Andrews the Great, Cambridge to that of All Saints. Warrant quashed.
a81 - Appeal by the inhabitants of Impington against a warrant for the removing of Elias Blunt from the parish of Chesterton to that of Impington. Held over to next Sessions.
a82 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of St Michaels, Cambridge against a warrant for the removing of Alice, the wife of William Abblestone with their daughter Ann from the parish of St Marys to that of St Michaels. Warrant quashed.
a83 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of Impington against a warrant for the removing of Elias Blunt from Chesterton to Impington
a84 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of St Andrew the Great against a warrant for the removing of Henry Hosier and Hester his wife from the parish of Holy Trinity to that of St Andrew the Great. Held over to next session.
a85 - Order that no Bills for the Relief of Vagrants or Beggars are to be allowed or signed by any JP, Chief Constable or Treasurer unless they are for the due conveying of vagrants according to the statute made and provided in that case.
a86 - Confirmation of warrant for removing of Henry Hosier and his wife from Holy Trinity, Cambridge to St Andrew the Great
a87 - Order for the County Treasurer to make payment to the Clerk of the Peace for his printing the Rates of Servants wages etc
a88 - Appeal by St Sepulchre's against warrant for thre removing of John Potter with his wife Mary and 2 children from parish of All Saints to that of St Sepulchre's. Warrant quashed.
a89 - Appeal of St Clement's against warrant for the removing of Jonathon Haylord and Frances his wife and Jonathon their son from parish of Streatham to that of St Clement's. Referred to opinion of King's Bench. Question, whether this ought to be dealt with by Quarter Sessions at Cambridge or Ely.
a90 - Appeal of the parish of Stapleford against warrant for removing of Elizabeth Creeke (singlewoman) from parish of St Vigor's in Fulbourn to Stapleford. Held over to next sessions.
a91 - Appeal by Litlington against warrant for removal of Francis Warboyes and wife and family from Guilden Morden to Litlington. Held over to next sessions.
a92 - Appeal by Croxton against warrant for removing of William Script and his wife Mary from parish of Little St Mary's to Croxton. Warrant quashed.
a93 - Appeal by Litlington, warrant confirmed for Francis Warboyes, but appeal upheld for his wife and family
a94 - Appeal by Stapleford, warrant confirmed.
a95 - Order for County Treasurer for payment to Clerk of Peace for transcribing and distributing leaflets concerning an order relating to vagrants
a96 - Appeal by parish of Holy Trinity against a warrant for removing of William Marhsall, wife Elizabeth and son William from parish of St Michaels to that of Holy Trinity. Warrant quashed.
a97 - Order that John Mayhew of Fulbourn be installed as one of Chief Constables of the Hundred of Flendish in place of John Hancock who resigned his office.
a98 - Appeal by Abington against a warrant for removing of James Kimmons and his wife from Great Shelford to Abington. Warrant confirmed.
a99 - Appeal by Springfield, Essex, against a warrant for removing of John Browne and June his wife from Linton to Springfield. Warrant quashed.
a100 - Order that accounts of Treasurer, Geoffrey Wale be inspected
a101 - Order that County Treasurer pays Clerk of Peace for his printing Rules for servants wages etc
a102 - Appeal by Kneesworth agaist warrant for removing of Samuel Kefford and his wife, Mary from Whaddon to Kneesworth. Held over to next sessions. Kneesworth to contribute to costs of Whaddon.
a103 - Appeal by Glemsford, Suffolk against a warrant for the removing of William Oaste and Mary his wife from Wooditton to Glemsford. Held over to next sessions.
a104 - Appeal by John Green of Histon against judgement that he was the father of a female bastard child born to Mary Gray and chargeable to the parish. Appeal disallowed.
a105 - Appeal by Kneesworth, warrant confirmed.
a106 - Appeal by Kirtling agaist a warrant for the removing of Anne, Elizabeth and Jane Goodey, daughters of John and Mary Goodey from Ashley to Kirtling. Warrant confirmed.
a107 - Appeal by Haddenham in Isle of Ely against warrant for removal of Thomas Hunt and his wife Susanna from Cottenham to Haddenham. Warrant confirmed.
a108 - Appeal by Haddenham against warrant for removal of Paradice (Ibid) Hint daughgter of above from Cottenham. Held over to next sessions.
a109 - Adjournment at Black Bear. Order that James Johnson, Dr of Law, is to be elected as one of the 'Conservators' for the preservation of the River Cam in place of James Thompson, Esq, who voluntarily resigned.
a110 - The Account of Gregory Wale, Esq, treasurer for the militia from November 1715
a111 - The accounts of Gregory Walw, Esq, County Treasurer
a112 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Clerk of Peace of 3 pounds yearly for making warrants to Chief Constables of County to return list of names and addresses of the Freeholders qualified to be Jurymen and entering the same in a book for that purpose and making a copy for the Sheriff.
a113 - Appeal by Glemsford, Suffolk against warrant for removing of William Oaste and Mary his wife from Wooditton to Glemsford. Warrant confirmed.
a114 - Appeal by parish of St Benedict against warrant for removing of William Marrett and his wife Elizabeth from the parish of St Sepulchre's to that of St Benedict's, Cambridge. Held over to next Session.
a115 - Appeal by Haddenham against warrant for removal of Susanna and Paradice Hunt held over to next Sessions.
a116 - Appeal by parish of Bourne against warrant ordering churchwardens and overseers of parish to provide for Rose, the wife of William Pye and to pay expenses of her William who approved on her behalf. Warrant confirmed.
a117 - Order that Sir Francis Whithcote replace his father (deceased) Sir Paul Whithcote as one of the 'Conservators' for the preservation of the river Cam
a118 - Order that William Eversden, Esq, replace Anthony Thompson (deceased) as one of the 'Conservators' for the presentation of the river Cam
a119 - Order that 3 small aditional arches be made under the Footway in the hollow near the County Bridge at Hauxton Mills. Charges to be paid by County Treasurer
a120 - Appeal by St Benedict (see above), warrant quashed and St Benedict ordered to produce an Indenture of Apprenticeship relating to case for the parish of St Sepulchre
a121 - Appeal by parish of St Neots, Hunts against warrant for removal of William Pye and Rose his wife from Bourne to St Neots. Warrant confirmed.
a122 - Appeal by parish of Ely Trinity against warrant for removal of Frances Cheavly (singlewoman) from Soham to Ely Trinity. Warrant confirmed.
a123 - Order for inspection of accounts relating to the preservation of the River Cam
a124 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to the Clerk of the Peace for procuring priting rates for servants wages etc
a125 - Appeal by parish of Stevenage, Herts against warrant for removal of John Glazebrook and his wife Mary from Arrington to Stevenage. Warrant quashed. Parish of Arrington to contribute to cost of Stevenage
a126 - Appeal by parish of St Ives, Hunts against warrant for removal of Francis Proffit from parish of ST Botolph, Cambridge to St Ives. Held over to next session.
a127 - Appeal by parish of Stotfold, Beds against warrant for removal of James Burton and his wife from parish of Meldreth to Stotfold. Referred to 1 of this Majesty's Justices at the next Assizes.
a128 - Order for payment by Gregory Wale, County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for transcribing and distributing letters from Privy Council to the Earls of Orfords amon JPs of Cambs
a129 - Order for Thomas Battle of Fulbourn to replace John Hancock (voluntarily resigned office) as one of the Chief Constables for Flendish Hundred
a130 - Appeal by parish of Stetchworth against order for removal of William Richardson and Elizabeth his wife from Wicken to Stetchworth. Held over to next Session.
a131 - Appeal by parish of Mildenhall against order for removal of John Santroft from Isleham to Mildenhall. Warrant confirmed.
a132 - Appeal by parish of St Giles, Cambridge against warrant for removal of James Bransforth, Phebe his wife and Jmaes, John and Elizabeth their sons and daughter from parish of Great St Mary's to St Giles. Warrant quashed.
a133 - Appeal by parish of Coton against warrant for removal of John Hudson and Sarah his wife with Mary Hudson their daughter from parish of Great St Marys, Cambridge to Coton. Warrant confirmed.
a134 - Appeal by St Ives, Hunts against warrant for removal of Francis Proffit (see above). Warrant quashed.
a135 - Appeal by Stetchworth against order for removal of William Richardson and wife. Order confirmed.
a136 - Indenture of 4th October 1722 between the Trustees fro putting in execution an Act of Queen Anne for the 'More Effectual Repairing etc of the highways leading from Royston, Herts to Wandersford Bridge, Hunts and Edward Nighingale of Kneesworth concerning the Turnpikes and Tolls on this road
a137 - Appeal by parish of Ashley against a warrant for the removal of Christopher Poulter, son Christopher and Hanna Ann and Elizabeth his daughters from Kirtling to Ashley. Warrant confirmed as regards father and appeals upheld on behalf of son and daughters.
a138 - Appeal by parish of St Andrew's the Great, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of John Faircloth, Ann his wife and John their son from Parish of All Saint's to St Andrew's the Great. Warrant confirmed.
a139 - Appeal by parish of Whaddon against warrant whereby they are required to provide for John Hanscombe and his family by finding him work and a home. Warrant quashed.
a140 - Appeal by parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of Charles Roper, his wife Elizabeth and their sons and daughter Charles, Richard, Thomas and Elizabeth from Great St Mary's parish to Holy Trinity. Warrant confirmed.
a141 - Appeal by parish of St Andrew's Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of James Bransford etc (see before. Warrant quashed unless parish of St Sepulchres can produce a certificate from the Stamp Office that the King's Duty was paid pursuant to a late Act of Paliament.
a142 - Confirmation of quashing of order concerning the above case.
a143 - Order for inspection of the accounts of Grregory Wale Esq as Treasurer of the Militia.
a144 - Order for the inspection of the accounts concerning the River Cam
a145 - Order for payment of County Treasurer to Clerk of the Peace for procuring printing of Servants wages, rates etc
a146 - Order for removal of Thomas Woodham as Petty Constable of Croydon cum Clapton and his replacement by Robert Hulben
a147 - Appeal by inhabitants of Bassingbourn against warrant for removal of Dinah Sulton wife of John from Guilden Morden of Bassingbourn. Warrant quashed.
a148 - Appeal by parish of Great St Mary's against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Gumm (spinster) from St Giles' parish to Great St Mary's. Warrant confirmed
a149 - Appeal by parish of St Peter's, Cambridge against a warrant for removal of John Turner and Judith his wife from parish of St Sepulchre's to St Peter's. Warrant quashed
a150 - Accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, Treasurer of the Militia for Cambs
a151 - Adjournment at the Rose, Cambridge. Order that William Drage, gent, be elected 1 of Chief Constables of Hundred of Staploe in place of William Anderson.
a152 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for this trouble concerning the Land Tax to be levied on the Estates of Baptists.
a153 - Appeal by parish of St Giles, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Judith Turner (widow) from St Sepulchre's to St Giles. Warrant confirmed.
a154 - Appeal by parish of St Botolph's, Cambridge against warrant for removal of William Gibbing (a tailor) and his wife Elizabeth and their children Hugh, William, Thomas, John and Elizabeth from Horningsea to St Botolph's. Warrant quashed
a155 - Appeal by parish of Great St Mary's. Cambridge against warrant for removal of Charles Beaumont from Little Gransden to Great St Mary's parish. Warrant confirmed.
a156 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to John Rule, petty constable of West Wickham for expenses incurred in an accident that happened to an unknown person found strangled and tied to the 'Baree of a Grove' called the Raile Groves in West Wickham next to the common road.
a157 - Appeal by James Incarsole of Bishop Stortford, Herts against an order whereby he was adjudged the father of a male bastard child born of Mary Willis in Great Abington and to pay towards his maintenance. Held over to next session.
