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p3 - Held before Edward Leeds Esq, Sir John Hinde Cotton Ct, Joseph Bentham (Mayor), Rev Robert Plumptre D.D, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askem Esq et al. Appeal by Parish of Pleshey (Essex) against removal order for Henry Witney, his wife Ann and children Martha (12), Ann (7), Mary (4), John (2) from Whittlesford to Pleshey. Order confirmed with respect to Henry Witney and wife, quashed with respect to children.
p4 - Appeal by Parish of Mildenhall (Suffolk) against removal order for John Dawson and his wife Ann from Parish of St Edward's, Cambridge. Order respited to next Sessions. Appeal by Parish of St Giles, Cambridge against removal order for John Plummer, his wife Mary and daughter Elizabeth (2) from parish of St Edward's. Appeal allowed.
p5 - Appeal by Parish of St Mary, Newmarket (Suffolk) against removal order for Jane Levitt, widow of James Levitt and her children Elizabeth (7) and William (5) from the Parish of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge. Appeal allowed.
p6 - Confirmation of order for removal of Elizabeth (18), James (11) and Morris (9) children of Thomas and Elizabeth Pretlove from Parish of St Andrew the Great to Stansted Abbot. Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire's Certificate of the State of the Militia filed by the Clerk of the Peace.
p7 - License granted to James Miles of Foulmere to use his house as a meeting house for Protestant Dissenters. Application supported by Richard Cooper, Mary and Nathaniel Wedd, James Hayles.
p8 - Indictment preferred by Stephen Simperingham against Daniel Whitfield for Grand Larceny. To be tried at the next Assizes. Indictment preferred by Richard Robinson also against Daniel Whitfield for larceny. To be tried at the next Assizes.
p9 - William Sell, indicted at the last Quarter Sessions for a pound of Breach of Rescous, pleaded gulty and fined 3s4d. Abraham Hall, indicted at last Quarter Sessions for assaulting Stephen Read of Ely found guilty and fined 13s 4d.
p10 - Order that Bryant Liversedge, imprisoned for deserting his wife and family be publicly whipped then discharged. Order that Peter Flynn, whose mother Margaret died in the House of Correction, be passed to her former home. Recognizance entered into by Stephen Simperingham, yeoman, Sarah Impson and Anne Prime, to give evidence at the Assizes against David Whitfield for the theft of two sacks from Stephen Simperingham or pay £20-£10 and £10 respectively.
p11 - Orders for payments by Treasurer as follows: William Mott, coroner, £615s 3d for taking inquisitions John Atkin, Constable of Barnwell, £2 16s 9d for maintaining and conveying vagrants. Overseers of Wimpole £1 1s 6d for maintaining a vagrant William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 15s 17.5d for work at the Shire Hall, Castle and House of Correction. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, £23 11s 5d for work at the Castle. Barnaby Cader, Constable of Ickleton, £3 17s for maintaining and conveying vagrants. James Day, Clerk of the Peace, £270s10d for two years' work Mr Prince, apothecry, 6s 2d for curing a boy in the Castle of the itch.
p13 - Waites, Cooper, 10s 5.5d for tubs for the Castle. Isaac Linton, Constable of Fen Drayton, £3 5s 6d for maintaining and conveying vagrants. Also £1 16s for the same. Philip Papworth, £1 4s 7d for burying Margaret Papworth who died in the House of Correction. Treasurer's accounts for 1766-7 and Committee's report.
p17 - Held before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Rt Hon Thomas Lord Montford, Joseph Bentham Esq, Mayor, William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham Esq, et al. Sacrament certificates delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Revd George Dutens BA of Queen's College and James Rooke of Willingham.
p18 - Appeal by Mildenhall (Suffolk) against removal order for John Dawson and his wife Ann from the Parish of St Edward's Cambridge, postponed from previous Sessions. Appeal now dismissed. Confirmation of removal order for John Hill and his wife Roxe from the parish of St Mary the Great to St Ives (Huntingdon).
