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a1 - Appointment of Right Hon Thomas Lord Montfort as conservator of River Cam in place of Edward Leeds, deceased.
a2 - Appeal by Elsworth against order to remove Thomas Slow and wife, Elizabeth and son, John, from Holy Trinity, Cambroidge to Elsworth. Appeal allowed.
a3 - Appeal by Westwickham against order to remove William Pamplin and wife, Elizabeth and daughter, Susanna from Bottisham to Westwickham. Order concerning William Pamplin and wife Elizabeth confirmed. Order concerning Susanna quashed since Susanna is a bastard born in Bottisham.
a4 - Order upon complaint of St Michaels, Cambridge to remove William, John and Jacobine Watson, children of the late John and Jacobine Wilson of Great St Marys from St Michaels to Great St Marys, Cambridge, Order confirmed.
a5 - Order upon complaint of St Benedict, Cambridge to remove John Patman and wife Elizabeth and daughter, Anne from St Benedict to Holton. Order confirmed.
a6 - Treasurers Accounts audited. Balance=£141 18s 2.25d
a7 - Order that Treasurer may retain out of county stock £6 6s for his diligent and faithful services in his office.
a8 - Conviction of William Bray, the younger, for swearing 20 profane oaths in parish of Royston
a9 - Order that Allen Hopkins of St Clement, Cambridge, surgeon, be fined for exhuming a body from St Clements churchyard. Fine of £5 paid to Sheriff.
a10 - Order that Alice Walker of Stapleford, widow, found guilty of stealing barley worth 10 pence from William Passell be committed to gaol until next Monday and then be whipped publicly at Stapleford and then discharged, paying her fees.
a11 - Order that Alice, wife of Charles Brown, found guilty of stealing barley worth 10 pence from William Passell, the younger, be committed to gaol until next Monday, then to be whipped publicly at Stapleford and then discharged, paying his fees.
a12 - Order that John Davison, convicted for assault on Thomas Hatley be imprisoned for one month of hard labour and publicly whipped on 13th January and on the Saturday before his discharge.
a13 - Order that John Morris of Bassingbourn, convicted for assault on Soloman Pamplin, be fined 6s 8d. Fine paid.
a14 - Order that Clerk of Peace write to Constable of Great Chesterford, Essex, that unless he pays the expenses of keeping John Lewis, his wife and daughter in the House of Correction (whom he let return to Newmarket from where they had been conveyed by pass) he will be prosecuted.
a15 - Order that Mary Edgley, who was sent out of Cambridge with a pass to go on her place of habitation at Royston and who returned again for which she was committed to the House of Correction, be publicly whipped and then passed to her settlement.
a16 - Order that John Harris of Stapleford, wheelwright, who left his family chargeable to Stapleford, for which he was committed to House of Correction, be privately whipped and then discharged.
a17 - Order that William Griggins, apprentice, to Mr Searle of Whittlesey Isle of Ely, waterman, in House of Correction for running away from his master, be whipped and then discharged.
a18 - Duplicate of passes for conveyance of Richard and Elizabeth Nichols from Newmarket to Pinner, Middlesex; of Elizabeth, wife of John Francis and her son from Newmarket to Scotland; of Martha Daff alias Daugh from Great St Andrew, Cambridge to Balingbroke, Lincs; of Elizabeth King, singlewoman from St Andrew the Great, Cambridge to Hartest, Suffolk-delivered and filed.
a19 - Order that Clerk of Peace draw up a case against Teversham parish for refusing to pay their quarteridges and fees to the treasurer.
a20 - Order that Treasurer pay Wiliam Mott, coroner, £6 7s 0d or several inquisitions.
a21 - Order that all buyers and sellers of grain, flour, buter, cheese and vituals, all Drovers, Buyers and Sellers of Cattle, all Badgers, Ladens, Hidders and Carriers attend at next Quarter Sessions to be licensed having entered into recognizance to observe laws against forstalling, engrossing and pregnating, since these have lately increased. They must leave their names and Deputy Clerk of the Peace first.
a22 - Order that Treasurer pay Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 19s 1d; Mrs York, Keeper of House of Correction, £1 12s 3d; John Pamaby, carpenter of Ickleton £5 3s for conveying vagrants; Samuel Forlow £5 1s 6d for expenses.
a23 - Oaths by Robert Richardson, Rector of Wallington, Herts, Edward Oliver, William Holden and William Farnham, scholars of Emmanuel College, John Castell, scholar of Caius College, Edward Holmes, scholar of Magdalen College, Thomas Boodger of Willingham, dissenting minister and Caleb Sibley of Cambridge, dissenting minister.
a24 - Appeal by Saffron Walden, Essex against order to remove Sarah Bootle from Cottenham to Saffron Walden. Saved until next Quarter Sessions.
a25 - Appeal by Whepstead, Suffolk that John Bailey of Cheveley, farmer is able to maintain his father and mother, James and Ann Bailey, at present chargeable to Whepstead parish. Appeal disallowed.
a26 - Appeal by Tottinhill, Norfolk against order to remove William Ames and wife, Jemima and children William, Sarah, Esther, Elizabeth and John from St Andrew Barnwell to Tottinhill. Appeal allowed. St Andrew to pay Tottinhill £10 costs.
a27 - Appeal by Graveley against order to remove Ann Marsh, widow of John Marsh, and Mary, Elizabeth, James and Marha their children from Willingham to Graveley. Appeal allowed.
a28 - Order, upon complaint of St Andrew, Barnwell, to remove Mary Savage (late of Mary Tucke) wife or widow of Job Savage, soldier, from St Andrew to St Botolph, Cambridge. Order quashed upon appeal by St Botolph.
a29 - Order that Bourn, Linton, Balsham, Weston Colvile repair the common highway in their parishes on view of Lord Montfort.
a30 - Order that Matthew Moul, of Cottenham, found guilty of stealing pieces of wood and a plum tree worth 10 pence from Willliam Dent, be committed to gaol until tomorrow and then publicly whipped in Cottenham and discharged paying his fees.
a31 - Order that William Glover, found guilty of stealing 6 pieces of wood, worth 10 pence from William Dent, be committed to gaol until tomorrow morning, then whipped at Cottenham and then discharged paying their fees.
a32 - Conviction of Daniel Howard and Conington on his own confession of taking hedge wood and green quick wood, the property of the parishioners of Elsworth.
a33 - Conviction of Elizabeth Ashwood of Conington on confession of taking hedge wood, property of Robert Brazier of Boxworth.
a34 - Duplicate of pass for conveyance of Mary Everston, singlewoman, from Royston to Bamburgh, Lincs-filed.
a35 - Bond of Jonathon Sydenham and Thomas Hodgson on London, Merchants, to received Elizabeth Bunning and Mary Hewitt (convicted of felony at last gaol delivery and ordered to be transported to America for 7 years) from the gaoler and transport them to America.
a36 - Order that Treasurer pay John Pamaby, constable of Ickleton, £5 11s 6d for maintainance and passing of vagrants; John Cobb, carpenter, £1 6s 0d for work at Castle; William Harlock, glazier £1 0s 1.5d for work at Castle, Shire Hall and House of Correction; Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £2 18s 7d for work done at Castle; John Hunt, constable of Papworth Agnes, £1 12s 7d for maintainance and conveyance of vagrants; William Mott, coroner, £1 6s 9d for inquisitions; Samuel Forlow £4 15s 3d; John Hunt £18 2s 9d for passing vagrants.
a37 - Oaths and Tests by William Gordon, Fellow of Queens College, Cambridge, Charles Allix and James Collier
a38 - Qualifications and oaths for Justice of Peace by Sir William Maynard
a39 - Appeal by Saffron Walden (at last Quarter Sessions) against order to remove Sarah Bootle from Cottenham to Saffron Walden, Essex. Appeal allowed. Cottenham to pay Saffron Walden £5 7s 5d for maintainance and 20s costs.
a40 - Appeal by St Botolph, Cambridge against order to remove Mary Tucke otherwise Mary Savage from St Andrew, Barnwell to St Botolph. Order confirmed.
a41 - Appeal by Little Shelford to have Sarah Head (daughter of James Head, late of Cambridge, tailor) discharged from her apprenticeship and George Gillingham, satchweaver who is now gone for a soldier, by reason of her being almost blind. Appeal disallowed.
a42 - Order that Arrington Bridge, a county bridge, be repaired by Hale Northam.
a43 - Order that Bourn be fined £50 for not repairing their highways upon view of William Graves. Estreating respited until next Quarter Sessions.
a44 - Recognizance by Thomas Brightwell of Linton and Henry Clayton, farmer, for appearance of inhabitants of Linton at next Quarter Sessions concerning repair of highways.
a45 - Recognizance by Charles Amey and John Haylock of Balsham for appearance of inhabitants of Balsham at next Quarter Sessions concerning repair of Highways.
a46 - Order that Stanton All Saints, Longstanton, have an assessment of 6d in pound for repair of highways.
a47 - Order that Stanton St Michaels, have an assessment of 6d in the pound for repair of highways.
a48 - Order that William Cotton of Coton, convicted of assault on Sarah Rogers, be fined 6s 8d. Fine paid to Sherriff.
a49 - Conviction of Dinah Hewit of Graveley for having sold ale or beer without licence.
a50 - Order that Elizabeth Peele be indicted for burning down the gaol door and escaping.
a51 - Duplicate of pass for conveyance of Ann Barfoot, widow, from St Andrews, Barnwell to Thrimaston, Leicestershire; of Elizabeth Moss from Royston to Saffron Walden, Essex; of Hugh McDonald and Dugald McPherson from Royston to Scotland; of Philip Swaby from Royston to Fistinay, Lincs; of Margaret Harragold, widow, from Royston to Stockton, Durham; of Martha Stephenson, singlewoman, from Royston to St George and Martyr, Middlesex - filed.
a52 - Order that Treasurer pay Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 6s 0d for work done at Castle and Workhouse; John Cobb, carpenter £2 8s 4d for work at Castle; Samuel Forlow a bill for this days expenses.
a53 - Qualifications for offices of militia (named)
a54 - Oaths and Test-Lord Montford, Sir Thomas Italton, Samuel Holworthy, Richard Crop, Christopher Jeaffreson, William Harkness, Thomas Sumpter, John Peck, William Stevenson, John Tersall, William Wiles and Edward Leeds (all officers of militia) and also Robert Plumbtree, MA
a55 - Qualifications and oaths of Justices of Peace by Robert Plumbtree, Samuel Holworthy.
a56 - Oaths and Test-by Thomas Western and Robert Masters, clerk
a57 - Order, upon complaint of All Saints, Cambridge, to remove Ann, wife of Rowland Morgan, from All Saints to St Botolphs, Cambridge. Order confirmed.
a58 - Order that (on Sarah, wife of John Tharr, having sworn that her husband had beaten her), John Tharr be conveyed to House of Correction until he find surety or Ann consent to his being released.
a59 - Order that Lord March's unit of ad quad damnum be confirmed and recorded
a60 - Order that Edward Palmer, committed for setting the House of Edward Palmer on fire, be conveyed to the Castle to be tried for arson at next Assizes.
a61 - Recognizance by Philip Isaacson and Robert Beales of Burwell to appear at next Assizes to prosecute Edward Palmer for Felony.
a62 - Order that Weston Colvile be fined £50 fr not repairing their highway but the levying of the fine be respited until next Quarter Session.
a63 - Order that Certioran to remove presentment against Linton into Court of Kings Bench, be allowed.
a64 - Order that Bourn's fine of £50 for not repairing highways be respited until next Quarter Sessions.
a65 - Order that recognizance by Charles Amey and John Haylock for appearance of inhabitants of Balsham be respited until next Quarter Sessions.
a66 - Order that George Peck of Waterbeach, William Jacklin of Waterbeach, Thomas Cundale of Granchester, William Berry of Willingham, Richard Grain of Great Shelford and Thomas Collier of Stapleford be fined 40 shillings for their non attendance at court, having been summoned to serve on the Grand Jury.