a158 - Appeal by parish of Great Eversden against warrant for removal of John Hunt, Elizabeth his wife and James their son from parish of St Benedict, Cambridge to Great Eversden. Warrant quashed and costs of Great Eversden in part destroyed.
a159 - Appeal by parish of St Andrew's Barnwell, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Johh Culliver and his wife Ann from Holy Trinity parish to St Andrew's Barnwell. Referred to Justice at next Assizes.
a160 - Appeal by parish of Stansfield, Suffolk against a warrant for the removal of Mary Coppin (widow) from parish of St Botolph's, Cambridge to Stansfield. Warrant quashed.
a161 - Appeal by parish of Flitwick in Beds against warrant for removal of George Carter and Ann his wife with Mary their child from Gamlingay to Flitwick.
a162 - Appeal by parish of Little St Andrew's Barnwell against a warrant for removal of John Brutris (?) and Anne his wife from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to Little St Andrew's Barnwell. Warrant confirmed
a163 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for his procuring the printing of Rates for Servants wages etc
a164 - Order that Francis Pemberton, Esq, be elected one of the 'Conservators' for the River Cam in place of Sir Francis Whithcote who is to be discharged.
a165 - Order for audit of the accounts concerning the River Cam
a166 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to Mr Cornelius Crownfield, Printer of the University of Cambridge for the 'Two last volumes of the Statutes'
a167 - Appeal of James Incarsole of Bishops Stortford, Hunts, against order whereby he was adjudged father of male bastard child (see above). Appeal allowed.
a168 - Order that John Preston of parish of St Clements, Cambridge to be appointed
a169 - Bricklayer for repairing the Shire House and Castle of Cambridge in place of William Preston, his late father (deceased)
a170 - Appeal by parish of Stotfold, Beds against warrant for removal of James Burton etc (see above). Warrant confirmed
a171 - Appeal by William Pepper (Maltster) of Chippenham against judgement that he forfeited a sum of money because he 'did force together two several parcels of corn steeping or steeping (?) in the Cistern in order that the making thereof into malt whereby the swelling of such corn was prevented Judgement reversed.
a172 - Appeal by parish of Elmdon, Essex against warrant for the removal of William Kidd and his wife Elizabeth from Abbington Clay to Elmdon. Warrant quashed.
a173 - Order that dwelling house of Samuel Porter in Croydon cum Clapton may be used as a Meeting House for Protestant Dissenters.
a174 - Appeal by parish of St Sepulchre's, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of James Brailsford, Phebe his wife, Elizabeth their daughter and John their son from the parish of St Andrew's the Great, Cambridge to St Sepulchre's. Warrant confirmed.
a175 - Order that appeal of parish of Chippenham against warrant for the removal of James Brailsford, Phebe his wife, Elizabeth their daughter and John their son from the parish of St Andrew's the Great, Cambridge to St Sepulchre's. Warrant confirmed+B175
a176 - Confirmation of warrant ordering churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Soham to seize as much of the goods and chattels and receive as much of the annual rents and profits of Richard Horsely as amount to one pound and eleven shillings for the discharge of the parish and five pounds per year for the maintenance of his bastard child.
a177 - Appeal by parish of Rougham, Norfolk against warrant for removal of Thomas Fyson from Chippenham to Rondham. Warrant quashed. Chippenham to pay part of costs of Roundham.
a178 - Appeal by parish of Ashwell, Herts against warrant for removal of Matthew Munds from Tadlow to Ashwell. Warrant confirmed.
a179 - Appeal by parish of Chippenham (See above). Warrant quashed.
a180 - Appeal by parish of Toft against warrant for removal of Robert Adams and Francis his wife from Bassingbourn to Toft. Warrant quashed.
a181 - Appeal by parish of Hatley St George against warrant for removal of Henry Hurt Junior from Gamlingay to Hatley St George. Warrant confirmed.
a182 - Order that William Bass pays to John Cook his servant his wages from Michealmas 1723 to Michaelmas last.
a183 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Richard Hudson Undersheriff for expenses incurred in executing sentence against Thomas Smith and his wife and Francis Deal being 'indicted and convicted for Cheats'
a184 - Order that appeal by the parish of Ousden, Suffolk against a warrant for the removal of Henry Abbott, his wife Mary and daughter Mary from Wimpole to Ousden be held over to next Session.
a185 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of Rates of Servants, Wages etc
a186 - Appeal by parish of Haslingfield against warrant for the removal of Robert Adams and his wife from Bassingbourn to Haslingfield. Warrant confirmed.
a187 - Appeal by parish of Ashdon, Essex against warrant for removal of John Rollison and his wife Elizabeth from West Wickham to Ashdon. Warrant confirmed.
a188 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to the Ordinary of the Gaol
a189 - Order for payment by the County Treasurer to Mr Mason, a surgeon for curing Thomas Chapman a prisoner in the Gaol.
a190 - Order for appeal by parish of Samford Parva [Little Sampford], Essex againt warrant for removal of Elizabeth the wife of John Flindell and John and Mary he children of the said John Flindell from Kneesworth to Samford Parva to be held over to next session.
a191 - Appeal by parish of Ousden, Suffolk against warrant for removal of Henry Abbott etc (see above). Warrant confirmed as relates to Henry Abbott and his wife and quashed as relates to the daughter (by a former husband).
a192 - Appeal by parish of Saffron Walden, Essex against warrant for removal of Susan Fletcher and her child Mary from Sawston to Saffron Walden. Warrant confirmed as relates to Susan Fletcher and quashed as regard her child.
a193 - Appeal by parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Edmundson (singlewoman) from parish of St Sepulchre's to that of Holy Trinity. Warrant quashed.
a194 - Order for audit of accounts relating to River Cam
a195 - Appeal by Philip Beaumont of Foxton against his adjournment as father of a female bastard child born of Anne Merry of Whaddon in Melbourn (Meldreth is named in margin). Held over to next Sessions.
a196 - Appeal by parish of Swaffham Bulbeck against warrant for removal of Gilson, Richard, Thomas and Honour children of Thomas Reeve (deceased) from Bottisham to Swaffham Bulback. Warrant as relates to Gilson, Richard and Thomas confirmed and as regards Honour quashed.
a197 - Appeal by parish of Saffron Walden, Essex against warrant for removal of Susan Fletcher etc (see above). Warrant confirmed.
a198 - Order for John Blackwell the elder to pay a sum to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Granchester towards the relief and maintenance of John Blackwell his son, his wife and children so long as they continue to be chargeable to the parish.
a199 - Appeal of parish of Castle Camps against warrant for removal of Richard Challis from Burwell to Castle Camps to be held over to next sessions.
a200 - Order for audit of County Treasurer's Accounts.
a201 - Appeal by Philip Beaumont of Foxton against judgement that he was father of female bastard child (see above) to be held over to next Sessions against when Minister of the Fleet Prison who married Anne Merry is to be produced as a witness to prove the marriage and parish of Whaddon is to be available to prove any former marriage.
a202 - Appeal of parish of Castle Camps against warrant for removal of Richard Challis (see above). Warrant quashed.
a203 - Appeal of parish of West Colville against warrant for removal of William Shildrick, his wife and William their son from Curleton to Weston Colville. Order confirmed.
a204 - Appeal of parish of Great St Mary's, Cambridge against warrant for removal of John Bullivant and his wife Elizabeth, Mary and Susan their children from St Giles to Great St Marys. Warrant quashed.
a205 - Order for audit of accounts of County Treasurer.
a206 - Complaint of churchwardens and overseers of poor of parish of St Giles, Cambridge against appeal of parish of St Peters against warrant for removal of Richard Ripshaw and his wife Ann from St Giles to St Peters. Warrant confirmed.
a207 - Confirmation of order for removal of Martha Garling (spinster) from parish of St Giles, Cambridge to Burrowgreen.
a208 - Confirmation of order for removal of Jeffrey Flokes and Katherine his wife from parish of sty Giles, Cambridge to Kingston.
a209 - Appeal of parish of Great St Mary's, Cambridge against removal of Susanna the wife of Samuel Page and James their son from parish of St Andrew Barnwell, Cambridge to Great St Marys to held over to ext sessions.
a210 - Appeal by parish of Papworth against warrant for removal of Francis Pryor and his wife Elizabeth from parish of Thriplow to Papworth. Warrant quashed.
a211 - Appeal of Simon Parchue against warrant for removal of Francis Pryor and his wife Elizabeth from parish of Thriplow to Papworth. Warrant quashed.
a212 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Keeper of Gaol for expenses incurred in the relief of William Tilbrook, prisoner.
a213 - Order for John Cole, indicted and convicted of Petty Larceny, to be whipped at the Market Cross between eleven and noon and then be discharged.
a214 - Order for John Rilieght, Robert Davis, John Brand, James Smith and John White being indicted and convicted for wandering and begging with a false be whipped next Market Day at Cambridge Market Cross as above.
a215 - Order for James Low, committed to Gaol for vagrancy, to be removed to his place of last legal settlement.
a216 - Account of Gregory Wale, County Treasurer
a217 - Order for Joseph Chapman of Kirtling to be elected Chief Constable of Hundred of Cheveley in place of Geoffrey Balls Percival who has moved from county.
a218 - Order for discharge of John Collet from office as Chief Constable of Hundred of Papworth and replacement by John Pierson.
a219 - Order for salary to be paid to the Ordinary of the County Gaol
a220 - Confirmation of the accounts of the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of Soham concerning the seizing of the goods and profits of the estate of Richard Horsely for maintenance of his bastard child.
a221 - Confirmation of warrant allowing churchwardens and overseers of poor of Fordham to seize the goods and chattels of Simon Holmes (deceased) for the maintaining of his four small children chargeable to the parish.
a222 - Appeal of parish of Arrington against warrant for removal of John Rimes and Sarah his wife from parish of Wendy to Arrington to be held over to next Sessions.
a223 - Appeal of parish of Houghton, Hunts against warrant for removal of Benhamine Adleim and Elizabeth his wife from parish of Bourne to Houghton to be held over to next Sessions. Bourne to pay towards costs of Houghton.
a224 - Appeal by parish of Great St Mary's Cambridge against warrant for removal of Susanna wife of Samuel Page etc (see above). Warrant quashed.
a225 - Appeal by parish of Papworth St Agnes against warrant for removal of Francis Pryor (see above) etc. Warrnat quashed.
a226 - Appeal by parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge against warrant for removal of John Jolly and his wife Anne from St Benedict's to Holy Trinity. Warrant confirmed.
a227 - Appeal by parish of Stretham, Isle of Ely against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Hewel (spinster) from Cottenham to Stretham held over to next Sessions.
a228 - Appeal by parish of Litlington against warrant for removal of Henry Sells and his wife Ann from Bassingbourn to Litlington. Warrant quashed.
a229 - Appeal by parish of Guilden Morden against warrant for removal of James Harradine (?) and Elizabeth his wife from parish of St Andrew's Cambridge to Guilden Morden. Warrant quashed.
a230 - Order for inspection of accounts relating to River Cam
a231 - Order for payment by Gregory Wale, County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of servants wages etc.
a232 - Order that Mr Pateman Sumpter be elected one of Chief Constables of Hundred of Chesterton in place of Mr Jonathon Johnson.
a233 - Confirmation of consent allowing William Thurlow of Little Eversden, having obtained consent of Master and Fellows of Queen's College, Cambridge in hands of Manor of great and Little Eversden, to set up a cottage on the waste lands-he being a poor personage.
a234 - Appeal of parish of Houghton, Hunts against warrant for removal of Benjamin Adkins, etc (see previous page). Warrant quashed. Bourne to pay costs of Houghton.
a235 - Appeal by parish of Foxton against warrant for removal of Abel Sadler and Elizabeth his wife from Lidlington to Foxton. Warrant confirmed.