p19 - Oath filed in the court taken by Edward Leeds, Sheriff, previous to election of Rt Hon Manners, Marquis of Granby and John Hynds Cotton Bt, to Parliament. Conviction on 11th January of Mary Wilmott of Barrington for selling ale without a license.
p20 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next Sessions which was entered into by Mary Beard, widow and Edward Dilliston for the appearance of James Beard in connection with bastardy orders.
p21 - Order to discharge Elizabeth Kirby of Wimpole, committed to Bridewell for desertion of child, and goods of her late husband to be used for her maintainance. Order to discharge Martin Cole of Landbeach, committed to Bridewell on 11 April for desertion of family, conditional on his endeavouring to maintain them. Bond and receipt for transporting John Taylor, William Fielding/Fielding, Daniel Whitfield, Thoms Johnson, Ann and Mary Cooper, filed by John Mallison, gaoler, for Jonathon Forward Sydenham and Thomas Isreal Fonsera.
p22 - Pass filed for Peter Flynn, whose mother died in the House of Correction, to be conveyed to Ireland. Pass filed for Ann Camplin to be conveyed from Histon to Setchford (Norfolk) home of her late husband, Richard Camplin, yeoman.
p23 - Orders for payment by Treasurer as follows: William Trott, coroner, £8 2s9d for taking inquisitions. Barnaby Cader, Constable of Ickleton, £58s for conveying vagrants. Samuel Pattenm Whitesmith, £52s9d for work at the Castle and House of Correction. William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 17s 9d for work at the Castle. John Cobb, carpenter, £3 1s 10d for work at the Castle and House of Correction. John Kidman, Constable of Eltisley, 3s 9d for conveying a vagrant. John Mallison, £1 18s 10d for brooms. Thomas Prince, surgeon, 13s for attending Elizabeth Newborn and Benjamin Norse, prisoners of the Castle. Philip Papworth, 13s 2d for maintaining Peter Flynn in the House of Correction. John Preston, Constable of Barnwell, £3 7s 3d for conveying vagrants. Samuel Forlow, £4 10s 6d for dinners. Isaac Linton, Constable fo Fen Drayton, £4 10s 6d conveying vagrants.
p25 - Held before John Drage Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton Ct, James Marriott LLD, Vice Chancellor of the University, Joseph Bentham Esq, Mayor, Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham Esq and Jale Wortham Esq. Oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Anthony Shepheard DD, Master of Mechanics to His Majesty and Rev Thomas Ferries, Vicar of Royston. Appealfby Parish of Woodford, (Essex) against removal order for Edward Dean and hsi wife Elizabeth from Parish of Balsham. Appeal allowed.
p26 - Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Wilbrown and James Front against William Jessop of Freckenham, Suffolk, cordwainer, for selling unwholesome meat at Snailwell. Pleaded guilty and fined 13s 4d. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Wilbrow and James Font against William Cozier of Fordham for selling unwholesome meat. Pleaded guilty and fined £5.
p27 - Indictment preferred by William Downing against Thomas Savage of Cottenham, yeoman, for assault. Pleaded guilty and fined 40s. Indictment preferred by Samuel Peachey against John Fairclough the younger of Burwell, yeoman for felony and petty larceny. Acquitted. Indictment preferred by Elisha Day against John Millinson of Cambridge, yeoman, for assault. To be tried by jury at the next Sessions of the Peace.
p28 - Recognizance entered into by John Mallison to appear before the next quarter sessions to try his traverse or pay £20. Discharge of recognizance entered into by Mary Neard and Edward Dillistone by the presence in court of James Beard (against whom no one appeared).
p29 - Order to keep George Brooks of Burwell in custody, who was committed to Bridewell on the oath of Ann Levet to await an order of bastardy. Accounts of Waterbeach Charity presented by Charles Martindale: owed the balance of £4 2s 11d. Accounts filed of Feversham Charity Estate: balance of 1s 1d owed to Mr Foot.