a67 - Order that Thomas Whetenhall, one of the petty constables of St Sepulchre, Cambridge, to be fined 6s 8d for taking up Thomas Green with a warrant granted by the Mayor of Cambridge, while Thomas Green was attending the court under a recognizance.
a68 - Order that Thomas Green of Melbourn, Thomas Dodson, schoolmaster and John Dodson, yeoman of Melbourn, indicted for assault of William Crow and trespass be fined 3s 4d each except for Thomas Dodson (found not guilty).
a69 - Recognizance by Thomas Dodson and John Hitch for appearance of Thomas at next Quarter Sessions.
a70 - Order that Mary Daff, charged with returning to Cambridge after being legally passed to her habitation, be publicly whipped at Market Cross tomorrow at noon and then passed to her habitation again.
a71 - Order, that unless the officers of Swaffham Prior immediately pay their arrears of 2 shillings a week to Elizabeth Peel, prisoner in Gaol and continue paying this allowance, Elizabeth Peel will be discharged.
a72 - Order for meeting to examine accounts of North Road at Crown Inn, Caxton, 15th October.
a73 - Duplicate of passes for conveyance of Andrew Bell, wife, Mary and child Isabella from Royston to St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; of John Blackall from Royston to St Mary, Wablingford, Berks; of Mary Dennis, widow from Royston to Little Hanwood, BUcks, filed.
a74 - Qualification as capital of militia produced by Thomas Western
a75 - Order that payment of Samuel Patten's bill of £8 12s 9d for iron work done at gaol be respited until next Quarter Sessions and that old iron be weighed and allowed for in a bill.
a76 - Order that treasurer pay William Mott, coroner, £12 1s 6d for inquisitions; Mary York, Keeper of House of Correction £2 18s 1d for maintainance of vagrants; John Hunt £10 8s 8d for maintainance and conveyance of vagrants; Samuel Forlow £4 9s 8d expenses.
a77 - Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Edward Day, Edmund Wells and Thomas Crownley, gent (pp.63)
a78 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Edward Jones, scholar of King's College, William White and Charles Dewsnop of Magdalen College (pp.64)
a79 - William Wilkin of Wicken, gent, appointed Chief Constable of Staploe Hundred on resignation of John Casbourn, gent (pp. 64)
a80 - Appeal by Bottisham Parish against removal order for Thomas Ison, alias Isaacson, and Grace his wife from Fen Ditton. Appeal allowed. (pp.64)
a81 - Confirmation of removal order for William Crick (aged 8), Elizabeth Crick (11), children of Edward and Elizabeth Crick, both deceased, from Chippenham to Kentford (Suffolk) (pp.65)
a82 - Confirmation of removal order for Mary Dent, widow, from Cambridge All Saints to Doncaster (Yorks) (pp.65)
a83 - Confirmation of removal order for Nicholas Mason, Elizabeth his wife, and Catharine their daughter aged 16 from Cambridge St Michael to Cambridge All Saints. (pp.66)
a84 - William Martin late of Little Swaffham (ie. Swaffham Prior), labourer, indicted for theft of 3 stone of tallow worth 10d from William Francis. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to be whipped at Swaffham Prior. (pp.67)
a85 - Report of Committee for treasurer's acocunts 1758-59. £522 5s 2.25d received (including £141 18s 2.25d brought forward), £282 8s 2.5d spent. Balance £239 16s 11.75d (pp.68)
a86 - Presentment against inhabitants of Balsham for non-repair of highway ordered to be quashed on motion of Barham Rushbrook, counsel for Crown.
a87 - Fine of £50 upon inhabitants of Weston Colvile for non-repair of highway (imposed on presented of Thomas Lord Montfort at Easter Sessions) ordered to be respited againt at next sessions.
a88 - Similar order in favour of Bourn parish (pp.69)
a89 - Agreement for arbitration of Granado Pigot the younger of Bassingbourn in King v Thomas Dodson and for award to be made within three months. (pp.70)
a90 - Writ and inquisition ad quad damnum for inclosure of highway from Impington Green to north west part of Cross Hill Field and Slough Lane extending from it to Impington Moor by Charles Pepys, Esq, presenting same as without damage to King provided road set out for travellers from own land. (pp.73)
a91 - Leave to Mary Smith, widow, Thomas Stamford the younger, Abel Neaves, Richard Neaves and Andrew Fosket, whose house and furniture at Foxton damaged by fire, to collect alms within Whittlesford Hundred until next sessions. (pp.74
a92 - Leave to Henry Cooper, sackweaver, whose house and furniture at Foxton damaged by fire, to collect alms within Whittlesford Hundred until next sessions.
a93 - Application to parishes of Litlington, Bassingbourn and Royston for reimbursement of money paid to distressed families of substitutes serving in Hertfordshire Militia refused with direction to seek reimbursement from County of Hertford and to clerk of peace to enquire into practice of other counties in such cases. (pp.75)
a94 - Conditional discharge for William Newman committed by Dingley Askham, Esq for desertion of wife and famliy leaving them to be maintained by Longstanton All Saints. (pp.77)
a95 - Remission of fines on George Peck, William Jackin, Thomas Cundale, William Berry, Richard Grain and Thomas Collier for non-attendance on grant jury at last sessions. (p.77)
a96 - Vagrant's pass to Romford (Essex) for Ann Wilson, committed by Sir James Burrough (p.77)
a97 - Vagrant's passes for Ann Wilson (see previous entry but one), Mary Faddock (from St Andrew the Great, Cambridge, to Newton), Elizabeth Osler (from same to Trumpington), Charles Snellings (from Royston to Scarning, Norfolk) and Thomas Lillys (from same to Southwark St Thomas, Surrey) ordered to be filed. (pp.78-79)
a98 - Order to treasurer to pay £29 19s clerk of peace for county business but that no more than 2 guineas to be paid in future for making up freeholders book and duplicate. (Also entered on pp. 77-78 but there crossed through) (pp.79)
a99 - Orders for payment by Treasurer be following Thomas Moore, clerk of the peace 29s 19s 0d for county business (but in future no more than 2 guineas to be allowed for making up freeholders book and duplicate). (pp.79-80)
a100 - Order for payment of William Morr, coroner, £2 4s 6d for taking inquisitions (pp.79-80)
a101 - Order for payment for William Harlock, plumber and glazier, £1 5s 8d for county business. (pp. 79-80)
a102 - Order for payment for John Beechins, 18s 6d for conveying and maintaining vagrants (pp.79-80)
a103 - Order for payment for James Day, £1 18s 6d, for Acts of Parliament for last two sessions, and Charles Crow, 14s 6d, for binding same and for payer book for sessions order. (pp.79-80)
a104 - Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £9 10s, for county business (pp. 79-80)
a105 - Samuel Forlow, £4 10s 4d for expenses (pp.79-80)
a106 - Treasurer's accounts for 1758-59, with Committee's report (pp. 79-80)
a107 - Indictment of John Harris of Melbourn, labourer, for practising as a baker without statutory 7-year apprenticeship
a108 - Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance take by John Smith, gent
a109 - Oaths of allegiance taken by John Whitmore, clerk, rector of Claxby Plackane (Lincs), Gervas Holmer, Edward Oliver, Richard Coulton, John Twells, Baptist Noel Turner, Thomas Lydiatt, and Richard Canning, scholars of Emmanuel College. (pp.85)
a110 - Indictment of John Osler late of Trumpington for keeping disorderly house found by grant jury and warrant for arrest ordered. (pp.86)
a111 - Confirmation of order for removal of William Bell, labourer; Elizabeth, his wife; Elizabeth his daughter aged 6; Ann, their daughter aged 4 and William their son aged 1 year form Soham to Willingham. (pp.88)
a112 - Quashing of order for removal of William Bell, labourer; Elizabeth, his wife; Elizabeth his daughter aged 6; Ann, their daughter aged 4 and William their son aged 1 year from Soham to Willingham
a113 - The inhabitants of Soham to pay the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Willingham 2 guineas for the expense of keeping William Bell and his family since the removal. (pp.88)
a114 - Fine of £50 upon inhabitants of Weston Colvile [Colville] for non repair of highway (imposed on presentments of Thomas Lord Montford at Easter Sessions) ordered to be respited again to next sessions. (pp. 89)
a115 - Fine of £50 upon inhabitants of Bourn for non-repair of highway (imposed on presentment of William Greaves at July sessions) to be further respited to next sessions. (pp.89)
a116 - Case of The King against John Harris (otherwise Aungior) to be postponed until the next Sessions. (pp.90)
a117 - Granado Piggott of Bassingbourn gives his award in the case of Thomas Dodson (first heard at the last Quarter Sessions) viz that Thomas Dodson pay William Crow two guineas and give him a promisory note for another guinea to be paid on 25th December next in discharge of his assault and battery upon William Crown. (pp.90)
a118 - Confirmation of resolution made at last Sessions that the County of Hertford maintain the families of substitutes in the Militia or discharge them (the parishes of Litlington, Bassingbourn and Royston having maintained such families) (pp.93)
a119 - Elizabeth Betts widow and Ann his wife of Thomas Howard of Foxton to be committed to the House of Correction for 3 months and to be publicly whipped once a month during such confinement. This for destroying trees, the property of Jane Deddon, widow of Foxton(pp.93)
a120 - Ann Wilson (a vagrant) to be whipped twice privately for returning to Cambridge from her Place of settlement (pp.94)
a121 - William Mott, coroner for the COUnty, to be paid £4 5s 6d (pp.94)
a122 - Mrs Mary York, the Keeper of the House of Correction, to be paid £2 for maintaining vagrants (pp.94)
a123 - William Thompson, bricklayer, to be paid £14 11s 5d for work done at the Castle and House of Correction, and 12s for work done at Shire Hall
a124 - John Cobb, carpenter, to be paid £2 9s 9d for work done at the Workhouse (pp.94)
a125 - Samuel Patten, whitesmith, to be paid £5 15s 9d for work done at the Gaol and Workhouse, (pp.95)
a126 - Samuel Forlow to be paid £4 19s 0d for the expenses of this day, (pp.95)
a127 - Thomas Williamson, Keeper of the Gaol, brought in a bond dated 1st April entered into be Jonathon Sydenham and Thomas Hodgson, merchants, to James Day, Clerk of the peace, in the penalty of £120 for transporting felons (pp.95)
a128 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Joah Bates, William Padden, Benjamin Ridding and Nathaniel Morgan of King's College
a129 - Confirmation without appeal of removal orders for Groom Poulson and Sarah, wife, from Barnwell to Lavenham (Suffolk)
a130 - Sarah Chamberlayne (widow) and her children Joseph (aged above 6) and Mary (aged about 13) from Royston to Great Gransden (Huntingdon)
a131 - Thomas and Mary Howlcraft and their children Daniel (aged 2) and Richard (9 months) from Royston to St Martin in the Fields (Middlesex)
a132 - Reversal of order made 9th June last that Elizabeth Flatman, wife of Archer Flatman (who had lately run away and left her), and her children, John (aged 6), William (nearly 3) and Archer (about one year) be removed from St Michael's (Cambridge) to Great St Andrews.
a133 - The inhabitants of Weston Colvile discharged from the fine of £50 imposed on 5th October last, their highway now being in good repair.
a134 - Fine of £50 on inhabitants of Bourn imposed 13th July last be further respited.
a135 - Dismissal of case against John Oslar late of Trumpington, indicted at last Quarter Sessions for keeping disorderly house. The jury consisted of John Whybrow, Richard Wing, William Elsdon, Wiliam Page, John Tibbit, Thomas Buddle, John Buttrey, Richard Jordan, Thomas How, Henry Doggett, William Hamikin and Robert Paulet.
a136 - Centiorari brought and allowed to remove the indictment preferred against John Harris (otherwise Aungior) on 18th January Last.