a236 - Appeal by parish of Boxworth against warrant for removal of Francis Pryor and Elizabeth his wife from Thriplow to Boxworth. Warrant confirmed.
a237 - Appeal by parish of Arrington against warrant for removal of John Rimes, etc (See above). Warrant confirmed.
a238 - Appeal by parish of St. Michael's, Longstanton against warrant for removal of Jonathon Criswell and his wife Elizabeth from Oakington to sty Michael's, Longstanton. Warrant quashed.
a239 - Appeal by parish of Great St Mary's, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Henry Compton from parish of St Michael's, Cambridge to Great St Mary's. Warrant quashed.
a240 - Order for assessment to be levied for reimbursing the Surveyors of parish of Willingham for any money they sall lay out on repairing Highways, Causeways and Bridges of that parish.
a241 - Order for Joseph Kettle of Cambridge and William Cole, Innkeeper of Little Abington to be appointed to survey the highways (directed to be mended by an Act of Parliament) between Stump Cross in parish of Chesterford, Essex to Newmarket Heath and Cambridge and to enquire about the rolls and duties-any abuses, etc to be reported to the JPs at the next Quarter Sessions.
a242 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Catherine Jones with Mary and Ann her daughters and William her son from parish of Haslingfield to Toft.
a243 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of John Hunt and his wife Elizabeth and their sons James and William from parish of St Benedict to Hinton.
a244 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Mary Heifer from parish of ST Giles to parish of Little Wilbraham.
a245 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Robert Harvard, Judith his wife and Robert, Thomas, Dorothy, Judith and Samuel this children from Soham to parish of Ely Trinity, Isle of Ely.
a246 - Appeal by parish of Wilburton, Isle of Ely against warrant for removal of Elizaeth Leech (widow) from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to parish of Wilburton. Warrant quashed.
a247 - Appeal by parish of Swavesey against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Downham from Over to Swavesey. Warrant quashed and Over to pay towards costs of Swavesey.
a248 - Discharge of John Smith from an apprenticeship with William Wish, Merchant Tailor, who has absconded from Cambridge
a249 - Appeal by parish of Chesterton against warrant for removing of William Cross and his wife Catherine from parish of Lolworth to Chesterton. Warrant quashed.
a250 - Appeal by Edward Hancock of Teversham against a rate made by churchwardens and overseers of the poor to be held over to next 'adjournment' of sessions.
a251 - Order for table of fees belonging to Clerk of Peace to be bought to the JPs at the next Sessions.
a252 - Order for John Revell to be elected Chief Constable for Hundred of Armingford
a253 - Calendar Thomas Hanlon-indicted for Petty Larceny and the Bull ground Ignoramus-to be discharged.
a254 - Francis Huck to be retained in Gaol until he gives security to the parish for Swaffham Bulbeck for the maintenance of a bastard child born of Barbara Cuttle. He is to pay his fees when discharged.
a255 - Appeal by Edward Hancock of Teversham against overcharging of Poor Rate (see above). Appeal quashed.
a256 - Appeal by parish of Mopall, Isle of Ely against warrant for removing Robert Butler and Sarah his wife and their children Robert and Elizabeth from Sutton to Mopall. Appeal upheld.
a257 - Appeal by parish of Hodson, Herts against warrant for removal of Frances Browne from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to Hodson (Hoddiston?). Warrant quashed. Holy Trinity to contribute to costs of Hodson.
a258 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Mary Cross (Spinster) from parish of St Benedicts, Cambridge to Ely Trinity, Isle of Ely.
a259 - Appeal by parish of Wicken against warrant for removal of John Green (an infant) from Horningsea to Wicken. Warrant quashed.
a260 - Joseph Kettle and William Cole - appointed surveyors of roads from Stump Cross to Newmarket Heath an Cambridge-to report to Trustees for the said highway at their next meeting at the Rose in order to make an account of tolls, duties, etc and how they have been applied and to report to next Quarter Sessions.
a261 - Appeal by parish of Bassingbourn against warrant for removal of Mary Newman (singlewoman) from Meldreth to Bassingbourn. Warrant quashed. Meldreth to pay costs of Bassingbourn.
a262 - Appeal by Burrough Green against warrant for removal of Thomas Crick and his wife Mary from West Wratting to Burrough Green. Warrant quashed.
a263 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for his procuring the printing of Rates for Servants wages etc
a264 - Order for election of Mr Lambert Bell as one of Chief Constables of Hundred of Staine in place of Henry Muggleton (deceased)
a265 - Calendar Alice Martin to remain in Gaol until finds sureties for good behaviour.
a266 - Calendar William Blunt having been committed as a disorderly person is to be whipped and then discharged-paying his fees
a267 - Calendar William Parelett to remain in Gaol until finds sureties for good behaviour.
a268 - Calendar Richard Hunt to remain in Gaol until finds sureties for good behaviour.
a269 - Calendar Daniel Gill to be removed by Vagrant Bus to St Album, Hunts as place of last legal settlement.
a270 - Order for discharge of William Ivatt Junior as one of Chief Constables of Hundred of Chesterton and William Ivatt Senior be elected in his place.
a271 - Appeal by parish of Madingley against warrant for removal of Michael Ireland and Ellen his wife from Conington to Madingley. Warrant confirmed.
a272 - Confirmation of judgement that Thomas Peck of Cottenham was father of female child born in Swavesey of Elizabeth, wife of Edward Johnson who has been absent for 13 years.
a273 - Appeal of parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Joseph King and Mary his wife from parish of St Michaels to St Botolphs to be held over to next Session.
a274 - Order that Thomas Clark pay James Fornby, his servant, his wages due from Midsummer's Day to Michaelmas last.
a275 - Indictment against Master and Fellows of Queen's College, Cambridge and Mayor Bailiffs and Burgesses of Cambridge for not repairing King's Highways. Order that they ought to repair them and that Act of King Henry VIII for repairing and paving Cambridge ought to be given in evidence at the trial of this case.
a276 - Appeal by parish of All Saints, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Slagg (spinster) from parish of St Sepulchres to All Saints to be held over to next Sessions. St Sepulchres to pay costs of All Saints to be held over to next Sessions. St Sepulchres to pay costs of All Saints and parish books of both parishes be produced to be pursued by the churchwardens and Solicitors on both sides.
a277 - Appeal of parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Joseph King etc (see above). Warrant confirmed.
a278 - Order for meeting of Trustees for South Divisions of North Rods leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts on 17th October 1727 at Crown Inn, Caxton to take the Accounts.
a279 - Calendar, William Burton held on gaol for running away from family to be discharged.
a280 - Appeal by parish of Horseheath against warrant for removal of Thomas Purcas, Mary his wife and children Mary, Elizabeth and Letitia from Linton to Horseheath. Warrant confirmed.
a281 - Appeal by parish of All Saints, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Slagg (see above). Held over to next Sessions.
a282 - Accounts of trustees for South Division of North Roads leading from Royston, Hert sto Wansford Bridge, Hunts.
a283 - Confirmation of order for removal of Elizabeth Breach from Madingley to Hampton
a284 - Order for inspection of accounts relating to River Cam
a285 - Accounts of County Treasurer
a286 - Order for removal of James Fouljam from parish of St Benedicts, Cambridge to Great St Mary's quashed.
a287 - Confirmation of order for removal of Daryluis (ibid.) Spurgyn (widow) from Barnwell to Horningsea.
a288 - Confirmation of order to removal of Jonathon Munings from parish of Gransden to Merston Morton, Beds
a289 - Appeal of James Brand of Trumpington against Rate made by overseers of the poor of Trumpington. Appeal quashed.
a290 - Appeal of parish of St Andrew's the Great, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Hannah Squires from All Saints to St Andrews to be held over to next Sessions.
a291 - Order for JPs (Edward Bassett, Edward Nightingale, Joseph Kettle, Gregory Wale and William Eversden) to meet and consult on ways for the better conveying and passing of vagrants and report on this at next Sessions.
a292 - Order for payment by County Treasurer against warrant to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of Rules of Servants' wages etc
a293 - Appeal of parish of Cherryhinton against warrant for removal of Elizabeth, wife of William Jaggard from Fenditton to Cherryhinton. Warrant confirmed.
a294 - Appeal by parish of St Gregory, City of London against warrant for removal of Jane Staff from Hinton to St Gregory's. Appeal allowed.
a295 - Calendar John Reeve - a vagrant in House of Correction - to be whipped and sent to place of last legal settlement.
a296 - Martha Thimbleby-charged with having a bastard child and in House of Correction to be retained in custody to next 'adjournment' of his Session
a297 - Mary Day-in custody at Gaol charge with stealing the 'Park Pailes' of Sir John Cotton at Landwade-to be discharged.
a298 - Richard Hunt-indicted and convicted for Assault and Battery on Edward Wisby and fined-to be discharged.
a299 - Mary Gooding-committed to House of Correction for not putting herself to service-to be discharged and put into service within 30 days.
a300 - Sarah Gooding-committed as above-to be discharged as she has placed herself in service.
a301 - Allick Martin-in custody at Gaol and charged for assaulting John Toots-discharged as indictment against him being found ignoramus.
a302 - Moses Crable-committed to Gaol and charged with getting a bastard child-to be discharged when finds security for his good behaviour and to pay his fees.
a303 - Mary Patrik-vagrant in House of Correction-to be sent by pass to Black Barnsly within the parish of Libston, Yorks as place of her birth and last legal settlement.
a304 - Inquisition 'ad quid Damnum'-12th April 1723
a305 - Concerning concession to University of Cambridge of land, etc, within Cambridge City
a306 - Order for Thomas Asplan to be elected Chief Constable for Hundred of Staplow in place of William Drage
a307 - Order for William Purkis to be elected a Chief Constable for the Hundred of Chilfords in place of Henry Jolson (deceased)
a308 - Order for William Johnson, gent to be elected a Chief Constable for Hundred of North Stow in place of John Penny, gent (deceased)
a309 - Appeal by town of Colchester, Essex against warrant for removal of ELIzabeth Foster and her son from Newmarket to Colchester to be held over to the next Sessions. Parish of Newmarket when to produce the original order made for removal.
a310 - Appeal by parish of St Andrews the Great, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Hannah Squires etc (see Easter 1728). Warrant confirmed.
a311 - Confirmation of order for removal of Jane Thriplow from parish of Great St Marys, Cambridge to town of Godmanchester, Hunts
a312 - Confirmation of order for removal of Butterus Allen also Hirk from parish of St Benedict, Cambridge to that of St Michaels.
a313 - Appeal by parish of St Andrews, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Martha Tall (window) from parish of Great St Mary to that of St Andrews Warrant confirmed.
a314 - Appeal by parish of St Michaels, Cambridge against warrant for removal of William Hart and Margaret his wife from parish of St Edwards, Cambridge to Fulbourn. Warrant quashed.
a315 - Appeal by parish of Fulbourn against warrant for removal of William Ginalls from parish of Milton to Chesterton. Appeal allowed.
a316 - Order for appeal by parish of Swaffham Bulbeck against warrant for removal of Timothy Loader from Dullingham to Swaffham Bulbeck to be held over to next Sessions and for Dullingham to pay costs of Swaffham Bulbeck
a317 - Representations by JPs who met to consult on ways for the better conveying and passing of vagrants
a318 - Appeal by inhabitants of Walpole against warrant for removal of Jane Davis also Brooke with her child from Burwell to Walpole. Appeal allowed.
a319 - Order for Edward Nightingale to be elected a 'Conservator' of the River Cam in place of Dr Johnson (deceased)
a320 - Order for appeal by parish of Swaffham Bulbeck against warrant for removal of Timothy Loader (see above)-appeal allowed.