p30 - Appointment of Simeon Saunders as Keeper of the House of Correction, Bridewel. Order to the Treasurer to pay William Mott, coroner, £5 7s. Pass filed for grace, wife of Joseph Sparham to be conveyed from Chippenham to Foulden (Norfolk)
p33 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwick, Sir Thomas Hatton Bt, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bt, Robert Plumptre DD, Dingley Askham, Soame Jenkyns, Hale Wortham Esq, et al. Sacrament certificate delivered into court and oath of allegiance taken by Henry Meen BA Fellow of Emmanuel College.
p34 - Oath of allegiance taken by Richard Bell, Fellow of Clare Hall. Indictment preferred by William Brand and John Eden against Cornelius Harvey of Soahm, yeoman, for a misdemeanour; warrant to be made out by the Clerk of the Peace to apprehend him. Indictment preferred by John Marsh against Henry Crane of Linton, yeoman, for trespass and assault; warrant to be made out to apprehaend him. Indictment preferred by Thomas Watson Esq against Sarah, wife of William Stickwood of Greater Wilbraham, labourer, for petty larceny; warrant to be made out to apprehend him.
p35 - Indictment by Thomas Harwell, clerk, against John Howlet of Chippenham, labourer, for petty larceny; warrant to be made out by the Clerk of the Peace to apprehend John Howlet. Order that the recognizance carrying a penalty of £20 for the appearance of John Howlett in court be respited to the next Quarter Sessions. Appeal by the Parish of Dullingham against an indenture in which a pauper from Cherry HInton was apprenticed to Joseph Sandfield, miller, of Dullingham, since the miller was unable to support him. Indenture made void and compensation of £3 to be paid to Parish of Hinton for the £5 apprenticeship fee.
p36 - Articles of the Peace exhibited by Elizabeth, wife of George Heffer of Bottisham, grocer, against John Allen, of the same place, labourer: recorded as follows: 1. For 3 months Allen has abused, ill-treated and threatened grievous bodily harm. 2. On 25 July Allen entered her shop and threatened to knock her brains out etc and obliged her to keep watch all night. 3. She therefore craves security of the Peace against Allen.
p38 - Order for taking John Allen into custody, until sureties found, to await next Quarter Sessions. Order granting to the Surveyors of highways in Burwell an assessment of 6d in the pound for the repair of roads. Similar order for the repair of roads in Soham.
p39 - Order for a committee of JPS to examine and report on the Treasurer's accounts.
p40 - Order to discharge Thomas Gibbons from custody, none of the officers of Haslingfield parish having appeared in court to support this complaint that he made Anne Wilson pregnant. Bond and receipt for transporting Ann Freeman, Mary Taylor, Margaret Kirby and William Ladwick or Lodwick, filed by John Mallinson, gaoler, from Jonathon Forward Sydenham and Moses Isreal Fonseca. Orders for payment by Treasurer as follows: William Mott, coroner, £2 16s 6d. Mr Headley, for expenses in prosecution against Stephen Manfield, £6 0s 5d. Barnaby Cader, constable of Ickleton, £4 0s 9d for maintaining and conveying vagrants. William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 3s for work at the Castle and House of Correction. John Mallison, £2 14s for expenses of putting John Boulter in the pilory at Newmarket. Mr Prince, 4s for attending Jonathon Stickwood, prisoner Samuel Patten, whitesmith, 13s 2d for work at the Castle. Mr Forlow, for dinner, £4 15s 6d.
p41 - Copy in full of lease and release of the former Turnpike House at Hauxton Mills and its land. Trustees of Hauxton and Dunsbridge Turnpike (William Howell Ewin, King Whittred, James Gifford, James Burleigh, Francis Hopkins, Edward Gillam, Richard Mee, Warren Adams, Thomas Johnson, John Anderson, James Cock) to Thomas Halstead and John Purchas. Consideration £58
p51 - Held before John Drage Esq, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bt, Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, et al. Sacrament certificated delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Jeremiah Garner and Robert Lawn, Officers of Excise. Certificate of the State of the Militia from Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lieutenant for the County, filed in the court's records.