a137 - Presentment against Brinkley for not repairing a highway
a138 - Conviction against Henry Stamford of Conington for taking bushes. John Rust of Little Eversden for selling ale
a139 - Pass for conveying of Hannah, wife of Thomas Whitcombe, from Royston to Southampton. To be filed.
a140 - Order that Briscoe of Shitlington [Shillington] in the County of Bedford be asked to sent vagrants directly home and not via Gamlingay.
a141 - The treasurer pay William Mott, coroner, £5 102 9d
a142 - Treasurer to pay John Sponceley £17 for sinking a well and putting down a pump in the Castle Yard.
a143 - Treasurer to pay Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 9s 3d for work in the County Gaol and Bridwell
a144 - Treasurer to pay John Cocle 12a 6d for maintaining and conveying the vagrants
a145 - Treasurer to pay William Harlock, glazier, £2 3s 1.5d for work done at the Castle, House of Correction and Shire Hall
a146 - Treasurer to pay Robert Adkin, constable, £5 15s 6d for conveying of vagrants
a147 - Treasurer to pay Samuel Forlow, £5 19s for the expenses of this day
a148 - Oath of allegiance taken by John Bostock
a149 - John Matthews discharged from his apprenticeship to John Gifford of Oakington (Carpenter) upon the latter's failing to employ and instruct him.
a150 - That the meeting for examining the North Road Accounts be held at the Crown Inn in Caxton on 20th October next
a151 - Committee appointed to examine Treasurer's Accounts
a152 - Indictment against Samuel Gifford, late of the parish of Oakington, for a nuisance. Charged with placing various orders in the King's Highways, be pleased Not Guilty but afterwards submitted himself to the mercy of the Court and was ordered to remove the nuisance and to pay the expenses of the prosecution.
a153 - Thomas Tyson (labourer) late of Wicken, pleaded guilty to assaulting Shew Johnson. Committed to gaol and to hard labour for 3 months, unless he be willing after one month to make apology in the divide porch to some of the principal inhabitants of Wicken and to pay the expenses of the prosecution and of the gaoler to accompany him.
a154 - John Truman (labourer) late of Wicken, also pleaded guilty to assaulting Shew Johnson and received the same sentence
a155 - Lord Montfort having presented at the last Quarter Sessions that the parish of Brinkley failed to keep the highway from Weston Colvile to Newmarket in good repair, the parish were fined £50, this to be respited until the next Quarter Sessions.
a156 - The parish of Bourn be discharged of the fine of £50 on 13th July 1959 and successively respited for not repairing their highways.
a157 - Thomas Barnes of Whittlesford having lost upwards of £305 though a fire in his barns (between 8th and 9th September last), be allowed to collect charitable contributions until the next General Quarter Sessions.
a158 - Conviction against William Johnson, yeoman, for swearing within the parish of Steeple Morden
a159 - Conviction against Benjamin Kirbusher, yeoman, for swearing within the parish of Steeple Morden.
a160 - Conviction against James Sutton, butcher, for swearing within the parish of Royston.
a161 - Filing of duplicate passe for the conveyance of Jane Wright, Royston to Portsmouth. Ann Judd, Royston to High Ongar, Essex.
a162 - Mary Smith, Royston to Barnard Castle, Durham. John Spence, bachelor, Newmarket All Saints to Rugby. Catherine Guffing, widow, Newmarket to High Town, Scotland.
a163 - Order for public whipping of Peter Gray and Mary, his wife at Cambridge House of Correction, for strolling as gypsies with their seven children in Bourn
a164 - Bond of Jonathon Sydenham and Thomas Hodgeson, merchants for the transportation of Elizabeth Priestland and William Hindes, convicted of Grand Larceny, to the American colonies for 7 years.
a165 - Discharge of Edward Palmer, labourer, of Burwell, previously committed for arson
a166 - Orders for treasurer to pay, William Mott, Cambridge coroner, £9 12s 3d for taking inquisitions. John Parnaby. Constable of Ickleton, £3 17s for maintaining and conveying of vagrants. Constable of Bourn, £1 11s for care of gypsies and procuring four men to bring them to the House of Correction. Thomas WIlliamson, gaoler, £6 6s 3d for maintaining gypsies in House of Correction.
a167 - Samuel Patten, whitesmith, 18s 8.5d for work at County Gaol.
a168 - John Cobb, carpenter, £2 15s 8d for work at Shirehall and Gaol
a169 - William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 12s 8d for plastering and brickwork at Shirehall
a170 - Constable of Melbourn, 11s 9d for conveying and maintaining vagrants
a171 - Robert Adkin, constable of Hennett, £1 10s for conveying and maintaining vagrants
a172 - Samuel Forlow, £5 4s 2s for expenses.
a173 - Sacrament certificate brought into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Thomas Moore, the Elder and Thomas Moore, the younger, gents
a174 - Indictment of William Turtle, late of Histon, for unlawfully lodging Robert Beaumont and Stuart his wife in his cottage.
a175 - Indictment of John Webster, late of Fen Ditton, for stealing 10d worth of goods of James Bones. Pleaded guilty and ordered to be wipped at Fen Ditton
a176 - Indictment of James Hisher, late of Newmarker, labourer, for serious assault of William Edwards
a177 - Confirmation of removal orders for Elizabeth Austen, widow, from Kennet to Waterbeach. Rosemund Banks from Cambridge St Michaels to Cambridge St Edwards. Robert Robinson and his wife, Sarah, from Fowlmere to Duxford St Peter
a178 - Fine of £50 against inhabitants of Brinkley for non-repair of highway, ordered to be respited until next Quarter Sessions.
a179 - Recognizance of Martha Edwards of Newmarket, widow, for £20 on condition that William Edwards appears at next Quarter Sessions.
a180 - Order to Clerk of the Peace to prepare Address to congratulate the King on accession to the throne.
a181 - Leave to Thomas Barns for collection of Alms until Lady day next.
a182 - Filing of duplicate of passes for the conveyance of Hannah Davies from Royston to Putney. John Humphrey from Royston to Haughton, near Darlington. Susannah Bayley, Newmarket to Edinburgh West Port.
a183 - Mary Vaux, widow, from Girton to Sturton, Lincoln
a184 - Elizabeth Rash, from Girton to Cookham, Berkshire
a185 - Order to treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £1 5s 3d for taking of inquisitions
a186 - Report of Committee for treasurer's accounts 1759-60, £639 5s 11.25d received (including £239 16s 11.75d brought forward), £381 7s 5d spent, Balance £257 18s 6.25d
a187 - Order for Constables' Quarteridges be reduced by one quarter
a188 - Order for treasurer to be paid a gratuity of ten guineas
a189 - Sacrament certificates delivered into courts and oaths of allegiance taken by Thomas Twining, Fellow of Sidney College, Anthony Oldfield, William Tuting, John Dunston, George Hewett, Edmund Wells, George Robson, William Whitelock, Thomas Turner, Samuel White, Charles Martindae, Joseph Springall, gents
a190 - Oath of allegiance taken by Charles Favell, scholar of Clare Hall
a191 - Appeal by parish of St Mary the Great, Cambridge, against removal order for Ann Willett and Ann Bolt Willett, her daughter from St Giles, Cambridge. Held over until next Quarter Sessions.
a192 - Appeal by Parish of Isleham against removal order for John and Frances Read, and their son John, from Fordham. Order confirmed.
a193 - Confirmation of removal order for Ann Jeaves, singlewoman, from Litlington to Chrishall, Essex
a194 - Confirmation of removal order for Crispe Allen and Elizabeth his wife, from Boxworth to Over.
a195 - Order for treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £3 17s 3d for taking inquisitions.
a196 - Filing for pass for conveyance of Catherine Drury, wife of John Drury, sailor, from Royston to Whitechapel.
a197 - Filing of pass for conveyance of Cornelious Caeser, sailor, from Royston to Shadwell, Middlesex.
a198 - Fine of 13s 4d upon William Turtle of Histon, from unlawfully lodging Robert Beaumont and Stuart his wife, in his cottage.
a199 - Order for Elizabeth, vagrant, to remain in House of Correction until she gives her full name and passed a writing examination.
a200 - Orders for the treasurer to pay: Samuel Patten, whitesmith, 11s 7d for work on County Gaol. William Harlcok, glazier, £1 8s 8d for work on Shire Hall and House of Correction. John Thurley, Officer of Steeple Morden, £2 17s 6d for 39 weeks allowance to Isaac Coxal, militia men
a201 - Thomas Williamson, gaoler, £6 6s for conveying Christopher Pant, felon to London and 1 guinea for whipping of vagrant.
a202 - Robert Adkin, Constable of Kennet, £3 8s 6d for conveying vagrants
a203 - Bond to Jonathon Sydenham and Thomas Hodgson for the transportation of Christopher Pant, convicted of Grand Larceny, to American colonies for 7 years
a204 - Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by William Mott, Junior, Robert Bromley, Edward Knowles, Edward Symms, John Bundurk, William Williams, Thomas Bartham, Richard Taylor, John Bright and Robert Eaton, gents
a205 - Oaths of allegiance taken by David Stevenson, scholar of Kings College and Willbore Tuting
a206 - Quashing of removal order for Ann Willett and Ann Bolt her daughter from St Giles, Cambridge to Great St Mary, Cambridge
a207 - Indictment of Thomas Marsh, Senior, later of Carlton with Willingham for taking cattle from the custody of Jeffery Reeve.
a208 - Indictment of Joseph Derisley late of Swaffham Prior, yeoman, for assault of Mary Peel. Jury to decide at next session
a209 - Indictment of same Joseph Derisley for assault on Ann Blenkinsop. Jury to decide at next Sessions
a210 - Order for discharge of Robert Cracknald, John Ellis, William Gastriell, Thomas Gilder, George Gunston, John Longland, John Provost, Thomas Taylor, Peter Whitley and Richard Wyche, confirmed for non-payment of debt, under clauses of insolvent act.
a211 - Order for discharge of William Rush and Michael Cotton, confined for non-payment of debt
a212 - Fine of £50 upon inhabitants of Brinkley for non-repair of highway (imposed on presentment of Thomas Lord Montfort at Easter Sessions) ordered to be respited again next Sessions.
a213 - Appointment of Revd Robert Plumptre, Master of Queen's College as auditor for conservation accounts of River Cam
a214 - Appointment of John Dimock as Commissioner of Waterbeach Level
a215 - Filing of pass for conveyance of James and Ann Cox and Mary their daughter from Royston to Stepney.
a216 - Filing of pass for conveyance of Emmanuel George, Martha this wife and Ann and Thomas their children from Royston to St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne
a217 - Orders for £40 to be levied on goods of Joseph Derisley upon condition that he appear at next sessions to try his case for the assault upon Mary Peel
a218 - Orders for £40 to be levied on goods of Joseph Derisley upon condition that he appear at next sessions to try his case for the assault upon Ann Blekinsop
a219 - Orders to the treasurer to pay: William Mott, coroner, £7 16s for taking inquisitions. John Cobb, carpenter, £1 1s 9d for work at the Castle. William Thompson, bricklayer, £4 7s for work at County Gaol. Constable of Fen Drayton, £2 19s for conveying of vagrants; £2 2s 9d for maintaining 57 vagrants; £6 4s for conveying vagrants to Chesterford; 11s 6d for relieving foot passangers (total £11 17s 3d) Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 7s 9d for work at County Gaol
a220 - Mr Merrill, bookseller £2 2s
a221 - Robert Atkin, Constable of Kennett, £4 3s for coveying vagrants
a222 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet, Samuel Holworthy, John Drage, Esq, Charles Mason, and Marwood Place, Fellows of Trinity College
a223 - Sacrament certificate brought into court and oath of allegiance taken by Revd Robert Plumptre, Doctor of Divinity
a224 - Order to discharge Jonathon Pink, previously confined for non-payment of debt, on the compulsive clause of the Insolvent Act
a225 - Sacrament certificates brought into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Elizabeth Pearse, widow, and John Drage, Esq
a226 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Revd Henry Newcome rector of Castle Caerinion, and Christopher Jeaffreson, Esq
a227 - Oath taken by John Drage, Esq, as qualification for Justice of the Peace
a228 - Confirmation of removal order for Francis Seymour and Elizabeth, his wife, from Cambridge St Giles to Fen Ditton
a229 - Confirmation of removal order for Joseph Elliot and Elizabeth, his wife, from Croydon cum Clapton to Little Shelford. Ann Willet and Ann Bolt Willet her daughter, from Cambridge St Giles to Cambridge Great St Mary
a230 - Accounts of Charles Martindale, receiver of Waterbeach Charity for 1760-61 brought into court. Balance £10 14s 5.25d
a231 - Indictment of William Haslewood, late of Castle Camps, labourer, for theft of bushel of oats and barley worth 10d from John French. Pleaded guilty and sentances to be whipped at Cambridge Gaol.