a321 - Orders on the conveying and passing of vagrants-7 items
a322 - Order for meeting for South Division of North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts to be held on 21st October at Crown Inn, Caxton and to take the Accounts.
a323 - Order that Francis Pemberton, Esq, to removed as 'Conservator' of the River Cam in this County and Joseph Kettle be elected in his place.
a324 - Order for Rev Mr Augustine Wade to be appointed Ordinary of Gaol of this county and be paid eight pounds a year.
a325 - Appeal by parish of Cottenham against warrant for removal of John Lamb, his wife Elizabeth, Anne their 12 month old child from parish of St Andrews the Great, Cambridge to Cottenham. Held over to next Sessions. St Andrews to pay costs of Cottenham.
a326 - Richard Harvard of Impington-committed to House of Correction and charged with running away from his family-ordered to be discharged.
a327 - Sarah, wife of John Williamson-indicted and convicted of petty larceny-ordered to be whipped and churchwardens paying his fees.
a328 - Anne Wright (widow) and Martha Fabin also Stockbridge-indicted and convicted for petty larceny ordered to be whipped next Saturday at Market Cross in Cambridge between twelve and one o clock and discharged paying their fees.
a329 - Order for Francis Stinton and Richard Stinton of Horseheath to be appointed searchers into Earth Clay, Bricks and Pantiles etc
a330 - Appeal by parish of Little Shelford against order for removal of Mabell Frost and her children William (c 11 years) and Mabell (c 5 years) from Pampisford to Little Shelford to be held over to next Sessions.
a331 - Appeal by parish of Cottenham against warrant for removal of John Lamb etc, (see above). Warrant confirmed.
a332 - Appeal by parish of Wilburton, Isle of Ely against warrant for removal of Thomas Cumbers from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to Wilburton. Order quashed.
a333 - Appeal by parish of Meldreth against warrant for removal of Margaret Bonnit from parish of Whaddon to parish of Meldreth be held over the next Sessions.
a334 - Appeal by parish of Burwell against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Smith with her children George, John and Charles from Wooditton to Burwell to be held over to next Sessions. Wooditton to pay costs of Burwell.
a335 - Confirmation of order for removal of John Tilbrook from parish of Thriplow to parish of Harlston.
a336 - Confirmation of order for removal of Thomazin Pritchard alias Hoode from parish of St Mary the Great to parish of St Edwards, Cambridge
a337 - Thomas Clayton-committed to Gaol of this county and charged with suspicion of Felony-ordered to be discharged
a338 - William Start-indicted and convicted for petty larceny-ordered to be whipped next Saturday at Market Cross in Cambridge between hours of 11 and 1 o clock and to be retained in Gaol to next Assizes because he threatened to murder one of witnesses against him.
a339 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Esq-Treasurer for part of the North Roads lying in the South Division, Cambs
a340 - Inquisition 'ad quid Darnnum'- 4th December 1728
a341 - Concession of land to John Hind Cotton, Baronet in the parish of Maddingley
a342 - Appeal by parish of Burwell against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Smith, etc (see above). Appeal allowed
a343 - Appeal by parish of Thriplow against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Clarke (spinster) from parish of Great St Mary's to Thriplow to beheld over to next sessions and Great St Mary's to pay Thriplow's costs.
a344 - Order for James Allen of Longstown (yeoman) to appear before the court next session to explain why he refuses to provide for William Allen of Little Gransden (his father).
a345 - Order for County Treasurer to make payment to Deputy Clerk of Peace for writing etc orders and reports relating to better conveying of vagrants.
a346 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Peter Garner, his wife Anne, his sons John and Thomas and daughter Anne from Melbourne to Ripton Regis, Hunts
a347 - Appeal by parish of Little Shelford against order for removal of Mabell Frost etc (see above). Order quashed.
a348 - Appeal by parish of Meldreth against warrant for removal of Margaret Bonnit (see above). Order confirmed.
a349 - Order for inspection of accounts of River Cam
a350 - Order for discharge of John Sams Junior from office of Chief Constbale of Hundred of Armingford
a351 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of Rates of Servants, Wages etc
a352 - Appeal by parish of St Andrews the Great, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Mary Ball and Elizabeth her daughter from the parish of St Benedict to parish of St Andrews Barnwell. Warrant confirmed.
a353 - Appeal by parish of St Andrews Barnwell, Cambridge against warrant for removal of female bastard child from St Andrews the Great to St Andrews Barnwell. Order confirmed.
a354 - John Walace-to be discharged from gaol for want of prosecution
a355 - Richard Hunt to continue to gaol until finds sufficient security for his appearance at next Quarter Sessions.
a356 - Sarah Hills-committed to gaol as disorderly person-to be discharged.
a357 - Appeal by inhabitants of St Sepulchre's, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Mary Avery-a female child of c.2 years-from parish of All Saints to that of St Sepulchres. Confirmation of order.
a358 - Appeal by parish of Thriplow against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Clarke (spinster) etc (See above). Appeal allowed. Parish of St Marys to pay costs of Thriplow.
a359 - Order for overseers of poor of Great Shelford to pay Anne Norfolk (widow) unable to work for her livelihood a weekly sum for her relief.
a360 - Thomas Billups, John Sheen, John Peachy, Martha Holmes, William Tilbrook, William Crosby and Edward Peachy-Insolvent Debtors-having confirmed themselves, to be discharged.
a361 - Order for fines on Longstanton and Oakington for not repairing the highways be made absolute.
a362 - Order for fine on Trumpington for not repairing the Highways to be put off to next Sessions.
a363 - Richard Hunt-prisoners in County Gaol-to be discharged for having given security for his good behaviour.
a364 - Order for John Allen, Thomas Prigg and Martin Hills-Insolvent Debtors-to be discharged
a365 - Order for fine on Trumpington for not repairing the Highways to be made absolute
a366 - Appeal by parish of Elsworth against warrant for removal of Thomas Winn, Mary his wife and Sarah their child from parish of Little St Mary's to Elsworth. Order quashed.
a367 - Appeal by parish of Elsworth against warrant for removal of John Winn from parish of Little St Mary's, Cambridge to Elsworth. Order quashed.
a368 - Appeal by parish of St Michael's. Coventry, Warks, against warrant for removal of Thomas Skegg from parish of St Botolph's to St Michael's. Held over to next Sessions. St Botolph's to pay costs of St Michaels.
a369 - Order for 2 JPs to inspect the decay of Arrington Bridge-a County Bridge-and make an Estimate of the Charges for the repairing of the bridge and report to next Sessions.
a370 - Order for Abdias Hall of Chesterton and William Essex of Cottenham to be fined for not appearing to serve upon the jury today.
a371 - Order for William Stacey, Junior, to be elected a Chief Constable of Hundred of Thriplow in place of William Stacey, Senior, discharged by reason of his old age
a372 - Mrs Mary Hallock (Teversham) ordered to pay her servants to John Hasell, William Uttridge, Richard Santon, Margaret Argent what is due to them in wages.
a373 - Order for a meeting of the Trustees for the South Division of the North Roads leading from Royston, Hunts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts, on 20th October at King's Head in Caxton.
a374 - Table of fees relating to Act for relief of Debtors to be hung up publicly in the Castle prison.
a375 - Thomas Fuller-indicted and convicted for petty larceny-ordered to be whipped next Saturday at the Market Cross, Cambridge between Eleven and one o clock.
a376 - Thomas Wakelin to be discharged because no prosecution against him.
a377 - Frances Colbert to be discharged out of prison=-he indictment against her being found ignoramus
a378 - Order for William Greaves esq, to be appointed one of 'Conservators' of River Cam in place of Sir Robert Clarke-discharged at own request.
a379 - Order (by direction of majority of the creditors of John Allen) that Richard Papworth of Connington be appointed an Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said John Allen and that an Assignment be made of the same by the Clerk of the Peace
a380 - Appeal by Swaffham Prior against warrant for removal of George Carrow from parish of Swaffham Bulbeck to Swaffham Prior to be held over to next Sessions.
a381 - Appeal by parish of Bourne against warrant for removal of Henry Evens (Ibid) with his wife and 7 children from Elsworth to Bourne. Order quashed. Elsworth to pay costs of Bourne.
a382 - Appeal by parish of St Edwards against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Teversham from Snailwell to St Edwards. Order quashed. Snailwell ordered to pay costs of St Edwards.
a383 - Order for payment of fines by Francis Howard of Cherryhinton and William Brichine of Papworth for failing to appear on the Grand Jury.
a384 - Judgement in favour of John Cawthorne who is not to be charged with scoulding a girl of 9 years apprenticed to him.
a385 - Appeal by parish of Little St Marys against warrant for removal of Anne, the daughter of Robin the Cobbler, from Thriplow to Little St Marys to be held over to next Sessions.
a386 - Appeal by parish of St Michael, Coventry, Warks, against warrant for removal of Thomas Skegg, etc (See above). Appeal allowed on production of a good Indenture of Apprenticeship of Thomas Skegg and the payment of give Guineas by the parish of St Botolphs to St Michaels.
a387 - Appeal by parish of Great St Marys, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Clements from Cherryhinton to Great St Marys. Order quashed.
a388 - Appeal by parish of St Vigors, Fulbourn against warrant for removal of William Hurt and Elizabeth his wife from Great St Marys, Cambridge to St Vigors, Fulbourn. Appeal allowed.
a389 - Order that George Master and Henry Potter-Constables of parish of Little St Marys, Cambridge-to be fined for arresting Thomas Stevens without a warrant.
a390 - Appeal by parish of Little St Mary, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Stevens from parish of St Giles to Little St Mary. Order confirmed.
a391 - Appeal by Robert Whitechurch of Comberton against a Rate levied by the overseers of the poor of Comberton. Held over to next sessions.
a392 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for that part of the North Road lying in the south Division of Cambs
a393 - Order for Francis Howard of Cherryhinton and William Brichins of Papworth to be fined for failing to appear to serve on the Grand Jury.
a394 - Appeal by parish of Barnwell, Cambridge against warrant for removal of John Appleyard and his wife Mary from parish of Cherryhinton to Barnwell, Cambridge. Warrant confirmed
a395 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Elizabeth Hodge from Cherryhinton to Great St Marys, Cambridge
a396 - Appeal by George Murfett, late of Kingston, Cambridge and now of Wilbraton, Isle of Ely, labourer against judgement that he was the father of a male bastard child born in Kingston of Ann Abbis (singlewoman). Order confirmed.
a397 - Appeal by Swaffham Prior against warrant for removal of George Carrow etc (see above). Appeal allowed, but consideration of costs held over to next Sessions.
a398 - Appeal by parish of Bourne against warrant for removal of Henry Evans with Isaac Evans (12 years), Jonathon Evans (10 years), Anne Evans (aged 7 years), William (aged 6 years) and Sarah (aged 6 months) from Elsworth to Bourne. Order quashed.
a399 - Appeal by parish of Great Shelford against warrant for removal of Anne Norman from Trumpington to Great Shelford. Order quashed.
a400 - Due examination by this Court into the Abuses of power of the Act of Parliament for repairing the road from Stump Cross in Parish of Chesterford, Essex to Newmarket Heath and Cambridge town and having taken place-further consideration of remedy held over to next Sessions.
a401 - Order for George Murfett to ne committed to Gaol for not finding sufficient securities for the performance of at Order concerning bastardy.
a402 - Assessment of poor rates in Comberton to be referred to Edward Nightingale, JP.
a403 - Order to inspect accounts of the River Cam
a404 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of servants wages etc
a405 - Order for inspection of accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer
a406 - John Haylock, Charles Lindery, Granado Nightingale and Robert Wakelin, Officers or Bailliffs of the County Sheriff-to be fined for not attending the Court
a407 - Order that Susanna Pettit bound to Thomas Wright and William Pettit bound to James Brand be restored to their friends and the Indentures for their binding be delivered to the Officers of Swaveesey to be consulted.