p53 - Fines of 40s each on the following for non-attendance for jury service: William Wilkin of Fordham, William Westrope of the same, Thomas Aslar the younger of Fulbourne, Henry Webb of Horseheath, William Eversden the younger of Bourne, Edward Betts of Graveley, Robert Radford of the same, Joseph Bull of Papworth Everard, Richard Graine of Great Shelford, John Maris of the same, Uriah Matthews of Granchester and William Stacey of Trumpington.
p54 - John Harradine of Toft appointed one of the Chief Constables of the Hundred of Longstone. The Parishioners of All Saints Cambridge appeal against an order of 29th October 1768 made by Francis Insworth (Mayor) and xxxxx Whittrod, gentleman, Justices of the Peace, upon complaint of the church wardens and overseers of St Mary's the Great for the removal of Ann Loltsman, singlewoman aged 19 from the said parish to All Saints, the place of her last legal settlement. Having heard both sides, the appeal is to be saved until next general Quarter Session.
p55 - Boulton Siggers of Histon, blacksmith, exhibited articles of the peace against John Cross of Histon, labourer, vis: John Cross for the space of 3 months had continued a violent dislike and hatred and malice towards the articulant and Sarah his wife. Not only ill treating and abusing but threatening to do great bodily harm. On Sat January 5th, having killed one fowl, the articulant reasoned with him but John Cross declared that he would kill all his fowls and then would do for him and his wife. The articulant took this to mean that he would do some mischief or other bodily harm. The articulant on his oath believed that he and his wife go in danger of their lives or of receiving some hurt from the said John Cross. The articulant saying that he did not crave this from any hatred of John Cross, but for fear of the lives of him and his wife, or fear of mischief and bodily harm. Boulton Siggers was sworn to the truth.
p56 - John Cross of Histon, labourer, and Richard Turtle of Cambridge acknowledged themselves to be severally indebted to our Sovereign Lord the King. John Cross to pay £20, Turtle £10 paid from goods, chattels, lands and tenements. John Cross must appear at the next Quarter Session and in the meantime must be on good behaviour especially towards the articulant and his wife. If so this to be void. Articles of the peace exhibited at the last Quarter Session by Elizabeth Heffer against John Allen to be withdrawn. John Allen to be discharged from the allegiance of good behaviour, producing a certificate of satisfaction from Elizabeth Heffer.
p57 - Cornelius Harvey of Soham, farmer, pleaded not guilty to indictment at the last Quarter Session for a misdemeanour, Acknowledged that he was indebted to the King for £40. Upon condition that he pay at the next Quarter Session and does not depart the court without leave, if so the recognizence is vois. Henry Crane of Linton appeared and pleaded not guilty to the indictment fuond against him at the last session for assault, entered into the following recognizance.
p58 - Henry Crane and Thomas Burgoyne acknowledged themselves indebted to the sum of £20. Usual conditions. Indicment preferred b Joseph Ansell and others against Thomas Reeve of Cambridge, victualler,for a misdemeanour, found by the Grand Jury. The Clerk of the Peace to make a warrant to be signed by one Justice of the Peace for Reeve to find sureties for his appearance at the next General Session.
p59 - Ordered that the recognizance of £20 from John Mallison for his appearance/trying his traverse on a judgement proffered against him by Elisha Day for assault, be entered into the exchequer for want of Mallison's appearance. Thomas Willows committed to the house of correction by William Howell Ewin LLD for getting Elizabeth Ashby pregnant and refusing to give security to indemnity to Hauxton, to be retained in custody for want of securities. Order that James Bye, who stands committed to the Castle by Francis Tunwel, gentleman, mayor of Cambridge, be discharged, no one having appeared to prosecute him. Order that the recognizance of £20 from George Elsden of Dullingham for appearing and prosecuting James Bye for felony be escheated for non-appearance. Agreed and ordered that all, or any 2 of the Justices present, ot any two other Justices to a committee to examine the state of and carry out repairs, additions and alterations that seem necessary for the better security of the prisoners.