a232 - Appointment of Edward Leeds, Esq, as Conservator of River Cam
a233 - Leave to Matthew Clarke and John Johnson to collect alms in Little Swaffham until Sessions for William Gilby and family, whose house burnt down
a234 - Notice given of North Road accounts meeting
a235 - Order to discharge Brinkley Parish from £50 fine for non-repair of highway
a236 - Plea of guilty by Joseph Derisley for assault on Mary Peel. Fined 1s
a237 - Plea of guilty by same for assault on Ann Blekinsop, Fined 1s
a238 - Order for Thomas Marsh accused of theft of cattle from custody of Jeffrey Reeve in Carlton-with-Willingham to appwar before jury at next sessions.
a239 - Order to discharge William Hutchinson, Thomas Carler, Nicholas Mason, Joseph Cook, confirmed for non-payment of debt
a240 - Order not to discharge Jane Martin, widow, for non-payment of debt
a241 - Address of congratulations on this marriage to be presented to the King read in court
a242 - Recognizance of Thomas Marsh senior and junior for £60 that Thomas Marsh senior appear at next Sessions
a243 - Filing of passes for conveyance of Mary Dimond and her child from Royston to Portsmouth; Elizabeth Phillips and her child from Royston to Southampton; and Mary Howard from Royston to Farnham, Surrey
a244 - Recognizance of Richard Cole senior and junior £20 each for Richard Cole junior appearance at next Sessions
a245 - Order for treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £6 7s 9d for taking inquisitions. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, 13s or work at Castle. Samuel Forlow, £4 14s 8d for expenses.
a246 - John York of Wimblington, William Windle of Marh, John Cox of Peterborough appointed assignees of effect of William Hutchinson.
a247 - Sacrament certificates brought into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Thomas Derisley, fellow of Queen's College and Revd Theodore Vincent Gould, fellow of Clare Hall
a248 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Thomas Westeur, Esq and John Scaris, Vicar of Hurst and Ruscomb, Berks
a249 - James Clark of Saohm, sworn chief constable of Staploe Hundred
a250 - Leave to Matthew Clarke and John Johnson to collect alms for sufferers by fire at Little Swaffham extended until next sessions
a251 - Tax of 6d in the pound levied on inhabitants of Elsworth granted to surveyors for repair of highways
a252 - William Read appointed Commissioner for Waterbeach Level
a253 - Confirmation of removal order for Mary Nelson, singlewoman, from Cambridge St Andrews Barnwell to Cambridge St Giles.
a254 - Order that James Bull, charged with bastardy, be retained in House of Correction until next Sessions
a255 - Conditional discharged of William King, committed for bastardy, to marry Elizabeth Peters
a256 - Recognizance of Thomas Marsh senior and Thomas junior respited until next Sessions.
a257 - Orders to treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £1 9s 9d for taking inquisitions. William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 12s for work at House of Correction.
a258 - Samuel Forlow, £4 0s 6d for expenses.
a259 - Filing of pass for conveyance of Margaret, wife of Daniel White, from Fen Drayton to Inverness
a260 - Report of Committee for treasurer's accounts 176-61 £587 17s 10.25d received (including £257 18s 6.25d brought forward) £263 12s .75d spent, balance £324 5s 9.5d
a261 - Sacrament certificate brought into court and oath of allegiance taken by William Howell Ewin, Esq. Also oath taken as qualification for Justice of Peace
a262 - Indictment of John Turtle of Histon, yeoman, for assault upon John Foreman in Orwell. Jury ordered to come to next Sessions
a263 - Recognizance of John Turtle of £20 to appear at next Sessions
a264 - Order to confine Edmund Webb, charged with bastardy and refusing to give sureties, until next Sessions.
a265 - Appeal of William Barrs of Swavesey, yeoman, against indenture of £10 for not receiving and providing for his apprentice, Thomas Bidwell, respited until next Sessions.
a266 - Contract with Joseph Porter and William Mean for conveying vagrants from Royston to Papworth for 50 guineas per annum
a267 - Recognizance of Thomas Marsh senior and junior forfeited for non-appearance
a268 - Filing of pass for conveyance of Samuel Mitchell from Newmarket to Kettering.
a269 - Orders to treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £9 5s for taking inquisitions. William Thompson, bricklayer, £14 1s 5d for building wall at Castle. John Cobb, £1 13s for work at Workhouse and Gaol
a270 - Oaths of allegiance taken by George Montgomerie, William Metcalfe, Esqa, and Leonard Berridge, scholar of Jesus College
a271 - Confirmation of removal order for Francies Miller, wife of Wiliam Miller, and William her son, from Swaffham Prior to Little Wilbraham
a272 - Summons to James Bull, constable of Stanton St Michael for non-payment of Quarteridges, to appear at next sessions.
a273 - Joseph Keeling of Cambridge, yeoman, appointed assignee of effects of Joseph Cooke of Cambridge, fishmonger
a274 - William Cotton of Cambridge, carpenter, appointed assignee of effects of Joanthon Pink
a275 - Indictment of Elizabeth Emmons, later of Ditton, servant for theft of 10lbs of butter worth 10d from Edmund Palmby. Sentenced to be whipped at the Market Cross
a276 - Indictment of Edward Ship of Westwratting, farmer, for assault returned Ignoramus by Grand Jury
a277 - Appeal of William Barrs of Swavesey, against indenture for apprentice allowed, Indenture quashed (see p.203)
a278 - John Turtle found guilty of assault on John Foreman (see p.197)
a279 - Order for Elizabeth Hoy, vagrant, to be whipped at Market Cross and to be passed back to Bassingbourn.
a280 - Order to treasurer to pay Arthur Morgan, Welshman, 3 guineas for damages incurred in falling from waggon.
a281 - Order for brass chandalier to be hung up in nini prius court, Shire Hall
a282 - Orders to treasurer to pay caretaker of Shire Hall 5s per quarter. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £20 9s 8.5d for work at Gaol. Thomas Balls, stonemason, £4 13s 1d for work at Gaol. Samuel Forlow, £4 19s for expenses. Sessions adjourned until 3rd August
a283 - Sacrament certificates brought into count and oaths of allegiance taken by Lord Viscount Thomas Parker, Esq and John Hewit Hagar, Esq
a284 - Oath of allegiance for Justice of the Peace taken by John Hewit Hagar
a285 - Leave to Thomas Barron of Shepreth, whose barns and outhouses are stock worth £230 7s were destroyed by fire, to collect alms until next sessions
a286 - Confirmation of removal order for William Cherry and Mary, his wife, from Steeple Morden to Little Wimley (Wimondley)
a287 - Indictment of Zachariah Mart, late of Cambridge, gent, James Bullman, victualler, and George Cannar, late of Chesterton, yeoman, for defrauding William Brown of 3 guineas at cards. Plea of not guilty
a288 - Indictment of Abraham Halls, Jacob Halls and James Jaggard, late of Swaffham Prior, labourers for assault on John Leggitt. Please of not guilty
a289 - Indictment of Abraham Halls for assault on John Leggitt. Plea of not guilty
a290 - Indictment of Abraham Halls for assault of John Leggitt
a291 - Indictment of Abraham Halls, Jacob Halls, James Jaggard for killing a gelding belonging to Francis Bowtell worth £7
a292 - Indictment of Elizabeth Downham, later of Swaffham, spinster, for theft of linen cloth worth 10d from John Johnson. Pleaded guilty and sentanced to be whipped.
a293 - Order for James Tapper, vagrant, to be whipped for begging in Horseheath and threatening to blow up the house of Rt Hon Lord Montford.
a294 - Assessment of 3d in a pound levied on inhabitants of Waterbeach granted to Waterbeach surveyors for repair of highway
a295 - Appointment of William Greaves, Beaupre Bell, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton, as committee for treasurer's accounts
a296 - Notice of North Road accounts meeting
a297 - Discharge of Edmund Hart, previously committed for threatening arson, no prosecution
a298 - Congratulatory address of birth of price to King
a299 - William Ivatt junior of Cottenham sworn as Chief Constable of Chesterton Hundred
a300 - Accounts of Charles Allix, treasurer of Swaffham Prior Charity 1753-1761. Balance £17 7s 10d
a301 - Conviction against William Brown of Fen Ditton, for swearing, quashed
a302 - Conviction against William Crow, journeyman, for gaming in Fowlmire. Fined 10s
a303 - Recognizance of Zachariah Mart, James Bullman and George Cannar for £40 eah to appear at next sessions
a304 - Recognizance of William Brown for £40 to appear at next sessions
a305 - Filing of pass for conveyance for Nicholas Rov from Royston to Taunton St Mary Magdalen and John Robin and Elizanbeth his wife from Royston to West Ham
a306 - Custody order for George Price misbehaving in court
a307 - Order to treasurer to pay Thomas Williamson, gaoler, £1 10s 1d. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 7s 1d
a308 - Mr Hopkins, surgeon, £2 2s for attending Richard Apthorpe who died in gaol.
a309 - William Mott £11 14s 9d for taking inquisitions
a310 - Discharge of John Heffer of Great Shelford
a311 - Discharge of Francis Wells of Trumpington, committed for theft of box of handkerchiefs from Susan Dickens
a312 - Demand for John Howlett of Soham to pay £6 6s 2d to maintain Sarah his wife and for sosts incurred by Overseers for the Poor of the same parish.
a313 - Confirmation of removal order for James Bennet, Margaret his wife, and Mary their daughter, from Cambridge Trinity to Cambridge St Edwards
a314 - Appeal by Little St Andrew Parish Barwell against removal order of John Stearn from Trumpington to Little St Andrew. Order respited until next sessions.
a315 - Confirmation of removal orders for Richard and Sarah Colley and their children, George aged 4, Frances aged 2, from Cambridge Trinity to Cambridge All Saints.
a316 - Confirmation of removal orders for William Dovar and Susannah his wife and William aged 3, Susannah Lucy Butler aged 2, their children, from Swaffham Bulbeck to Wooditton.
a317 - Articles of peace exhibited against William Brown (see p.226) by William Grain of Fen Ditton
a318 - Indictment of John Iverson, late of Isleham, blacksmith, for theft of turkey worth 10d from Robert Brown. Found guilty and ordered to be whipped at Isleham
a319 - Zachariah Mart, James Bullman and George Cannar indicted for defrauding William Brown, acquitted by verdict
a320 - Filing of pass for conveyance of Elizabeth Huckle, widow, from Royston to Hounslow St Mary
a321 - Conviction of John How of Wicken, labourer, for swearing
a322 - Order for purchase of brass shandalier for Nisi Prius court for exceeding £15 guineas.