a408 - Calendar. John Wolfe, in custody in the County Gaol charged upon the oath of John Glover, gent, that he would wound and kill him, to be discharged.
a409 - Inquisition 'Ad quid Damnum'-23rd (?) March 1730
a410 - Concession to Deans and Chapter of Ely Cathedral of a road in Stapleford
a411 - Order for overseers of Cottenham to allow Elizabeth Rest and her child a sum for their maintenance each week from the time of her lying in.
a412 - Appeal by Swaffham Prior against warrant for removal of George Carrow etc (see above). No costs to be paid on either side.
a413 - Order for inspection into accounts of the Treasurer of the Tolls raised by the Act of Parliament for repairing the road from Stump Cross in the parish of Chesterford, Essex to Newmarket Heath and Cambridge.
a414 - The accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer.
a415 - Calendar, Richard Hunt, in custody at County Gaol and charged for committing several misdemeanours against the peace to continue in Gaol until the next sessions because he threatened to fire the town of Duxford.
a416 - Appeal of parish of Cottenham against warrant for removal of Anne Gray (singlewoman) from parish of St Giles, Cambridge to Cottenham. To be held over to next sessions. St Giles to pay costs of Cottenham.
a417 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of William Bell from parish of St Andrew the Great to East Greenwich, Kent.
a418 - Complaint by Officers and inhabitants of Swavesey against Thomas Wright, Overseer of the Poor whose accounts were not allowed by the JPs. Thomas Wright is to execute what the award between his and the officers of Swavesey requires and execute road releases pursuant to the Award.
a419 - Confirmation of order for removal of Charles Attwood and Anne his wife and William Attwood their son from parish of Holy Trinity to that of All Saints.
a420 - Confirmation of order for removal of William Cockle and Margaret his wife from the parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to that of All Saints.
a421 - Order for a meeting of the Trustees for the South Division of the North Roads leading from Royston, Hunts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts on 16th October at the Crown at Caxton.
a422 - Calendar. Richard Hunt, in custody at County Gaol charged with several misdemeanours, ordered to be discharged upon promise to behave himself with inhabitants of Duxford.
a423 - Appeal by parish of St Clements, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Thomas Bogers (an infant) from parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge to St Clements. Appeal allowed.
a424 - Appeal of parish of Cottenham against warrant for removal of Anne Grat (see above). Warrant quashed. Parish of St Giles to pay parish of Cottenham their costs.
a425 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for that part of the North Road lying in the South Division, Cambs
a426 - Calendar. William Gray and John Harris-indicted for cheating Thomas Pamplin of a sum of money and a silver watch, being found not guilty are to be discharged paying their fees.
a427 - Calendar. Richard Hunt, committed to gaol for petty larceny and the Bill against him being found Ignoramus, ordered to be discharged paying his fees.
a428 - Thomas Bentley, being indicted and convicted of petty larceny, ordered to be whipped next market day at the Cross in Cambridge and afterwards to be discharged paying his fees.
a429 - Calendar. Mathias Stockdale, and Margaret his wife and Joshua Hood, committed to the County Gaol and convicted of vagrancy, to be removed by a pass to the place of their last settlement. Mathias Stockdale and Joshua Hood also to be whipped next Market Day at the Cross in Cambridge and afterwards discharged paying their fees.
a430 - Appeal by inhabitants of Linton against warrant for removal of Henry Rawlinson and Elizabeth his wife from Castle Camps to Linton. To be saved until next Sessions.
a431 - Appeal by parish of Sandon, Herts, against warrant for removal of Samuel Newling and his wife Elizabeth from gulden Morden to Sandon. Held over to next Sessions. Guilden Morden to pay costs of Sanden.
a432 - Certificate that Barnwell Highway is sufficiently mended and therefore the presentment made by Joseph Kettle, Esq, JP that they needed repairing is disregarded.
a433 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of servants wages etc
a434 - Confirmation of judgement that Richard Easton of Swaffham Prior is the father of a male bastard child born of Mary Nun (singlewoman) in the same parish.
a435 - Calendar. William Bidwell, committed to County Gaol for being a vagrant and sturdy beggar, ordered to be removed to place of last legal settlement.
a436 - Calendar. Edward Peachy, charged with bastardy, ordered to be discharged
a437 - Appeal by parish of Mildenhall, Suffolk against warrant for removal of Dorothy Latemore (widow), James Clay, Ann Latemore and Agnes Latemore, children of Dorothy Latemore from parish of St Andrew's Great, Cambridge to parish of Mildenhall. Appeal allowed.
a438 - Order that John Hitches, gent be elected a Chief Constable of the Hundred of Staine in this Country in the Room of Abraham Killingbark, gent, who voluntarily resigned his office.
a439 - Order that Thomas Titmarsh, gent, be elected a Chief Constable of Hundred of Whetherly in place of …Hobart, gent. (Christian name missed out)
a440 - Appeal by parish of Sandon, Herts against warrant for removal of Samuel Newling, etc (see above). Order confirmed.
a441 - Order that Ann Holder of Comberton to pay a weekly sum to the churchwardens and Overseers of the poor in Willingham for the maintenance of her son Charles Holder and his family.
a442 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of William Linton from Parish of Great St Mary's. Cambridge to the parish of St Mary in Bury St Edmunds.
a443 - Appeal by parish of Linton against warrant for removal of Henry Rawlinson, etc (see above). Warrant confirmed.
a444 - Calendar. Lydia Brett, indicted and convicted of petty larceny to be whipped next Saturday at the Market Cross, Cambridge and then be discharged paying her fees.
a445 - Calendar. William Chrishall, indicted and convicted of petty larceny, to be whipped next Saturday as previous case.
a446 - Calendar. Richard Barber, to be removed by pass to the place of his last legal settlement.
a447 - Calendar. William Bidwell, discharged.
a448 - Order for the County Treasurer to pay the Keeper of the County Gaol thirty pounds as a loan without interest.
a449 - Order for Thomas Betts of Bogsworth to be struck off the list of jurors by reason of his deafness.
a450 - Order that Ann Holder of Comberton to pay an additional sum weekly to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor in Willingham for the maintenance of her son Charles and his family over and above that already stipulated (see above).
a451 - Appeal by parish of Kingston against warrant for removal of Matthew Pettit and his wife from Arrington to Kingston. Order confirmed.
a452 - Chairman of Justices to report on the formation of a Commission for the Sewers in Cambridge and his Isle of Ely.
a453 - Order that a letter of request is sent out to the sufferers of the late fire at Barnwell so that at the next Sessions the sufferers may be permitted to prove their reputed losses.
a454 - Order for a meeting of the Trustees for the South Division of the North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts on 15th October at the King's Head, Caxton for taking the accounts of the Trustees.
a455 - Lord Montague and …Villiers Esq this day a Caveat relating to Mrs Walsingham's Estate, Cambridge
a456 - Order that John Wrangle be discharged as a Chief Constable for the Hundred of Flendish and Edward Wrangle his son be elected in his place.
a457 - Appeal by inhabitants of parish of St Benedict, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Caiton (spinster) from parish of Great St Mary's. Cambridge to St Benedict's. Appeal allowed.
a458 - Appeal by parish of Ashdon, Essex against warrant for removal of Willial Hardy, his wife Mary and Jane, Ann, Elizabeth their daughters and Samuel their son from parish of Great St Marys. Cambridge to Toft. Appeal allowed.
a459 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of John Hodes from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to that of St Mary in the town of Hamlington, Hunts(?)
a460 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of William, Anney, and Richard Andrews (the children of Richard Andrews deceased) from Willingham to East Hatley, Cambridge.
a461 - Appeal by parish of All Saints, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Thomas Cooke and his wife Mary from Impington to All Saints. Appeal allowed.
a462 - Calendar. Thomas King, indicted and convicted of petty larceny, to be whipped and afterwards discharged paying his fees.
a463 - Calendar. John Campion, committed to gaol for felony, the Bill preferred against him being found Ignoramus he is ordered to be discharged paying his fees.
a464 - Calendar. John Hammond, committed to County Gaol for theft, to be retained in gaol until next Assizes.
a465 - Calendar. John Vale, committed to County Gaol for beating his wife Sarah, ordered to be retained in gaol until can find sureties for his good behaviour.
a466 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for that part of North Roads lying in the South Division in Cambs.
a467 - Inquisition 'Ad quid Damnum'-28th February 1732
a468 - Concerning removal of a common road in Horseheath
a469 - Appeal by parish of Holy Trinity Ely against warrant for removal of Martha Bennett, the wife of Richard Bennett (deceased) and Catherine and Richard her children from Soham to Holy Trinity Ely. Order to be quashed.
a470 - Appeal by parish of St Clements, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of Mary Hatter, the wife of John Hatter and Mary their daughter from the parish of St Benedicts to St Clements, Cambridge. Held over to next Sessions.
a471 - Confirmation of a warrant for the removal of William Bolton and his wife Matha from the parish of waterbeach to that of Barnwell.
a472 - Confirmation of a warrant for removal of William Morris from parish of Great St Marys, Cambridge to that of Milton.
a473 - Confirmation of a warrant for removal of John Fuller (cordwainer) from the parish of All Saints to that of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge.
a474 - Confirmation of a warrant for removal of Robert Stanning and Sarah his wife from parish of All Saints to that of St Andrew the Great.
a475 - Order to inspect accounts of the River Cam
a476 - Edward Billing, in county Gaol charged with being an idle and suspicious person of ill repute, ordered to be discharged paying his fees.
a477 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to the Deputy Clerk of the peace for his procuring the printing of Servants Wages etc
a478 - Order that William Horkley of Whittlesford, Robert Newman of Sawston, John Beedle of Great Shelford and John Tilbrook of Pampisford, Millers, to be exempted from paying any tolls to the Turnpike at Bonebridge when carrying meal through the same.
a479 - Order for inspection of the accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer
a480 - Appeal by parish of St Clements, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Mary Hutter (see above). Order confirmed. St Clements to pay costs of St Benedict.
a481 - Appeal by parish of Wisham-upon-the-Hill, Lincs against warrant for removal of Henry Case, etc (See above). Warrant set aside. Certificate of Baptism of Henry Case to be allowed as evidence in any other case brought in the Court.
a482 - Appeal by Dickleborough, Norfolk against warrant for removal of Ann Shardelow (a widow) and Diana (the wife of William Wilford) her daughter from the parish of St Edwards, Cambridge to Dickleborough, Norfolk, Order confirmed.
a483 - Appeal by parish of Fenditton against warrant for the removal of Abigail Briggs (widow of Robert Briggs, tailor, deceased) with her 5 children, Elizabeth (c.13 years), Abigail (12 years), Francis (9 years), John (6 years) and Ruth (4 years) from Whittlesey, Isle of Ely to Fenditton, to be received by this court
a484 - Calendar. George Bullock, committed to County Gaol and charged by Margaret Briggs that she is in fear of her house being burnt, ordered to be whipped and sent to the place of his last legal settlement.
a485 - Elizabeth Harlow and Lettice Alderman, being committed to the Gaol and charged with several misdemeanours, ordered to be discharged.
a486 - True Blew, committed to County Gaol and charged with being a vagrant ordered to be discharged.
a487 - John Clark, in County Gaol, to be discharged as Bill of Indictment against him found Ignoramus.
a488 - John Stinton of Weston Colville to be committed to the said Gaol for want of providing to a bastard child as ordered by the JPs.
a489 - John Hyde of Outwell, Norfolk to be committed to the County Gaol for failing to appear at the Quarter Sessions to answer the charge of getting Anne Few with child.
a490 - Order for meeting of Trustees for South Division of North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford bridge, Hunts on 17th October at King's Head, Caxton.