p60 - Ordered on motion of Barham Rushbrook Esq that escheating the recognizance of William Rumbleow of Chippenham, farmer, £10 penalty for the appearance of John Howlet at Michaelmas sessions for an indictment of petty larceny be respited to allow Rumbelow to lock up Howlet who has absconded. Order that the recognizance of Brummit Senior and James Senior, bakers for the appearance of James Senior, upon the complaint of the Parish of Granchester for making Hannah Johnson pregnant, the child likely to be a bastard and a charge to the parish - be respited, Hannah not yet being delivered. Order to the County Treasurer to pay: William Mott, gentleman, coroner, £3 5s 3d. Isaac Linton, Constable of Fenary for maintaining vagrants, £3 14s 6d. William Haslock, glazier, work at Castle and Shire Hall, £1 9s 1/2d. Thomas Prince, apothecary, £2 2s 2d for attending Beny Wright an John Proverst when that had smallpox at the Castle. William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 7s 2d work at Castle/house of correction. John Cobb, carpenter, work at Castle 17s 0d. Samuel Patton, whitesmith, for work at the Castle £5 3s 5d. William Jennings, 1/2 years salary for looking after Shelford Bridge 13s 4d. Samuel Fellow, the expenses of the day £4 8s 6d.
p61 - Treasurer's report. The Treasurer received from Michaelmas 1767 to Michealmas 1768 the sum of £461 15s 3f (including the sum of £72 17s 1d 3f remaining on the balance of the last accounts). Distributed £318 6s 6 1/2d on the voucher. There now remains due to the County on the balance of this year's account £143 9s 3d 1f. To Chief Constables and other bills to XMas 1767 £21 14 s 71/2d. Lady 1768 £93 7s 11d. Midsummer 1768 £56 10s 6d. Michaelmas 1768 £70 4s 6d. Poor Soldiers families etc to 22 October 1768 £5 4s 6d. Years Salary £10 10s 0d. Arrears due: Felndish to Lady 1768 to Lady £2 0s 10d. Midsummer to Midsummer £2 0s 10d. Michaelmas to Michaelmas £5 1s 10d. Thriplow to Michaelmas £3 9s 10d. Arrears due £12 12s 10d.
p62 - Per Contra. Balance passed to Michaelmas 1767 £72 17s 1 3/4d. Received Quarteridge xmas 1767 £96 7s 4d. Lady 1768 £94 6s 6d. Michaelmas 1768 £87 16s 2d. Arrears charged to Michaelmas £16 2s 2d. Received last year £461 15s 9 3/4d. Paid £381 6s 6 1/2d. Balance due to County. Jon Hynde Cotton, William Greaves, William Ewin, Justices of the Peace and examiners of the treasurer's accounts certify they have examined the above, recommended payment of arrears by the Chief Constables.
p64 - Before John Drage Esq, Francis Turnwell Esq (Mayor), William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham Esq. Charles Edward Stewart and Thomas Brand of Christs College took the oath of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration. Appeal by All Saints Parish against removal order for Ann Witeman (19) from Parish of Saint Mary the Great, Appeal dismissed.
p65 - Appeal by Parish of Rushden (Northants) against removal of Edward Hurrell, Anne his wife, Thomas (7) his son and Elizabeth (3), Ann (2) and Hannah (3 months) their daughters from the Parish of Fen Drayton. Order quashed and Parish of Fen Drayton ordered to pay to PArish of Rushden £1 6s 4d for maintaining paupers since removal.
p66 - Cornelius Harvey, indicted at last Quarter Session for a misdemeanour, found guilty and fined £10. Henry Crane of Linton, indicted at last Quarter Session for assaulting John Marsh, acquitted.