a323 - Order for gratuity payment of £5 5s to William Hancock, treasurer
a324 - Orders to treasurer to pay Thomas Williamson, gaoler 6s for whipping vagrants, Robert Brown 12s for taking of John Iverson to gaol, John Woodford 10s 9d for conveying Mary Edes, vagrant, to Elm, Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £4 11s 8d for work at gaol, William Mott, coroner, £6 18s 3d for taking inquisitions, Samuel Forlow £5 2s 2d for expenses
a325 - Report of committee for treasurers accounts 1761-62, £625 5s 4.5d received (including £324 5s 9.5d brought forward(, £262 11s 0.75d spent, balance £362 14s 3.75d
a326 - Sacrament certificate brought into court and oath of allegiance taken by John Smith, gent
a327 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Revd George London, fellow of St Johns College, and Revd John Hooke, rector of Little Wilbraham and vicar of Granchester
a328 - Confirmation of removal order for William Stearn from Trumpington to Little St Andrew Barnwell
a329 - Confirmation of removal order for Richard and Elizabeth Cox and Judith aged 2, Richard 6 months, their children from Cambridge Great St Mary to Cambridge St Benedict
a330 - Appeal by Wooditton parish against removal order for William and Susannah Devar and their children from Swaffham Prior to Wooditton. Order respited again until next sessions. Wooditton ordered to pay £1 for expenses.
a331 - Appeal by Cambridge St Clement against removal order for Mary Gray from Cambridge Great St Mary to Cambridge St Clement. Order reversed. Inhabitants of St Clements ordered to pay 9s to overseers of St Mary for expenses.
a332 - Appeal by John Barton of Conington against order of bastardy ordering him to pay £3 12s towards maintainance of Elizabeth Bennet and her child of Elsworth. Order respited until next sessions.
a333 - Discharge of William Brown from Articles of Peace (see p.235-8) brought by William Grain
a334 - Indictment of Thomas Turner, late of Snailwell, labourer, for theft of 2 bushels of malt worth 10d from William Chapman. Pleaded guilty and ordered to be whipped
a335 - Filing of removal order for Walter Spencer from Newmarket All Saints to Cambridge All Saints.
a336 - Order for County rates to be reduced by half
a337 - William Ladds of Melbourn, committed for running away from wife and family, ordered to be whipped
a338 - Orders to the treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £1 for taking inquisitions, Charles Nalson Cole, Esq, £8 13s 6d for Chandalier for Nisi Prius court
a339 - Charles Cole thanked for purchase of Chandalier
a340 - Orders to the treasurer to pay William Thompson, bricklayer, £4 1s 2d for work at Castle, Samuel Patten, whitesmith £3 12s 10d for same, Thomas Williamson £1 2 for conveying and whipping a vagrant at Isleham, Samuel Forlow £4 13s 2d or expenses
a341 - Oath of allegiance taken by Revd Anthony Shepheard, rector Barton Mills
a342 - Certificate for raising £1,345 for rasining Militia for 1762. Treasurer ordered to make estimate of rates
a343 - Rate of 6d on inhabitants of Castle Camps granted to surveyors for repair of highways
a344 - Order for repair of Arrington Bridge at cost of £34 12s 2d
a345 - Order to pay Henry Smith £11 12s 1d for passing of soldiers between Royston and Papworth
a346 - William Greaves, Beaupre Bell Esquire, Sir John Hynde Cotton appointed to Committee for viewing and repairing Shelford Bridge
a347 - Fine of £50 levied on Westwickham parish for an area of roadway
a348 - Order to treasurer to pay Mr Forlow £2 14s 3d for expenses
a349 - Order to avertise next sessions in Cambridge newspapers
a350 - Sessions adjourned until 11 June 1763
a351 - Address of congratulations to King read
a352 - Bills from Thomas Williamson for nursing Matthew Ares and Elizabeth Gibson referred to next Quarter Sessions
a353 - Pension ordered for John Martin, retired seaman
a354 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Robert Harrington, fellow of christ college, and Joseph Butcher, gent
a355 - Oath for Justice of the Peace taken by Stephen Soame
a356 - Confirmation of removal order for Walter Spencer from Cambridge All Saints to Fordham
a357 - Confirmation of removal order for Robert Blows, single, from Barton to Caldecote
a358 - Removal order for William and Susannah Dear and their children William, aged 3, Susannah Lucy Butler (2) from Swaffham Prior to Wooditton, quashed
a359 - Order of bastardy against John Barton of Conington by Elizabeth Benet and daughter Hannah quashed
a360 - Summons against inhabitants of Fordham for next sessions to appeal against fine of £50 for non-repair of highway
a361 - Indictment against Robert Cracknald, late of Reach, for taking cattle impounded by John Simpson in Swaffham Prior
a362 - Indictment against Alice, wife of James Gynn, late of Soham, for assault upon James Clack
a363 - Indictment against Thomas Parmenter late of Linton, labourer, for assault on Ann Wilson, wife of Richard
a364 - Conviction against Phyleas Lock of Soham, alehouse keeper, for gaming
a365 - Conviction against Michael Cockerton of Soham, yeoman, for selling ale without licence
a366 - Recognizance of Thomas Parmenter of Linton, for £40 to appear a next sessions
a367 - Recognizance of Richard Wilson of Linton for £40 to prosecute indictment against Thomas Parmenter at next sessions
a368 - £50 fine levied on Westwickham Parish for non-repair of highway respited until next Sessions.
a369 - Rate of 3.5d levied on Bourn Parish for repair of highway
a370 - Order for payment of 1s 6d weekly of Ann Brand, poor inhabitant of Chesterton, for maintainance of bastard child
a371 - Report of Waterbeach Charity accounts 1762-3, £23 19s 8.75d receoved, £26 6s 10d spent, amount owed £2 7s 2d
a372 - Leave to sufferers by fire at Offord Cluny to college alms in Huntingdon County until next sessions
a373 - Estimate of Quadruple Quarteridge to raise £1,345 for not raising militia, presented in court by treasurer.
a374 - Orders to treasurer to pay Mr Porter £20 in part of £34 12s 3d for repair of Arrington Bridge, William Mott, coroner, £4 9s for taking inquisitions, John Cobb, carpenter, £1 4s 8d for work at Castle and House of Correction, Samuel Patten, £1 0s 5d for work done at Castle.
a375 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Lambert Samuel, and Nicholas Brown, follow of Christ College
a376 - Indictment against Robert Crackness late of Swaffham Prior, butcher, Benjamin Cracknell, singlewoman and Samuel Setchall of Isleham, victualler for assault upon Richard Waters in Swaffham Bulbeck.
a377 - Robert Crackness late of Reach, fined £50 for taking cattle impounded by John Simpson at Swaffham
a378 - John Parmenter of Linton fine 1s for assault on Ann Wilson
a379 - Indictment against John Matthew for assaulting John Carr returned Ignoramus by Grand Jury
a380 - Fine of £50 on Westwickham for non-repair of highyway respited until next sessions
a381 - Fine of £50 on Fordham parish for non-repair of highway respited until next sessions
a382 - Recognizance of Robert Christy Junior of Melbourn £20, Robert Christy Senior of Ashwell and Thomas Thurgood £10 each for appearance of Robert Christy Junion on order of bastardy respited until next Sessions
a383 - William Turtle of Histon, yeoman and John Mallison of Cambridge fined £2 each for non-attendance of court
a384 - William Richard of Abington repair worth of malt destroyed by fire
a385 - John Malting, labourer, committed for running away from family ordered to be whipped at Little Shelford
a386 - Susannah Mambee given conditional discharge
a387 - Committee appointed to examine the House of Correction
a388 - Order for appointment of committee to pass treasurer's accounts
a389 - Notice given for North Noad accounts meeting
a390 - Order for treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £2 15s 9d for taking inquisitions
a391 - Recognizance of John Steadman of Fordham of £40 for inhabitants of Fordham to appear at next Sessions for non-repair of highway
a392 - Philip Isaacson of Burwell, Edward Grunston of Isleham and Robert Knights fined £2 each for non-attendance of court
a393 - Sacrament cerrificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by the Rev Daniel Longmore, proctor of the University of Cambridge
a394 - Oaths of allegiance taken by the Rev John Powell, vicar of Trumpington
a395 - Confirmation of removal order for Mary Sowel and William her son (6 weeks) from Great Wilbraham to Stow cum Qui
a396 - Discharge of John Allen of Barrington from his recognizance of begetting a child to be born out of lawful wedlock
a397 - Samuel Balduck appointed Chief Constable of Longstow
a398 - Fine of £50 upon inhabitants of Westwickham for non-repair of highway (imposed on presentman of Sir William Maynard at Easter sessions) which was ordered to be respited again until next sessions, is cancelled and the inhabitants of Westwickham discharged
a399 - John Hodman of Fordham's recognizance respited.
a400 - Alice Lynn pleaded not guilty to an indictment of assault preferred against here by James Clack
a401 - Recognizance of John Lynn to become void or remain in full force according to verdict on his wife
a402 - Indictment against John Haper for felony and petty larceny preferred by Thomas Papworth, was returned as Ignorance by the Jury
a403 - Roebert Cracknell withdrew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty to an indictment of assault preferred by Samuel Waters and fined 1s
a404 - Samuel Setchwell also pleaded guilty to an indictment of assault, preferred against him by Samuel Waters, and was fined 1s
a405 - Samuel Setchwell (victualler) pleaded guilty to an indictment of keeping an disorderly house, preferred against him by William Collin and Joseph, and was fined 1s
a406 - Samuel Setchwell pleaded guilty to an indictment of assault of Dorisley Arnold, preferred against him by Joseph Diver and others, and was fined 1s
a407 - Mary Setchell pleaded guilty to an indictment of assault of Dorisley Arnold, preferred against him by Joseph Diver and others, and was fined 1s
a408 - An indictment of assault of Samuel Setchell preferred against Dorisley Arnold, Thomas Cadman and Henry Cornwell, labourers of Isleham, by Samuel Setchell and another was not found
a409 - Indictment preferred by Richard Clarke and John Veal against Richard Ross of Fulbourn for a Roscous. Richard Ross ordered to be present at next general quarter sessions to answer indictment
a410 - Robert Cracknell's fine of £5, placed upon him at the last General Quarter Sessions, remitted to 2 guineas, and on paying or giving security for the sum, Robert Cracknell was to be released from custody.
a411 - Fines of 40 shillings each upon Edward Gunston and Robert Knights of Isleham for not appearing and serving on the Jury at the last General Quarter Sessions, where wholly remitted when it was found that they were not summoned.
a412 - Fine of 40 shillings upon John Mallison, one of the Sheriffs' Bailiffs, for not attending the Court and making a Return of his Precept, was wholly remitted, when it was found that he was prevented from attending by business relting to the Sheriffs' Office.
a413 - John Maling, labourer, who was committed to Bridewell for lack of good behaviour, was ordered to be discharged out of custody, upon his promising to behave better to his wife Susannah in future
a414 - Elizabeth Hoys, vagrant, who was committed to Bridewell for returning from Bassingbourn to Cambridge, from whence she was removed, was ordered to be publicly whipped at the Market Cross, next Saturday at noon, and again at Bassingbourn on Monday Sennight, then be delivered to a proper officer at Bassingbourn
a415 - Samuel Mills, apprentice apothecary, who stood committed to Bridewell for disordered conduct, was ordered to be discharged out of custody, upon promising to behave himself better in future
a416 - Robert Isaacson exhibited 11 years accounts of Burwell charity, which were ordered to be filed
a417 - Filing of a duplicate pass for the conveyance of Elizabeth Sparrow from St Clements (Cambridge) to Fulbourn
a418 - Filing of a duplcate pass for conveyance of Susannah Wads from St Andrews (Cambridge) to Haverhill, Suffolk
a419 - Filing of a duplicate pass for the conveyance of Jane Sawyer, widow, from Cottenham to St James (Westminster)
a420 - Filing on bond brought into court by Thomas Williamson, under hands of Jonathon Lydenham and Moses Fonseea of London Merchants, for the transporting of Richard Gawthorpe to plantations in America
a421 - Ordered that bills be paid by the Treasurer of the County to William Mott, gent, coroner of the county for inquisitions, £7 10s 0d, William Thompson, bricklayer, for work done at the House of Correction and Castle £2 7s 5.5d, John Cobb, carpenter, for the same £3 17s 2d, Samuel Patten, whitesmith for same £1 15s 10d, Mr Forlow, a bill for the expenses of this day £4 19s 4d.