a491 - Appeal by inhabitants of Steeple Morden against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Wilcox (singlewoman) from Croxton to Steeple Morden. Warrant confirmed.
a492 - Appeal by parish of Culmworth, Beds against warrant for removal of Edward Smith, his wife Susanna and their daughter Ann from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to Culmworth. To be held over to next Sessions.
a493 - Appeal by parish of Fenditton [Fen Ditton] against warrant for removal of Abigail Briggs etc (see above). Order quashed.
a494 - Order that all the Rates for the Relief of the Poor of Swaffham Prior made before this date be quashed as they appear to be illegal. Money already paid to be refunded or allowed in the next Rate.
a495 - Order that Simon Sparks of Kingston to pay his late servant John Hatting the wages he is owed.
a496 - Order that no copy of the indictment against William Stratton and Edward Brown be made out.
a497 - Order for inspection of accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer
a498 - Order that every seller of salt shall take more than four shillings bushel at fifty pounds weight. This to be published in every market town and be in force to the next Easter sessions.
a499 - Calendar. William Crosby, committed to Gaol and charge with feloniously taking quantities of pewter out of Trinity College, to be retained in gaol to the next Assizes.
a500 - Calendar. William Williams, in County Gaol charged with several misdemeanours, ordered to be discharged for want of prosecution.
a501 - Calendar. Daniel Finders, in the County Gaol charged with an assault and battery on Henry Markham, to be discharged.
a502 - Calendar. Martha, wife of Simon Brown, indicted and convicted of petty larceny, ordered to be whipped privately tomorrow and to discharged paying her fees.
a503 - Adjournment at the Falcon, Cambridge. John Stinton, committed to Gaol for want of sureties to perform an order for the providing of a bastard child, to be discharged having security for the child's maintenance.
a504 - Discharge of Thomas Methwin from his apprenticeship with William Coote, late of Linton, a butcher, who had absconded from the town.
a505 - Appeal by parish of Pampisford against warrant for removal of Abigail Theaks (c.12 years old) from Harleston to Pampisford. Order confirmed.
a506 - Appeal by parish of Culmworth against warrant for removal of Edward Smith etc (see above), appeal allowed.
a507 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Ann East (c.1 year old) from parish of Holy Trinity to St Edwards, Cambridge
a508 - Appeal by parish of Little St Marys, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Ann, the wife of Anthony Bullwint from parish of St Edwards to Little St Marys. Appeal allowed.
a509 - Appeal by Parish of Boxworth against warrant for removal of Joseph Rounds from parish of Teversham to Boxworth. Appeal allowed.
a510 - Order that 2 orders made by the court concerning the Relief and Maintenance of Charles Holder and his family by Ann Holder, his mother, be set aside by consent of all parties.
a511 - The accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for that part of the North Road lying in Cambs South Division (1731-1732)
a512 - Accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer
a513 - Calendar. Thomas hardy and how wife, committed to County Gaol for wandering as vagrants and asking relief, ordered (with children) to be sent a pass to the place of their last legal settlement.
a514 - Appeal by parish of Bottisham against warrant for removal of William Humphreys and Eleanor his wife and Henry their son (aged 8), William (aged 5), Thomas (aged 3) and Elizabeth their daughter (aged 1) from parish of St Edward, Cambridge to Bottisham. Held over to next Sessions. Parish of St Edward to be at liberty to inspect Bottisham's books and pay Bottisham's costs.
a515 - Order for punishment by County Treasurer to Andrew White, gent, one of the County Coroners for expenses incurred by the election of two coroners.
a516 - Appeal of Richard Knight of Pampisford against the Poor Rate of Pampisford, received.
a517 - Order for audit of accounts relating to River Cam
a518 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for procuring printing of servants wages etc
a519 - Calendar. Thomas Strut, committed to House of Correction for vagrancy, ordered to be discharged.
a520 - William Brewington, committed to House of Correction for being an idle and disorderly person, to be retained in custody until he gives sufficient surety for his good behaviour.
a521 - William Goore, committed for vagrancy and whipped in Court, to be sent by a pass to his place of last legal settlement..
a522 - Mary Adams, indicted and convicted of petty larceny, ordered to be sent to House of Corretion till tomorrow morning and then to be discharged.
a523 - Appeal by parish of Over against warrant for removing of Elizabeth, the wife of Edward Johnson, from parish of Swavesey to Over. To be held over to next Sessions. Swavesey to have liberty to inspect books of Over and Over to pay Swavesey's costs.
a524 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Joseph Pratt, his wife Jane and children Richard (5 years), Joseph (3 years) and Philidelphia (daughter of 2 years) from parish of All Saints, Cambridge to that of Great St Marys.
a525 - Appeal by parish of Bottisham against warrant for removal of William Humphreys, etc (see above), Appeal upheld.
a526 - Calendar. William Brewington, to be discharged.
a527 - Calendar. John Walker, in County Gaol charged with running away from his gamily, ordered to be discharged.
a528 - Calendar. Ann Ginn, in county Gaol in suspicion of setting fire to a bundle of Wheat Straw, to be retained in gaol to next Assizes.
a529 - Calendar. Mary Lesstell, in County Gaol charged with vagrancy, ordered to be sent by a pass to place of last legal settlement.
a530 - Calendar. Henry Squire, in County Gaol for running away from Colonel Corn Wallis' Regiment of Foot, ordered to be retained in Gaol until he be sent for by the Commanding Officers.
a531 - Appeal by parish of Over against warrant for removing of Elizabeth etc (see above). Order confirmed.
a532 - Appeal by parish of All Saints, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Thomas Feltwell, Mary his wife and Ann his daughter from parish of St Edward to All Saints. To be saved until next Sessions.
a533 - Order for Robert Desbrow and John Stacey of Barrington to appear at the next adjourned sessions to give an account of the money collected by them for the Relief of the Sufferers of the late fire of Barrington.
a534 - Order for payment by inhabitants of Newmarket to the Keeper of the County Gaol for the expense he incurred from calling a surgeon to attend to an illness William Brewington had in his arm.
a535 - Order for Matthew Prime of Thriplow, yeoman, to appear at next Sessions to explain why he should not contribute towards the maintenance and relief of John Newman and Elizabeth Newman his grandchildren.
a536 - Order for meeting of Trustees of North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts at the Crown Inn, Caxton on 15th October to pass the Accounts.
a537 - Appeal by parish of All Saints, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Thomas Feltwell etc (see above). Warrant quashed.
a538 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for his expenses incurred in printing and distributing an Order of Sessions relating to price of salt.
a539 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Robert Ramsbery and his wife Sarah and Mary and Elizabeth their children from parish of St Botolph to Potton, Beds
a540 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of Mary Pinward from parish of St Benedict, Cambridge to All Saints.
a541 - Discharge of apprenticeship of John Walker from William Chapman of Trumpington, Bricklasyer by mutual consent.
a542 - calendar. William Rogers, indicted and convicted of petty larceny, to be whipped and discharged.
a543 - Calendar. Edward Low, committed to County Gaol for refusing to obey an Order concerning a bastard child born of Rebecca Peppercorn, to be retained in Gaol until obeys order.
a544 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Esq, Treasurer of that part of North Road lying in Cambs South Division (1732-1733)
a545 - Appeal by parish of St Michaels, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Harlow (c.13 years old) from parish of St Peter, Cambridge to St Micheals. To be held over to next Sessions.
a546 - Appeal by parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Sarah Plaskett (singlewoman) from Great St Marys to St Botolphs. To be held over to next Sessions.
a547 - Appeal by parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Joseph King, Mary his wife and James their son (aged 5), Joseph (aged 2) and William (aged 3 months) from parish of St Michael to St Botolphs. To be held over to next Sessions.
a548 - Order for Deputy Clerk of Peace to make copies of and distribute a letter from the Privy Council to the Custos Rotulumus of this County, Henry Bromley Esq
a549 - Order for inspection of accounts concerning the River Cam
a550 - Order for payment of County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of the Peace for procuring printing of Servants' wages rates etc
a551 - Order for William Constable to be committed to County Gaol for want of sureties for his appearance at he next Quarter Sessions.
a552 - Calendar. Elizabeth Webb, committed to County Gaol for being an isle and disorderly person, ordered to be discharged.
a553 - Calendar. Edward Low, committed to Gaol for refusing to obey an order for the maintenance of a bastard child, further retained until he obeys it (See above)
a554 - Appeal by parish of St Michael, Cambridge, against warrant for removal of Elizabeth Harlow, etc (See above). Warrant confirmed
a555 - Appeal by parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against warrant for removal of Sarah Plaskett, etc (see above). Appeal allowed.
a556 - Appeal by parish of St Michaels, Cambridge against warrant for removal of John Peper and Elizabeth his wife, Anne their daughter and John and William their sons from parish of St Peters to St Michaels. Appeal allowed
a557 - Order for George Lee of Burwell, yeoman to appear at next Sessions and give an account of what money he has collected towards Relief od Sufferers of a fire at Burwell
a558 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of Peace for making copies and distributing letter from Privy Council to Custos Rotaburum of County.
a559 - Calendar. Edward Low, to be discharged
a560 - Calendar. Thomas Robinson, committed to Gaol for travelling about County by a counterfeit pass, ordered to be whipped at Market Place, Cambridge in 2 successive days and to be kept to hard labour during the intervening time.
a561 - Calendar. John Book, committee to gaol for threatening to murder George Gunston, ordered to be discharged for want of prosecution.
a562 - Order for meeting of Trustees of North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts at the Crown, Caxton, 18th October to pass the accounts relating to above roads.
a563 - Order for indictment against William Eastwell for stealing a dogs collar and lock to be quashed.
a564 - Order for indictment against Hellena, wife of John Hockley, for burning a stack of sedge to be quashed.
a565 - Discharge of William Page, late of Teversham from his apprenticeship with William Manning of Teversham, (husbandman), by mutual consent
a566 - Order for the difference between George Lee and John Board and the Sufferers from the fire in Burwell concerning the money collected by George Lee for benefit of himself and said Sufferers to be referred to three JPs who are to report at next Sessions.
a567 - William Nathercole of Soham (Victualler), indicted and convicted for an assault and battery of Edward Yaxley, fined.
a568 - Appeal by inhabitants of Barkway, Herts against warrant for removal of William Hart with his wife and daughter from parish of St Botolphs to Barkway. Appeal allowed.
a569 - Ordered that JPs and John Stevenson Esq to examine the repairs needed on Hauxton bridge (a County Bridge) and to order these to be done.
a570 - Order about the sufferers of a fire at Barnwell, Lord High Chancellor to be informed that the sufferers (who include Stephen Palmby, Edmund Palmby, Thomas Gunton and others) made due proof of their losses.
a571 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for the North Road lying in the South Cambs division (1733 and 1734).
a572 - Order that Edward Mendham to be taken into Custody for interrupting the Chairman in summing up the evidence in the case of the King against Hockley.
a573 - Order for judgement against Hellena, wife of John Hockley, indicted for trespass, to be held over to next Sessions.
a574 - George Lee of Burwell to be indicted for going about the county collecting money for the sufferers of the late fire in Burwell and converting the same to his own use.
a575 - Ann Neave and Elizabeth Bangle, indicted and convicted of felonies, to be whipped privately in House of Correction and afterwards discharged, paying their fees.
a576 - Ann, wife of James Fairbank, and Mary, wife of Thomas Layton, ordered to be whipped in 3 successive market days at the Market Cross in Cambridge and to be sent by passes to places of their respective settlements.
a577 - Appeal of John Deane of Wooditton against judgement that he was father of a make bastard child born of Jane Bradford in the same parish and should pay a weekly sum for its relief and maintenance. Appeal allowed.