p67 - Thomas Feeve, indicted at last Quarter Sessions for a misdemeanour, pleaded guilty and fined 3s 4d. Indictment preferred by Mary Patman against Mary Smith for petty larceny, pleaded guilty and to be committed to the house of correction and be publicly whipped and received ten lashes before being discharged.
p68 - Articles of the Peace exhibited at last Quarter Session by Boulton Siggers against John Cross for a breach of the peace and threatening Boulton Siggers be discharged or withdrawn. Order for recognizance of £10 entered into by William Rumbelow of Chippenham, farmer, for the appearance of John Howlet at Michaelmas Session last to answer indictment for petty larceny,be escheated into court of exchequer for want of appearance of John Howlet. Accounts filed of Charity Estate belonging to Parish of Teversham for one year ending Michaelmas 1768. Mr Apthorpe, the receiver, has received £8 and disbursed £7 9s 9d so that Mr Apthorpe is left with 10s 3d. Order that recognizances entered into by Brummit Senior and James Senior, bakers, for James Senior to appear at last Quarter Sessions upon complaintof Parish of Granchester for begetting a child by Hannah Johnson, be discharged of withdrawn.
p69 - Conviction of William Munday for swearing 20 profane oaths and curses in Parish of Bourne.
p70 - Grant of an assessment of 6d in the pound to the Surveyors of the Highways of the parish of Rampton, to be paid by all ratepayers for the repairing, mending, cleansing and supporting of the Highways, 8c. Appointments of William Howell Ewin LLD as Auditor for the accounts of the River Cam. Respite until next Quarter Sessions of payment of Bills to Simeon Saunders (keeper of the gaol), Bills owing for the retaking of James Bonnet (who had escaped) and the fetching of his wife Sarah for examination.
p71 - Order to the treasurer to paybill for £3 16s 6d to William Mott, coroner. Pass filed for conveyance of John Duke from parish of Linton to Parish of Woodford (Northants). Pass filed for conveyance of Elizabeth Henery from Parish of Stow cum Quy to Stanground (Huntingdon). Fined 40s: John Harwood and Robert Haydon of Newmarket. John Larkin of Wood Ditton, John Branch of Brinkley and William Griff of Brinkley. fined for not attending to serve upon the Grand Jury
p73 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Francis Turnwell Esq (Mayor), Sir Thomas Hatton (Baronet), Dingley Askham Esq, William Howell Ewin LLD. Oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-Rev Thomas Frampton (Rector of Stemton, Norfolk) and Rev James HIcks (Rector of Denver and Vicar of Moulton, of Norfolk). Appeal by Parish of Swavesey against removal order for Henry Church and Lydia his wife, Lydia (6) and Mary (4) their daughters from the Parish of Elsworth. Order quashed.
p74 - Appeal by Parish of Catledge and Kirthing against removal order for John Mitchell from the Parish of Carlton cum Willingham. Appeal saved until next Quarter Session.
p75 - Discharge of Elizabeth Norman, William Fuller, John Shallow, Richard King, John Diver and Henry Chapman, confined for debt in the prison or common gaol since last September.
p77 - Indictment preferred against William Norman of Cottenham by James Graves, a constable of Cottenham, for assaulting him in the execution of his duty. Recognizance entered into by William Norman of Cottenham by James Graves, a constable of Cottenham, for assaulting him in the execution of his duty. Recognizance entered into by WIlliam Norman of Cottenham (yeoman) and Robert Norman and Thomas Savage, yeoman of Cottenham, to try his traverse at the next Quarter Sessions or pay £40 (WIlliam Norman) and £20 apiece (Robert Norman and Thomas Savage).
p78 - Indictment preferred by Wright Ellwood against Thomas Stowkin of Longstanton for an assault, pleased guilty and fined 1s.