a422 - Deputy Lieutenant and Justices of the Peace summoned by letter to a meeting to discuss the future of the Militia, a similar advertisement being placed in the papers
a423 - The Treasurers' Account Committee reported their findings, recorded the accounts, among which payments to poor soldiers families and vagrants and to Williamson the gaoler for getting a transportee taken to the docks
a424 - The accounts continued: money was paid in by the Hertfordshire treasurer to the account for the families of the men who had served in the Hertfordshire militia. The Completed accounts list were signed by Thomas Hatton, J Hynde, Cotton, B Plumpt W, William Greaves, BB, W H Ewin.
a425 - Justices of the Peace sworn in (Friday 13th January 1764) arranged for cases to be tried, then adjourned until Monday 23rd January, at the Rose Tavern
a426 - The county of Cambridgeshire (exclusive of the Isle of Ely and the Town of Cambridge) were ordered to raise £1, 345, and to get the Lord Lieutenant of the county to certify that this had been done.
a427 - The present session to be adjourned until 10am on Saturday 18th February, the adjournment to be advertised in the paper, as should also be a General Meeting of the Militia.
a428 - Thomas Selator King exhibited and filed his qualification as a Captain in the militia for the county of Cambridge
a429 - The Clerk of the Peace was ordered to make a proper return to the House of Commons order, dated 16th Janury at once, and thereafter to record all such orders relevant to te Militia which he had and would receive. Then there was an adjournment until 18th February
a430 - The target of money levied from Cambridge was not attained; the session was adjourned until 13th March, and the Treasurer ordered to calculate how much extra the several hundreds would have to raise. The clerk was ordered to inform the House of Commons of this predicament.
a431 - Thomas Watson Ward exhibited his qualifications to act as a Captain in the County Militia, as did Thomas Harrison, John Teball and William Wiles, as Lieutenants, and William Teball and William Gifford as Ensigns
a432 - Thomas Williamson reimbursed for a bill of eight guineas
a433 - The clerk was ordered to pay a bill of £41 17s 7d delivered by the Treasurer
a434 - The treasurer was ordered to pay £4 6s 4d
a435 - On 13th March 1764 the sessions were adjourned to 11:00 am. Sunday 24th March
a436 - On 13th March the complaint of the people of Royston was brought before the Sessions' notice; the town lies half in Cambridgeshire and half in Hertfordshire, and since the church lay in the Hertfordshire part, the people furnished Militia men to Hertfordshire; yet they paid rates to Cambridgeshire. The problem is how they can pay these rates, by virtue of the MIlitia Act, since they serve in Hertfordshire, or otherwise how sufficient rates can be raised elsewhere in Cambridgeshire. The County rates will not be equal to £5 per man in each parish, for the men to be raised. The Clerk of the Peace was therefore directed to tell the County members of these difficulties in order to elicit their advice by the next General Sessions on 4th May
a437 - Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Sir Thomas Hatton, baronet, and Thomas Watson Ward, Esq
a438 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Arthur Dyer, exciseman and William Watson, dissenting Minister
a439 - Appeal by Mildenhall Parish against removal order for Mary Paris, widow, with 7 small children from Ashley. Appeal allowed
a440 - Confirmation of removal order for Ann Hull from the parish of Great St Mary's to Cottenham
a441 - Appeal by Landbeach Parish against order of Trustees of Ely Turnpike for 1 day's statute work on the road in their parish. Appeal allowed
a442 - Appeal by Chesterton Parish against order of Trustees of Ely Turnpike to do 3 days statute work on the road in their parish. Appeal allowed and 2 days work only, ordered
a443 - Order on complaint on his wife, that Richard Colley late of All Saints parish, Cambridge pay 2s weekly for support of his wife, Sarah and child (1 3/4), to Richard Robinson of Cambridge, baker, until the child is 5.
a444 - Oath taken by Edward Martin junior esquire, sheriff of Cambridge County, on the election of Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet to Parliament, in the room of Right Honourable Philip Yorke esq, (Lord Viscount Royston, Earl of Hardwicke)
a445 - Indictment of Joseph Casburn for felony, found by the Grand Jury. Following the plea of 'guilty' is is ordered that he be whipped at Fordham
a446 - Indictment of William Lilley for assault of William Brand, found by the Grand Jury
a447 - Indictment of William Rogers for assault of John Lilley not found by the Grand Jury
a448 - Indictment of Mary Lilley for assault of Lydia Rogers not found by the Grand Jury
a449 - Conviction against John Wedd for swearing, in Melbourn
a450 - Conviction against William Mean of Royston, victualler, for swearing
a451 - Fine of 40s each upon Thomas Wellman of Willingham, Robert Sparrow of Chesterton and John Newling of Melbourn for non-attendance at the Grand Jury
a452 - Permission for the house or barns of John Whitby of Harston to be a meeting house for Protestant dissenters
a453 - Certori brought and allowed, to remove indictment preferred against Alice, wife of John Gyn, on 15th July last
a454 - Samuel Baldwick of Eltisley, gentleman, swon Chief Constable in Longstow, replacing John Easy, deceased
a455 - Thomas Appleyard appointed and sworn Chief Constable in Staine, replacing Thomas Appleyard, gentleman deceased.
a456 - Recognizance of Thomas Thorogood, Robert Garret, elder and Robert Garret, younger, all yeoman of Ashwell, Herts to become void or remain in full force according to whether the latter appears to perform an order following his begetting a child likely to be born a bastard in Croydon
a457 - Order that Thomas Hines be kept in gaol until the next General Quarter Sessions unless he marry Elizabeth Cole (as promised) whom he has begotten with child, or indemnify the parish of Histon from the child's birth and maintainance, or perform order of bastardy.
a458 - Order that Thomas Smith remain in gaol until the next Sessions ot until he indemnify Linton Parish from the birth and maintainance of a child begotten by him of Mary Cook
a459 - Order that Jonathon Howard, labourer, be whipped at Swaffham Prior, for committing various misdemeanours including neglect of his wife
a460 - Orders for payment by Treasurer to following William Mott, gentleman, coroner, £2 8s 3d for inquisitions, John Cobb, carpenter £1 3s 3d for work done at County workhouse, William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 14s 5d, The Constable of Royston, 1s for expenses of a pauper who died at Royston, Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £1 19s 2d.
a461 - Sacrament certificate delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Thomas Ferris, Fellow of St John's College
a462 - Appeal by the parish of Great St Mary's, Cambridge against removal order for Thomas Bannister from the parish of St Michael. Appeal rejected
a463 - Appeal by the parish of Great St Mary's, Cambridge against removal order for Robert Miller, Mary Miller and their child aged 5 months. Appeal postponed until next Quarter Sessions.
a464 - Robert Garrett of Ashwell in Hertford appeals against order of bastardy made 5th July. Order confirmed. The child was borm 26th January of Elizabeth Griffins. Garrett to pay £4 5s 6d and sum of 1s 6d weekly all for the maintainance of the male bastard and Elizabeth Griffins.
a465 - Order that several fines of 40s set on Thomas Wallman of Willingham, Robert Sparrow of Chesterton and John Newling of Melbourn at last Quarter Sessions for not appearing for Grand Jury service, be remitted
a466 - Order that Daniel Ginn, committed to House of Correction for being loose and disorderly, be whipped privately.
a467 - Order that Joseph Ellett be whipped publicly for neglect of his family
a468 - Order that Tyson Woollard be whipped twice publicly for ill behaviour to his master
a469 - Appeal by All Saints parish against removal order for Robert Miller, his wife, Mary, and their daughter, Catharine, from All Saints to Great St Mary's. Appeal put off until next sessions. Order quashed with regard to Catharine, a bastard born in Great St Marys
a470 - Elizabeth Ashwood of Conington indicted for theft of a linin shift worth 10d from Joseph Barker. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty. Sentenced to be whipped at the Market Cross in Cambridge
a471 - Rates of 6d in the pound levied on tenants and landowners in Fulbourn parish for repair and upkeep of the highways there.
a472 - William Cook of Lolworth parish convicted of swearing 35 profane curses
a473 - William Mayor, gent, of Soham convicted of swearing one profane oath
a474 - Thomas Manning, labourer of Soham, convicted of swearing one profane oath
a475 - Edward Lenton, victualler, of Lolworth, convicted of allowing card gambling to take place in his house. Fined 40s
a476 - £40 and £20 levied on the property of Richard Smith (yeoman of Steeple Morden) and Charles Day (joiner of Cambridge) respectively, in order to pay debts, on condition that John Smith, singlewoman of Steeple Morden, appears at the next Sessions and carries out an order made on him begetting a child outside lawful matrimony, otherwise the recognizance of debt is to be void.
a477 - William King, apprentice to Richard Hilton, joiner of Cambridge, wished to be released from his apprenticeship, considering his master had not taught him his trade. Ordered to continue with the apprenticeship, reasons being insufficient for discharge.
a478 - Duplicate of a pass for the conveying of George Benson and his wife, Mary, from Fowlmere Parish, Cambridge to Kirbywhish parish, Yorks, filed among the proceedings of the day.
a479 - Committee appointed to examine bills relating to the erection of a pollory and make a report at the next Sessions. Committee to consist of William Graves, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronet Dingley Askham, Samuel Holworthy, Edward Leeds, William Howell Ewin, William Elliston, Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Robert Plumptree, Doctor of Divinity, or any two or more of them.
a480 - The same committee to examine the treasurer's accounts and report on them
a481 - Notice given of meeting to be held to examine the North Road accounts, in the Crown Inn at Caxton on 16th October at 10:00 am
a482 - Martha Major to be whipped in Isleham Parish then discharged, for being idle and disorderly and running away from Isleham workhouse
a483 - Mary Imbleton discharged for want of prosecution for threatening the life of Margaret Veale
a484 - Elizabeth Ostlar discharged, having promised to behave better towards Hannah Savage, who claimed she threatened her life
a485 - William Sargis ordered to be whipped in Harston Parish for neglecting wife and family.
a486 - Bills of £6 16s and £1 4s 7d to be paid to William Mott, Coroner of the County, and William Thompson, bricklayer, respectively by the treasurer
a487 - James Day, gent, appointed Clerk of the Peace for the county by Philip, Earl of Hardwick. Office made vacant by death of Thomas Moore, late Clerk of the Peace. James Day took an oath of office.
a488 - Confirmation of removal order for Sarah Hummerston from Thriplow Parish to Fowlmere Parish, on motion of Barham Rushbrook, of counsel for Thriplow. No appeal
a489 - Confirmation of removal order for John Rosine, his wife Ann and daughter Ann from Cambridge St Botolph to Cambridge St Benedicts. No appeal
a490 - Confirmation of removal order for John Bird and wife Alice, and a child named William from Bassingbourn Parish to Litlington Parish, No appeal.
a491 - Appeal entered for Robert Staples against removal order for himself and wife Ann from St Andrews Parish to Landbeach Parish. To be heard at next sessions.
a492 - Appeal by inhabitants of Saffron Walden (Essex) against removal order for William Lilley, aged 10 (apprentice to Joseph Watson, miller of Burrough Green), from Burrough Green to Saffron Walden. Appeal allowed, order quashed.
a493 - Elizabeth Green indicted for theft of a white flannel petticoat worth 10d from Thomas Newling. Pleaded quilty. Ordered to receive 10 lashes in Bridwell.
a494 - Recognizance of debts of Richard Smith, yeoman of Steeple Morden, and Charles Day, joiner of Cambridge, of £40 and £20 respectively, conditional on appearance of John Smith, son of Richard, to perform any order passed on him for producing a bastard, respited and continued until next sessions on motion of Barham Rushbrook, counsel for Richard Smith.
a495 - Recognizance of debts of Robert Jeaps, carpenter, and Francis Bishop, miller, both of Bourn, and John Jeaps, labourer of Comberton, of £20, £10 and £10 respectively, conditional on Robert Jeaps carrying out any order concerning bastard children, continued until next sessions.