a578 - Order for inspection of accounts of County Treasurer
a579 - Appeal by parish of Dry Drayton against warrant for removal of John Humberston from parish of Great Shelford to that of Dry Drayton. Appeal allowed.
a580 - Order for JPs for see that necessary repairs done to Hauxton Bridge
a581 - William Sudley, committed to County Gaol for wandering and misbehaving ordered to be removed by a pass to the parish of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex as place of last legal settlement.
a582 - William Ellis, committed to the House of Correction for begging with a counterfeit petition, ordered to be retained there and kept to hard labour.
a583 - Thomas Miller, committed as a vagrant, ordered to be removed by a pass to Trinity Parish, Coventry.
a584 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Deputy Clerk of the Peace for procuring the printing of servants' wages rates
a585 - Order for audit of accounts relating to River Cam
a586 - Order for Christopher Jeoffreson, Esq, to be appointed one of the 'Conservators' of the River Cam in place of William Eversden, Esq, deceased.
a587 - Confirmation of order for removal of Peter Brabrook, Mary his wife and Peter Brabrook their son from parish of St Mary the Great to that of Mogenhanger, Beds.
a588 - Order that Assessment be levied on all inhabitants of Fenditton by the Surveyor of the Highways for repairing these Highways for 1 years from last Christmas
a589 - Order that Bill of Expenses for sea faring men paid by Thomas Crooke and John Seaman, Constables of Linton be not paid by Gregory Wales as it appears on the Face of the Bill that the persons therein named are not vagrants.
a590 - Order that the Chief Constables of Flendish Hundred shall not be paid by the County Treasurer for 2 vagrant bills.
a591 - Order for payment by County Treasurer to Christopher Figgis, Constable of Gamlingay for expenses incurred in maintaining 4 vagrants that were sent to him by an illegal pass and in the wrong road.
a592 - Order that a fine in Brinkley for not repairing the Highways be discharged.
a593 - Order that the 'Ascoquizanes' of John Hockley and Walton Spencer in £40 each for the appearance of Hellena, the wife of the said John Hockley be discharged.
a594 - Order that George Coot of Fordham be fined for not appearing on the Grand Jury.
a595 - John Book of Soham, indicted and convicted of Assault and Battery, ordered to be fined.
a596 - William Martin of Elsworth indicted and convicted of trespass, ordered to be fined.
a597 - Calendar. John Book, indicted and convicted of an Assault and Battery on Joseph Barnet and fined, to be discharged.
a598 - James Stanford, committed to gaol for departing from the service of his Master, Mr William Hurrell, without his consent ordered to be whipped and discharged paying his fees.
a599 - Appeal by inhabitants of Little Saint Andrews, Barnwell, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of George Richardson from the Parish of Holy Trinity to Little Saint Andrews. Order confirmed.
a600 - Appeal by parish of St Edwards, Cambridge against a warrant for the removal of William Morlin from parish of Barnwell, Cambridge to St Edwards. Order confirmed.
a601 - Order for meeting of Trustees for the North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts at Crown Inn, Caxton on 17th October.
a602 - Ordered that parish of Great St Andrew, Cambridge fined if do not certify the repair of the road in that parish at the next Sessions.
a603 - Order that presentment of Fulbourn Highways to be held over to next Sessions.
a604 - Calendar. Thomas Hagger, indicted for petty larceny, discharged.
a605 - Calendar. Sarah Allett, indicted for petty larceny, ordered to be whipped and then discharged.
a606 - Appeal of John Browell, Esq, of Willingham against Two Rates levied by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Willingham. To be considered by the JPs and reported on the next Sessions.
a607 - Concerning the assessment levied on the inhabitants of Fenditton (see previous page) George Crane, Widow Bevins, Widow Glover, Joseph Steward, Thomas Peeps, William Stratton, William Stevens, John Bindalls, and Widow Davis all returning to pay are to have the Rate charged on their goods and chattels.
a608 - Appeal by Bezaleel Hart of the parish of St Mary's in Newmarket, Suffolk (singleman) against judgement that he was father of a male bastard child born in the parish of All Saints, Newmarket of Elizabeth Williams singlewoman, to be held over to next Sessions. Hart to pay costs of parish of All Saints.
a609 - Appeal by parish of Cherryhinton against warrant for removal of Thomas Cole to Anne Cole, his daughter (aged 20) from parish of St Benedicts, Cambridge to Cherryhinton. Held over to next Sessions.
a610 - Appeal by parish of St Neots, Hunts against warrant for removal of Mary Gore (the late wife of William Gore, labourer, deceased) and her 2 daughters Mary (aged 10) and Elizabeth (aged 4) from Wimpole to St Neots. Held over to next Sessions.
a611 - County Treasurer to pay John Blewett for expenses incurred in fitting up a place to hold the Sessions.
a612 - ….Strawbridge to be committed to County Gaol for 6 weeks and kept to hard labour and afterwards discharged.
a613 - Calendar. Richard Single, committed to County Gaol for being an idle and disorderly person and leaving his family as a charged in the parish of Chesterton, to be retained in Gaol for 6 weeks, to receive moderate whipping, to be kept to hard labour and then discharged.
a614 - Calendar. Edmund Caverly, committed to Gaol for breaking into the cellar of George Nutter, to be discharged.
a615 - Accounts of Edward Nightingale, Treasurer for the part of the North Road lying in the South Division of Cambs (1734/1735)
a616 - Accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, County Treasurer
a617 - Order for Bazallel Hart of Newmarket to pay a further sum to the parish of All Saints in addition to that stipulated last Sessions.
a618 - Appeal by parish of Cherryhinton against warrant for removal of Thomas Cole, etc (see above), appeal allowed.
a619 - Appeal by parish of St Neots, Hunts against warrant for removal of Mary Gore, etc (see above), to be further held over and St Neots pay Wimpole's costs.
a620 - Appeal by parish of Little Thurlow, Suffolk against warrant for removal of Thomas Mearsh with Dinah his wife and three small children from Carleton cum Willingham to Little Thurlow to be held over to next Sessions and the latter to pay the former's costs.
a621 - Confirmation of order for assessment made for relief of poor in Swaffham Prior.
a622 - Order for audit of accounts concerning the River Cam
a623 - County Treasurer to pay Deputy Clerk of Peace for his procuring the printing of Servants' wage rates, etc
a624 - Appeal of Clement Cousins of Swavesey against Poor Rate, order that Clement Cousins only be assessed for 6 pounds a year for the house and commons in Swavesey which he occupies under a lease made to him from Mrs Cathorne.
a625 - Order for William Walls, Constable of Orwell, indicted and convicted for not returning a list of the Freeholders there qualified to serve on Jurys to be fined 4d.
a626 - Calendar. John Hockley, committed to County Gaol for fraudulently taking out of a Gany of Lighters a Horse and other goods of Mr John Wakelin, ordered to be discharged
a627 - Calendar. William Cooper, committed to House of Correction and charged with several misdemeanours, to be retained there until he delivers up to his mother certain writings and the bond he has custody and executed a declaration of trust that his name was made use of in the said Bond for the benefit of his mother.
a628 - Adjournment at the Falcon. Order that County Treasurer instead of collecting Treble Quarteridge from this Sessions collect only Double Quarteridge of the several Chief Constables of the County Hundreds. Clerk of the Peace to distribute to the JPs and Chief Constables particulars of what each town or parish is to pay.
a629 - Appeal by parish of Little Thurlow, Suffolk against warrant for removal of Thomas Mearsh etc (See above), appeal allowed. Curleton cum Willingham to pay Little Thurlow for the maintenance of Thomas Mearsh etc.
a630 - Appeal by parish of Cherryhinton against warrant for removal of Thomas Bailey and Sarah his wife from the parish of Little St Andrews, Barnwell, Cambridge to Cherryhinton. Appeal allowed.
a631 - Appeal by parish of Swaffham Bulback against warrant for removal of William Peachey and Mary his wife from the parish of Burrough Green to Swaffham Bulbeck, order confirmed.
a632 - Confirmation of order for removal of Richard Dyson and Sarah his wife and Alice (6 years), Robert (4 years), Sarah (2 years) and Susan (5 months) from parish of Little St Andrew's Barnwell to that of St Peters.
a633 - Confirmation of order for removal of Henry Saggers, Martha his wife and 3 children, William, Henry and James from Bottisham to Harleston.
a634 - Appeal by parish of St Neots, Hunts against warrant for removal of Mary Gore etc (see above), to be held over.
a635 - Appeal by parish of Little St Andrews, Barnerll against warrant for removal of Thomas Cole from parish of St Benedict to that of Little St Andrews. To be held over to next Sessions.
a636 - Calendar. Francis Boulter, committed to House of Correction for bring an idle and disorderly person and threatening to fire and burn down the barns of the neighbourhood, ordered to be contained there until he finds sufficient sureties for his good behaviour.
a637 - Calendar. Philip Adams, committed to County Gaol for stealing liquor out of the cellar of Mr William Isaacson, ordered to be discharged paying his fees.
a638 - Mortgage of Turnpike of North Roads.
a639 - Order for meeting of Trustees of North Roads leading from Royston, Herts to Wansford Bridge, Hunts at Crown Inn, Caxon on 24th October in order to pass the accounts.
a640 - Order for Mr John Aylmer to succeed his father, Mr Ambrose Aylmer, as 1 of the Chief Constables of Hundred of Thriplow.
a641 - Order for Mr John Casburne to be elected Chief Constable of the Hundred of Staploe in the pace of Mr Stephen Isaacson (deceased)
a642 - Appeal by parish of Little St Andrews, Barnwell against warrant for removal of Thomas Cole, etc (See above), further respited.
a643 - Appeal by parish of St Peters, Cambridge against warrant for removal of John Peers (c.12 years) from parish of St Clements to St Peters. Appeal allowed.
a644 - Confirmation of warrant for removal of George Fuller, his wife, Sarah, his children John Fuller (aged 9), Sarah Fuller (aged 8), Elizabeth Fuller (aged 3) and Robert (20 weeks) from parish of All Saints to Norton, Norfolk
a645 - Calendar. Lewis Pyman, indicted and convicted for an assault upon Richard Snow for which he was fined and charged on oath of Robert Snow and William Mean for threatening to kill the said Richard Snow and fire his home, ordered to be retained in gaol and kept to hard labour until he finds sufficient sureties for his good behaviour and pays his fines and fees.
a646 - Adjournment at The Falcon, John Badcock indicted and convicted for an assault upon Sarah Rayner and fined 2 pence. Ordered to be discharged.
a647 - Adjournment at the Falcon, Ordered John Badcock's Recognizance in twenty pounds and William Ward's Recognizances in ten pounds to be severally discharged.
a648 - Order that General Quarter Sessions of the Peace instead of Thursday as formerly used, for the future be kept on Friday in the four several weeks of the year appointed by Act of Parliament. Public notice thereof to be given and fixed up in all market towns and also given to the petty constables, such notice to be sent or delivered to them by the high constables of the hundreds.
a649 - Appeal by parish of Teversham against order for removing Ann White, singlewoman from parish of Ickleton to parish of Teversham. Order set aside.
a650 - Appeal by parish of Little Everden against an order conveying John Evans and ELIzabeth his wife from parish of Foxton to the parish of Little Eversden. Appeal ordered to be saved until the next General Quarter Sessions. Ordered that parish of Foxton pay twenty shillings costs to parish of LIttle Eversden.
a651 - Order that appeal of parish of St Michael's, Cambridge against an order removing Christina Thorold, widow from parish of St Mary the Great, Cambridge to the parish of St Michael, be saved until next General Sessions. Ordered that parish of Foxton pay twenty shillings costs to parish of LIttle Eversden.
a652 - Order that appeal of parish of St Michael's, Cambridge against an order removing Christina Thorold, widow from parish of St Mary the Great, Cambridge to the parish of St Michael, be saved until next General Quarter Sessions. Parish of St Michael to pay 20 shillings costs to parish of St Mary the Great.
a653 - Order upon complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of Oakington for conveying William Peck with Elizabeth his wife, Robert and William his two sons and Elizabeth and Ann his two daughters from parish of Oakington to Westwick in parish of Cottenham quashed on motion of Westwick.
a654 - Appeal by parish of Ashwell, Herts, against an order removing William Aintill, his wife, daughter and bastard child from parish of Great Eversden to parish of Ashwell aforesaid. Ordered to be saved until next General Quarter Sessions. Parish of Great Eversden to pay twenty shillings costs to parish of Ashwell.
a655 - Order allowing William Fossy of Papworth two pounds for passing vagrants and a salary of four pounds a year for a time to come passing vagrants.
a656 - Order that half the money levied upon several persons in Soham for playing at unlawful games to be paid to County Treasurer, the other half to be paid to Captain Smith of Soham to be distributed amongst the procuratoes of the said persons for unlawful gaming.
a657 - Order for John Evans of Eversden to be taken into Custody for refusal to take Oath to be examined as witness in a cause.
a658 - Order for summons against inhabitants of Fulbourn for departing the court within being discharged from presentment of the highways,
a659 - Order that Richard King of Little Shelford, Baker is to have the same liberty of carrying Grist to and from the Mills as the rest of the Millers have for carrying their Grists through the turnpikes.
a660 - Order that judgement on conviction of William Nethercote for assault upon William Gannell be respited to next adjourned sessions.
a661 - Calendar. Lewis Pyman in custody from last sessions ordered to be discharged.
a662 - Calendar. Ann Holl and Ann Cole being indicted and convicted of petty larceny ordered to be whipped and discharged.
a663 - Calendar. Over Norberry committed to the gaol for assaulting Thomas Wenlock. Ordered to be discharged, paying his fees.
a664 - Calendar. Henry Hatley indicted and convicted of petty larceny, ordered to be whipped and discharged paying his fees.
a665 - Calendar. Robert Moore, committee to said gaol for assaulting wife of James Cock, gardener. Ordered to be continued to Gaol until he finds sufficient sureties for good behaviour and pays his fees.
a666 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order for churchwardens and overseers of Duxford to provide bed and other necessaries for the lying-in of James Carter's wife, besides the two pence a week already allowed him
a667 - Appeal by parish of Little Eversden (see Epiphany 1736 sessions) respited to next General Quarter Sessions. Parish of Foxton to pay twenty shillings costs of parish of Little Eversden and to have liberty to inspect Parish Books belonging to Little Eversden.
a668 - Order upon complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of St Edwards, Cambridge to remove Mary, wife of Richard Buttal to the parish of Shudy Camps. As parish of Shudy Camps did not appeal, order confirmed upon motion of parish of St Edwards.
a669 - Appeal of parish of St Michael, Cambridge (see Epiphany 1736). Appeal disallowed and order confirmed.
a670 - Appeal of parish of Ashwell (see Epiphany 1736), Appeal disallowed and order confirmed.
a671 - Appeal of parish of Castle Camps against order for the conveying of Robert Pretious, wife and child from parish of Shudy Camps to parish of Castle Camps. Appeal allowed.
a672 - Appeal of parish of Horningsea against order conveying John Mansfirld with his wife and daughter from parish of Fenditton to parish of Horningsea. Appeal disallowed.
a673 - Order that Charles Sydney, a Sheriffs' officer be fined ten shillings for non-appearance to execute his office.
a674 - Appeal of parish of Bottisham against order removing Denial Richardson and his wife from parish of St Mary the Less, Cambridge to parish of Bottisham. Appeal disallowed.
a675 - Appeal of parish of ST Vigo, Fulbourn against order removing John Hall his wife and children from parish of All Saints, Cambridge to parish of St Vigo, Fulbourn. Appeal saved until next General Quarter Sessions when parishes of Holy Trinity and All Saints, Cambridge, or one of them, are to produce an order for removal of John Hall.
a676 - Order appointing Rev Richard Walker DD, Ordinary of the Castle Gaol at the salary of ten pounds a year
a677 - Order appointing Edward Bassett and Thomas Western Esq, auditors of the Accounts of the River Cam
a678 - Order for payment of five pounds to James Goodall, Deputy Clerk of the peace for procuring rates and proportions of wages for artificers, servants, and labourers and prizes for carriage of goods to be printing and for distributing the same in every parish
a679 - Appeal of parish of Littleport against order for conveying Elizabeth and Mary Plume from Parish of Stapleford to said parish of Littleport. Appeal disallowed
a680 - Appeal of parish of Little Eversden against parish of Foxton (see Epiphany 1737 sessions). Appeal allowed
a681 - Discharge of Jacob Condor, apprentice to Master Samuel Blacktop
a682 - Confirmation of order made on complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of St Botolph, Cambridge, removing Sarah Smart, widow and her children from parish of St Botolph to parish of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex.
a683 - Appeal of parish of St Vigor, Fulbourn against parish of All Saints, Cambridge (See Easter 1737 sessions). Appeal allowed. Parish of All Saints to pay parish of St Vigo, Fulbourn twenty shillings costs.
a684 - Order that Mr Berry Dodson of Swavesey be elected Chief Constable of the Hundred of Papworth in place of Mr John Peirson, deceased.
a685 - Order that William Appleyard pay his servant sixteen shillings for her wages and that she be discharged.
a686 - Order that fine of ten shillings set last Quarter Sessions upon Charles Sydney be instigated to five shillings.
a687 - Confirmation of order made on complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of ST Edwards Cambridge to remove Francis Carter his wife and children from said parish of St Edwards to parish of Chesterton.
a688 - Confirmation of order made on complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of ST Clements, Cambridge to removal of Cornelius Foakes, his wife and son from said parish of St Clements to parish of Swaffham Bulbeck
a689 - Appeal by parish of St Mary the Great, Cambridge against order to remove Thomas Thompson his wife and children from parish of St Benedict, Cambridge to said parish of St Mary the Great. Appeal allowed.
a690 - Order that churchwardens and overseers of parish of Oakington for time being to pay William Crosby a poor blind man the sum of two shillings and sixpence weekly.
a691 - Order for George Baker, prisoner in the Gaol and indicted and convicted for assaulting John Flack, to be continued in custody.
a692 - Order for a meeting of the Trustees for the North Roads at Caxton on Friday the fifteenth October.
a693 - Order for discharge of Nathaniel Basam from execution against him at suit of Christopher Finister, but not act of Gaol
a694 - Order for discharge of Henry Hakes indicted and convicted for assaulting and beating Elizabeth Adams, spinster, and fined sixpence.
a695 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order for discharge of George Baker (see above, paying his fees.
a696 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order for distribution of money collected by Letters of Request for Barnwell Fire
a697 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order for Aunger Popall to be discharged, applying to have benefit of late Act of Parliament for Relief of Insolvent Debtors.
a698 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order for Thomas Steel to be discharged he applying to have benefit of said Act.
a699 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order that John Smith be committed to House of Correction for being an idle and disorderly person.
a700 - Adjournment at the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. Order that churchwardens and overseers of parish of Impington pay Henry Hobson, by Lameness incapacitated to work for his subsistence, two shillings and sixpence a week till be able to work for his own support.
a701 - Order that Henry Page, an overseer of the poor in parish of Barton do pay William Brooke, labourer, two shillings and sixpence for his immediate relief.
a702 - Appeal by parish of Teversham against order removing Elizabeth Furbank from parish of Fulbourn to parish of Teversham. Appeal disallowed.
a703 - Appeal by parish of Duxford against order removing William Howson, labourer from parish of Hinxton to parish of Duxford. Appeal allowed
a704 - Receipts of John Evans, Collector of Tolls, Kneesworth Turnpike 1736-1737
a705 - Disbursements of John Evans Collector of Tolls, Kneesworth Turnpike 1736-1737
a706 - Calendar. Francis Leadbetter committed to the Gaol, charged upon oath that he is in danger of his life, ordered to be discharged.
a707 - Calendar. Alice Page of Linton, committed to the Gaol for threatening to set fire to several houses in Linton, ordered to be discharged.
a708 - Calendar. Aaron Lister, committed to the Gaol, charged with stealing a pair of Buckskin Breetches, property of William Howes, ordered to be discharged.
a709 - Calendar. Susan Thorn, committed to the House of Correction for being an idle disorderly person, ordered to be discharged.
a710 - Confirmation of order made upon complaint of churchwardens and overseers of parish of Litlington removing Benjamin Brown, his wife and children from said parish of Litlington to parish of Potton in the county of Bedford.
a711 - Appeal of parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge against order for removing Thomas Wexnford, his wife and daughters from parish of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge to parish of Holy Trinity. Appeal allowed.
a712 - Order that churchwardens and overseers of poor of parish of Foxton seize and dispose of goods and chattels of Thomas Eversden and receive five pounds of his yearly rents towards discharge of said person.
a713 - Appointment of …and Edward Bassett as Auditors of River Cam accounts.
a714 - Order to pay James Goodall, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, five pounds for procuring Rates and proportions of wages for artificers, servants and labourers and prices for carriage of goods to be printed and for distributing the same.
a715 - Calendar. Stephen Langham committed to the Gaol for felony and the indictment against him not being found. Ordered to be discharged on paying his fees.
a716 - Calendar. John Banyard committed to the Gaol for being idle and disorderly servant and running away from his Master Rolph, ordered to be discharged.
a717 - Licence for a House in parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to be used as a Meeting House for protestant Dissenters.
a718 - Appeal by parish of Wivelingham [Willingham] against order removing Mary Bowles from parish of Swavesey to parish of Wivelingham [Willingham] aforesaid. Appeal saved until next General Quarter Sessions.
a719 - Appeal of parish of Trumpington against order conveying John Lee from parish of Great St Marys in Cambridge to parish of Trumpington. Appeal saved until next General Quarter Sessions.
a720 - Confirmation of order to removal Ann Fairclough and her daughter from the parish of St Andrew in Cambridge to parish of Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire.
a721 - Confirmation of order removing John Durrant, his wife and son from parish of Fordham to parish of Landwade
a722 - Appeal by parish of Comberton against order removing John Angiers and his wife from parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge to parish of Comberton. Appeal disallowed.
a723 - Appeal by parish of Saffron Walden against order removing Robert Stubbing and his wife from parish of Ickleton to parish of Saffron Walden. Appeal allowed.
a724 - Appeal by parish of St Botolphs, Cambridge against order removing John Coles and his wife from parish of St Mary the Less, Cambridge to parish of St Botolph. Appeal saved until next General Sessions.
a725 - Appeal by parish of Fenditton [Fen Ditton] against order removing Henry Chivers from parish of Stow cum Quy to parish of Fenditton. Appeal saved until next General Quarter Sessions.
a726 - Order that John Ainger be remitted to Gaol for not answering questions that the Justices put to him and upon begging pardon of the court, ordered to be discharged, paying his fees.
a727 - Order that Edward Wrangle of Horningsea be elected Chief Constable of Flendish Hundred in place of Edward Wrangle, deceased.
a728 - Order that Francis, wife of Thomas Cofts, indicted and convicted for assault upon Anne, wife of William Halls and fined one penny, to be discharged.
a729 - Calendar. Thomas Allen committed to the Gaol for being idle and disorderly person to be discharged.
a730 - Calendar. Thomas Parish committed to the Gaol for felony, ordered to be continued there until next Assizes and gaol delivery.
a731 - Calendar. Robert Bidman, indicted and convicted of petty larceny ordered to be whipped privately and discharged.
a732 - Adjournment at Falcon Inn. Order for examination of accounts of Gregory Wale, Esq, Treasurer for the County.
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