a496 - Clerk of the Peace ordered to inquire why several Chief Constables of the county are in arrears
a497 - Bond sent by Jonathon Sydenham, merchant of London, for transportation of James Humphreys to plantations in America. Bond filed.
a498 - William Mott, County Coroner, to be paid £11 14s 9d for taking inquisitions
a499 - George Hollingsworth ordered to receive 12 lashes for running away from his wife and family in the parish of Guilden Morden.
a500 - Thomas Isaacson to receive 12 lashes for running away from his wife and family in Burwell parish
a501 - Committee report on treasurer's accounts
a502 - Treasurer's accounts, audited by committee of JPs
a503 - Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Thomas Cockayne, Sheriff of Cambridge, and James Day, gent, undersheriff.
a504 - Appeal by parish of Great St Andrew's against removal order for Robert Staples and wife Ann to Landbeach Parish. Appeal allowed.
a505 - Appeal by Barnwell Parish against removal order for Alice Jaggard, singlewoman, to Cottenham Parish. Order quashed on motion of Barnham Rushbrook, counsel for Barnwell
a506 - Confirmation of removal order for William Cotton and Eleanor, his wife, paupers, from Bourne Parish to Willingham Parish, on motion of Andrew Pemberton, counsel for Bourne, no appeal
a507 - Appeal entered, on motion of Barnjam Rishbrook, counsel for Granchester Parish, against removal order for James Day and his wife Martha from Orwell Parish to Granchester. To be heard at next sessions.
a508 - Indictment against Stephen Mansfield for stealing two turkeys from John Patman. Warrant made out for his arrest
a509 - Similar indictment and warrant for Stephen Mansfield for stealing one turkey from Benjamin Prior.
a510 - Recognizance of debts of Robert Jeaps, carpenter, of Bourne, of £20, and of Francis Bishop, miller, of Bourne, and of John Jeaps, labourer, of Comberton of £10 each, conditional on Robert Jeaps performing any order made concerning bastard children, further respited until next Sessions.
a511 - Richard Smith, yeoman, of Steeple Morden, and Charles Day, joiner, of Cambridge, discharged from their recognizances, on appearance of John Smith, son of Richard, to perform any order made concerning bastard children.
a512 - Recognizance of Stephen Mansfield, labourer, Henry Mansfield higher, and William Nelson, labourer, all of Fulbourn, to be estreated as Mansfield did not appear to answer indictment for felony preferred against him by John Patman.
a513 - Further recognizance of Mansfield's estreated as her did not appear to answer further indictment for felony preferred by Benjamin Prior and William Nunn.
a514 - Christopher Dullingham of Soham discharged, promising to return to the wife and family he ran away from.
a515 - John White, servant to John Pamplin, yeoman, of Stapleford, discharged from service.
a516 - Treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, bill of £5 7s 9d for inquisitions taken, and the representatives of the late Thomas Moore, Clerk of the Peace, bill of £14 0s for business done for the County
a517 - Table of gaol fees, to be hung up publicly in the prison of the Castle of Cambridge
a518 - Confirmation of removal order for James Day and his wife Martha from Orwell Parish to Granchester Parish. Appeal disallowed, and inhabitants of Granchester tp pay inhabitants of Orwell 5s, towards their costs.
a519 - Confirmation of removal order for John White, singleman, from Stapleford to the Parish of St Benedict in Cambridge. No appeal
a520 - Confirmation of removal order on motion of Andrew Pemberton, counsel for parish of St Botolph, for Joseph Miller, labourer, and his wife Catharine, from St Botolph's to the parish of St James in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
a521 - Court divided equally over appeal by inhabitants of Soham against order, made by Trustees of Ely Turnpike, to do 2 days' statute work on the part of the Turnpike Road running through Soham.
a522 - Writ of ad quod Dampnum from the King entered at request of Marmaduke Dayroll. Request for permission to be granted to Marmaduke Dayroll to enclose a highway called Toms Lane in Shudy Camps, leading from Haverhill (Essex and Suffolk) to Linton, also part of another highway in Shudy Camps called Tyde Green, also leading from Haverhill to Linton. The inquisition to be returned with any objections to the Court of Chancery.
a523 - Writ confirmed after inquisition by Thomas Cockayne, Sheriff of the county, no objections, as there is another highway nearby which is just as convenient
a524 - Mr Dandridger, collector of excise for the Cambridge collection, to pay Richard Ceaton, yeoman, of Swaffham Prior, £15 9d, being the duty he paid for the 50 quarters 1 bushel of malt destroyed by fire in the malting of George Mast in Burwell.
a525 - Assessment of 3d in the pound granted on all inhabitants and owners of any lands or buildings in Soham for repairs and alterations to the highways there.
a526 - John Miller, William Hugall, John Rust, George Combers, and James Cuttriss, insolvent debtors, discharged in accordance with an act for the relief of insolvent debtors, 1766, not being indebted to the Crown or any one person in the sum of more than £1000.
a527 - Robert Jeeps discharged from his recognizance. Order of bastardy made of him, ordered to pay £6 for lying-in of Elizabeth Walker to whom he fathered a male bastard child, and a shilling a week towards maintainance
a528 - Articles of the peace exhibited against Thomas Cuff of Duxford, cordwainer, by Mary Benson, wife of Roger Benson, of Duxford.
a529 - Cuff taken into custody until he can produce sureties of the peace for this future good behaviour towards all His Majesty's subjects and especially Mary Benson
a530 - During the last 12 months. Mary Benson claimed Cuff to have greatly abused and illtreated her and threatened great bodily harm
a531 - Also, that on 20th April he threatened to kill her and burn down or pull down her house. She was sworn to the truth of her claim
a532 - Accounts of Waterbeach Charity for 1763-64 and 1864-65, brought in by Charles Martindale, receiver
a533 - Conviction against Samuel Waller, shepherd of Meldreth, for swearing eight profane oaths
a534 - Conviction against Ambrose Sainsborough, journeyman woodsorted, and John Tristum, shoemaker's apprentice, for playing ninepins in the yard of a public house in Bassingbourn. Both fined 10s.
a535 - Three passes filed for the conveyance of Joshua Hide from Royston to St Annes Soho (Middlesex), Alice Nicholson, widow, and daughter Margaret, from Royston to Cambridge St James, Catharine Davis from Royston to Rochester (Kent)
a536 - Mary Hunt and Martha Duff, singlewomen committed to the House of Correction for returning to Cambridge after being several times removed to the places of their legal settlement
a537 - Bond presented for transportaion of John Manfield and John Sparrow to the plantations of America. Bond filed
a538 - William Morlin to be continued for want of sureties. Committed for getting Ann Turner of Wicken with child.
a539 - Henry Mingay to receive 12 lashes in Burwell for neglect of wife and children
a540 - Mary Hopkins, widow, found wandering about the town at unreasonable hours and frequenting a house of ill fame, to be passed to Saxmundham (Sufolk).
a541 - Treasurer to pay Mr Mott, County Coroner, £9 5s for inquisitions taken
a542 - Charles Pettit of Balsham, yeoman, entered into recognizance, £20 penalty, for prosecuting and giving evidence against Robert Tatsal for felony
a543 - All buyers and sellers of cattle and victuals to be licensed, if not already licensed, otherwise to be prosecuted.
a544 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Abraham Derby of Cambridge and Robert Robinson of Hauxton, dissenting ministers from the church of England
a545 - Confirmation of removal order for Sarah Saunders, singlewoman, from Fen Ditton to Royston (Herts), No appeal
a546 - Confirmation of removal order for Abraham Rookes, his wife and seven children, Sarah, Francis, Marcy, Mary, Ann and Robert, from Linton to Shudy Camps. Appeal quashed
a547 - Indictment for felony preferred to Henry Heady against Bartholomew Aungier. Pleaded guilty. Ordered to be whipped in Cherry Hinton then discharged.
a548 - Indictment preferred against John Dutton for carrying on the business of a butcher without having served an apprenticeship. Returned ignoramus by Grand Jury.
a549 - 3d rate on Cottenham for upkeep of highways
a550 - House of John Waller of Bassingbourn to be permitted to be used as a meeting place for Protestant dissenters
a551 - Pass filed for conveyance of Ann Hopkins, widow, from Cambridge Great St Andrews to Saxmundham (Suffolk)
a552 - Similarly for Catharine Dullingham, alias Collins, from Cambridge Great St Marys to Cork (Ireland)
a553 - Bond filed, £100 penalty, for transportation of Thomas Allinson and Thomas Cole to planatations in America
a554 - Thomas Rycraft of Swavesey appointed assignee of estate and effects of John Rust, late of Fowlmere, butcher, discharged at the last sessions under the insolvent act.
a555 - Constables' quarteridges advanced one third, from a double to a treble quarteridge
a556 - Justices appointed as a committee to examine and report on the treasurers accounts
a557 - Shire hall to be painted and whitewashed under direction of Mr Essex. Mr Essex also to survey condition of House of Correction and estimate cost of repairing it.
a558 - Thomas Cuff discharged on promising to behave better towards Mary Benson of Duxford and paying his fees
a559 - John Johnson to be whipped in Harlton for leaving his wife and family, then discharged after paying his fees
a560 - William Wilson of Trumpington to be whipped at the Market Cross in Cambridge for leaving his wife and family, then discharged.
a561 - John Howard to be discharged on paying his fees, having promised to behave better towards his wife, Sarah, Sarah giving her consent to the discharge
a562 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a563 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Richard Williams and Edward Wilson, scholars of Christ's College in the University of Cambridge
a564 - Oaths of office in the Excise taken by George Muggleston
a565 - Confirmation of removal order, on motion of Charles Cole, counsel for St Clements, for Whitfield Randal and his wife Elizabeth, from Cambridge St Clements to Cambridge Little St Marys. No appeal
a566 - Montford Holben, gent, of Comberton, sworn in as on of Chief Constables of the hundred of Wetherley in place of Thomas Page, gent deceased.
a567 - Ann Adams, widow, of Barton, grant permission to collect alms benevolence and charitable contributions throughout the town, University and county towards the cost of damage, £123 3s, caused by fire on her farm in Barton
a568 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Collen against John Bartingdell and Thomas Bartingdell for a rescous found by the Grand Jury. Warrant signed for their arrest
a569 - Indictment preferred by George Manning against Stephen Manfield for assault. Pleaded guilty, but sentence deferred until next sessions when he is to be tried for 3 felonies
a570 - Indictment preferred by Samuel Rooks against Henry Chapman for assault. Pleaded guilty. Fined 20s and ordered to remain in custody until fine paid.
a571 - Sarah Stapler and Ellen, wife of Cotton, found guilty of felony and petty larceny. To be whipped in Willingham until their backs are bloody then discharged, paying their fees.
a572 - Further indictment against Sarah Stapler for felony and petty larceny and against Ellen Cotton for receiving stolen goods. Having been found guilty on the previous indictment they were not tried on this tone.
a573 - Stephen Mansfield turned over to the assizes to be tried on 3 indictments for felony and grand larceny in stealing turkeys from Benjamin Prior, William Nunn and John Pateman, who entered recognizances in the penalty of £10 each.
a574 - Further time allowed to Mr Essex to survey and estimate repair costs for the House of Correction
a575 - Pass filed for conveyance of Elizabeth Warner from Royston to Oundle (Northants)
a576 - George Halley discharged from his recognizance for appearing to perform any order made on him for begetting a bastard child on Rose Pratt, no order of bastardy having been made
a577 - James Newman, widower, further committed until the next sessions, unless he finds sureties to indemnify Ickleton, where his child is likely to be born a bastard, to Ann Pitchess.
a578 - Similar order for William Wing, having got Susanna Blowes with a child likely to born a bastard in Meldreth.
a579 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a580 - William Hancock, treasurer, to be allowed 10 guineas out of county stock as a gratuity
a581 - Committee report on treasurers accounts. Accounts audited. Report says that Chief Constables ought to pay the arrears if their quarteridges and make due quarterly payments in future.
a582 - Oaths of allegiance taken by the Reverend John Wilson, fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge
a583 - John and Thomas Bartingdell pleaded guilty to a rescous. Fined 1s which they paid to the sheriff in court
a584 - John Mayfield indicted for a rescous by Thomas Liverstone. Warrant for his apprehension made out by clerk of the peace
a585 - Bond brought into court and filed, for transportation of Thomas Belson, William Thompson, Mary Divet Hardwick, Robert Green, and Charles Stewart, to the planations of America.
a586 - Pass for conveyance of Ann Harrison from Chesterton to Haddenham brought into court and filed.
a587 - Thomas Patterson of Hauxton, merchant, fined 40s for not attending that day to serve on the Grand Jury
a588 - Thomas Richard, Chief Constable of Chilford Hundred, Edward Haylock, Chief Constable of Hadfield hundred, and John Howard, one of Chief Constables of Thriplow Hundred, fined 40s each for not attending to deliver their presentments
a589 - Peter Whittet of Hardwick, John Rablet of Whittlesford, William Rayner of Foxton and John Pamplin of Stapleford, fined 40s each for not attending to serve on the Petty Jury
a590 - Prisoners' stand to be boarded up and enlarged, and jury boxes to have bars put across them
a591 - James Newman of Chishall (Essex), yeoman, further bond over by recognizance for bastardy
a592 - John Green, labourer, discharged from House of Correction. Consented to marry Vertue Chambers, who he had got with child
a593 - James Nutall, labourer, of Granchester, discharged from reciognizance for bastardy the child having died.
a594 - Insane man of Upwell (Norfolk), to be discharged unless officers of Upwell take him away within 14 days.
a595 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a596 - Oaths of allegiance taken and sacrament certificate delivered into court by Thomas Doyly, fellow of ST Johns College. Also subscribed the declaration against transubstantiations
a597 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Dr John Gordon, archdeacon for Bucks
a598 - Appeal by Great Shelford against removal order for Thomas Fletcher, wife Mary and daughter Alice, from Fen Ditton to Great Shelford. Order Confirmed for Thomas and Mary, quashed for Alice for defect of form
a599 - Appeal by Little Eversden against removal order for John Jeakes, labourer, and wife Elizabeth, from Great Eversden to Little Eversden. Order confirmed.
a600 - Confirmation of removal order for Robert Rix, wife of Mary and apprentice Charles Cropley, from Cambridge St Michael to Cambridge Holy Trinity. No appeal
a601 - Indictment preferred by John Canham, gent, against James How for felony. Pleaded guilty. To be whipped at House of Correction.
a602 - William Landworth of Isleham, butcher, convicted of selling ale without licence. First conviction
a603 - 6d rate levied on Soham for repair of highways
a604 - House of Edward Prior to Shudy Camps licensed as a meeting house for Protestant dissenters
a605 - Accounts of Waterbeach Charity presented by Charles Martindale, receiver
a606 - Surveyor's report on House of Correction. Justices to meet to view the building and decide whether to have it repairs or taken down
a607 - Constables' quarteridges advanced one third from a treble to a quadruple quarteridge in consideration of the state of the House of Correction and the statute of the county expenses.
a608 - Edward Haylock, Chief Constable of Rafield Hundred, and Thomas Richard, Chief Constable of Chilford Hundred, forgiven 20s of their fines, and paid remaining 20s to the Sheriff in court
a609 - Ann Hopkins, widow, to be whipped and confied in Bridewell for a month then conveyed to Saxmundham, for being lewd and disorderly and for returning from Saxmundham (Suffolk) where she had been sent as a vagrant.
a610 - Thomas Hancock, one of Chief Constables of Flendish hundred, and John Howard, one of Chief Constables of Thriplow hundred, to be fined 40 s each for not attending to deliver their presentments
a611 - Bill presented by Oakington officers, concerning vagrants, not to be paid
a612 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a613 - Notice for any carpenters to deliver estimates for repairing roof of house of correction to the Clerk of the Peace
a614 - Clerk of the Peace to enter into article with John Austen, carpenter, of Fulbourn, for repairing the House of Correction for £75. Austen to find all materials
a615 - Sacrament certificates delivered, oaths of allegiance taken and declaration against transubstantiation subscribed by John Newling of Cambridge, gentleman, surveyor of the window duty, George Prestwidge, and James Denton
a616 - Oaths of allegiance taken by the Reverent James Devie, vicar of Stanground (Hunts), William Pinkis, rector of Carlby, Linds, and Thomas Ferris, vicar of Shepreth
a617 - Indictment preferred by John Austin against Martha Kimments and Elizabeth Carnell for petty larceny. Bill not found
a618 - Mr Brown's motion to have tollgate at Nosterfield End removed was rejected
a619 - John Austin to be paid £75 for repair of House of Correction
a620 - Oakington to be paid £2, part of the bill for nursing Mary Tinker, a vagrant
a621 - Order of Commissioners of Waterbeach Level appointing Mr Thomas Huckings a Commissioner brought into court and filed
a622 - Robert Starr, committed for getting Mary Hyams of Castle Camps with child, to remain in custody for want of sureties.
a623 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a624 - Orders regulating the making, prising and selling of loaves of bread. The justices to be given any information concerning offenders
a625 - Order for higlers to renew their licences. Offenders to be prosecuted without further notice
a626 - Treasurer to pay Mr Forlow £2 12s 1d for the day's expenses
a627 - Constables in arrears to pay their quarteridges immediately in order to pay John Austin for repairing the House of Correction
a628 - Necessary glazing work to be finished at the county gaol as soon as possible
a629 - Treasurer's accounts examined and allowed
a630 - Certificate of the state of the militia from the lieutenant of the count brought into court by the Clerk of the peace and enrolled
a631 - Partially recited Act of Parliament concerning certification of raising of militia in order to record the state of the militia in each county. Philip Earl of Hardwicke, lieutenant of the county, certifies that the militia directed to be raised was raised in 1759.
a632 - Schedule containing list of number and rank of officers and privates
a633 - Confirmation of removal order for John Beaumont and wife Elizabeth from Cambridge St Peter to Cambridge Holy Trinity. No appeal
a634 - Confirmation of removal order for Samuel Barnes, wife Lucy and daughters Lucy, Jemima and Deborah, aged 8, 5 and 2 years respectively, from Toft to Sandy (Beds). No appeal
a635 - Appeal by Fisher Webster of Over against indenture placing Jame Stanford, a poor child, as his apprentice, respited until next Sessions. Webster not to be penalised in the meantime for not accepting her.
a636 - Accounts of Teversham Charity for 1766 and 1754-65 brought into court and filed.
a637 - Thomas Johnson and John Ashwood, boys of Conington, convicted of cutting the trees of Dingley Askham of Conington and stealing wood. First offence
a638 - William Hankin convicted of swearing 3 profane oaths in Royston
a639 - Pass for conveyance of Nicholas Russell and wife Bridget from Royston to Billingsgate, London, brought into court and filed.
a640 - Clerk of the Peace to write to the Clerk of the Peace of Hunts to point out that vagrants sent from Cambridge are being released and many are returning to Cambridge and request him to prevent this
a641 - Robert Starr discharged from custody, his bastard child having been delivered still-born
a642 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a643 - Committee report on treasurer's accounts
a644 - Accounts set out
a645 - Oaths of allegiance taken by the Reverend William Davison, clerk, rector of Sutton Verry (Wilts) and John Carver of Kirtlingham, dissenting minister
a646 - Confirmation of removal order for Susannah Booth (wife of Joseph Booth Whitesmith) and sons Joseph, William and John, aged about 5, 3 and 1 years respectively, from Cambridge Great St Mary's to Kettering (Northants). No appeal
a647 - Confirmation of removal order for Ann Butter and son James aged about 1 month from Kingston to Bourn. No appeal
a648 - Dismissal of Fisher Webseter's appeal against indenture placing Jane Stanford as his apprentice. Webster to exeute counterpart of indenture to pay £10 to officers of Over
a649 - Shelford Bridge to be repaired for £18 4s 6d
a650 - Thomas Hancock and William Bones, Chief Constable of Flendish hundred, fined 40s each for not attending to deliver their presentments
a651 - John Mallison, gaoler, to be paid 6 guineas for removing Robert Wilson to London
a652 - Pass filed for conveyance of Hannah Jones, widow of Thomas Jones, from Royston to Teversham (Kent)
a653 - Similar pass for Ann Goss and son William from Royston to Reading (Berks)
a654 - Similar pass for Michael Rickwood from Trumpington to Mildenhall (Suffolk)
a655 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a656 - Qualifications of militia officers filed to empower them to act as such. William Harkness as Major, William Wiles as Captain, Peter Hitchcock as Lieutenant.
a657 - Confirmation of removal order for Ann Hatley from Cambridge Holy Trinity to Cambridge St Clements. No appeal
a658 - Confirmation of removal order for Sarah, wife of Stephen Field, and son James Field, from Cambridge All Saints to Welford (Berks). No appeal
a659 - Articles of the peace against John Williams of Sawston exhibited on oath by his wife Elizabeth and enrolled, she craving sureties of the peace. Elizabeth Williams claims on oath to have been illtreated by her husband for more than 5 months, and her life to have been threatened.
a660 - John Williams, labourer, Ambrose Williams, ropemaker, Samuel Giver, ropemaker, all of Sawston, bound over by recognizance for debt to the King, on condition that John Williams appears at the next Sessions to anser the above articles of the peace, meantime to be of good behaviour.
a661 - Accounts of Waterbeach brought in by Charles Martindale, receiver
a662 - Nomination and appointment of Isaac Murfit as a commissioner of Waterbeach Level brought in and filed
a663 - 40s fines of Thomas Hancock and William Bines (Chief Constables of Flendish hundred) for non-attendance wholly remitted and forgiven.
a664 - Joseph Stamford, committed to Bridewell for running away from wife and family, to receive 12 lashes and be discharged.
a665 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
a666 - Oaths of allegiance taken by the Reverend Edmund Law, Doctor of Divinity and Master of Peterhouse College, and Henry Meen, scholar of Emmanuel College.
a667 - Confirmation of removal order to Thomas Brand and wife Hannah from Cambridge Holy Trinity to Cambridge St Sepulchre. No appeal
a668 - Indictment against Robert Read, labourer, of Fordham, for an assault, returned ignoramus by the Grand Jury
a669 - Another similar indictment also returned ignoramus
a670 - Indictment preferred by Stephen Read of Ely against Abraham Hall, labourer, of Reach, for assault. Pleaded not guilty. Entered into recognizance
a671 - William Bell, butcher, of Elsworth, indicted for a pound breach and rescous. Clerk of the peace to make out a warrant for his arrest.
a672 - Articles of the peace against John Williams withdrawn, with consent of Elizabeth Williams. John Williams discharged from his recognizance to be of good bevaviour.
a673 - Clerk of the Peace to provide books for entering county business, to be paid for by the treasurer.
a674 - Abraham Hall, labourer of Reach, Thomas Drake, victualler, of Ely, and John Deeks, labourer of Reach, indebted to the King. Abraham Hall bound over by recognizance to appear at the next sessions to answer his indictment for assault.
a675 - John Mallison, gaoler, to be paid 12 guineas for removal of William Brown and Steven Manfield, transports, to London
a676 - Robert Horsley, farmer, of Soham, convicted of cutting down several young elm trees likely to become timber in the Hedge Row and Ground at Soham belonging to Benjamin Battle and Mary his wife without their consent. Penalty of £10 paid by Robert Horsley. First offence.
a677 - Similar conviction for John Diver, ropemaker, of Soham, £12 penalty. Refused to pay. Committed to gaol for 12 mionths or until he pays. First Offence.
a678 - List of bills to be paid to the treasurer
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