p79 - Indictment preferred by Rachael Ellwood against Thomas Stowkin of Longstanton for assault, pleaded guilty and fine 1s. Indictment preferred by George King against Thomas Moody of Waterbeach for an assault, pleaded guilty and fine is 1s. Order that Jonathon Howard, late of Swaffham Prior, committed to the House of Correction for running away from his wife and family leaving them chargeable to the Parish, be publicly whipped and discharged.
p80 - Discharge of Edward Fordham, committed to the House of Correction being charged with being the father of the child or children of which Elizabeth Oliver of Caxton was then pregnant, and for refusing to give surety for his appearance at the Quarter Sessions. Grant of an assessmen of 6d in the pound to the Surveyor of the Highways in the Parish of Bartlow, to be paid by all ratepayers for the repairing, amending, cleasing and supporting of the highways, 8c.
p81 - Appointment of a committee to examine the state of the Castle of common gaol and to order such reparations, alterations and additions to be made at the charge of the County as thought convenient and necessary. Bond and receipts for transporting Jonathon Stickwood, Samuel Hardy, James Bennett and WalterWebb, filed by Simeon Saunders, keeper of the gaol, Moses Israel Forseta and Jonathon Forward Sydenham.
p82 - Accounts to Lady Day 1769 filed of the Waterbeach Chaity: Mr Charls Martindale, rceiver, received £13 12s and disbursed £7 19s 2d so that there remains £5 12s 10d owing to the charity. Order for the treasurer to pay the following bills: William Mott, coroner, for inquisitions £3 1s 9d. Constables of Barnwell, for conveying vagrants £1 9s 6d. Mr Prince, apothecary, for attending debtors in the Castle £1 3s 7d. Barnaby Cade, Constable of Ickleton, for conveying vagrants £3 15s 6d. Samuel Paten, whitesmith, work done at the Castle 11s 8d. Simeon Saunders, keeper of the Castle: half a bill for there taking of James Bennett (escaped) £4 18s 0d. Half a bill for the fetching of Sarah Benett from Spalding or examination, and bringing James Johnson from Huntingdon £2 13s 4d. Mr Samuel Forlow for dinners £4 10s 6d.
p83 - Order for the placing of advertisemets re sums of money demanded and collected of some of the County's inhabitants for supposed breaches of the public highways laws, to be placed in the Cambridge Chronicle.
p84 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Francis Tunwell Esq (Mayor) and William Howell Ewin LLD. Discharge of William Turtle, confined for debt in the prison or common gaol since last September.
p85 - Order for the removal of the present Castle gate to the south end of the gateway and the erection of a new pair of gates at the north end of the gateway, to be carried out by John Austin of Fulbourne, carpenter, estimated to cost £15 10s 6d
p87 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Rt Hon Thomas Lord Montfort, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor), Robert Plumpton DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingey Askham, Soame Jonyns and Hale Wortham Esqs. Appeal by Parish of Catledge and Kirthing against a removal order for John Mitchell from Carlton cum Willingham. Appeal dismissed subject to the opinion of James Wallace Esq.
p88 - Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Rooke and other against Barnet Maccabe, John Moor and Thomas Grant for an assault with an intent to commit a rape on Elizabeth Rooke. Found guilty (John Moor and Thomas Grant pleaded guilt): committed to the castle for twelve months and to be each whipped 4 times publicly every Quarter Day and to pay a fine of 1s each before being discharged. Indictment preferred by Phebe Haley against William Adams and Ann his wife for an as sat upon Phebe Haley, pleaded guily and paid 13s 4d.
p89 - Indictment preferred by John Austin of Fulbourn against Henry Bissell for a misdemeanour: warrant to be made out by the Clerk of the Peace to apprehend Henry Bissell to find surety for his appearance at the next Quarter Sessions. William Norman of Cotteham appeared pursuant to his recognizances for trying his traverse on an indictment for assaulting James Greaves, pleaded guilty and fined £5.
p90 - Order that recogizances entered into by Henry Foreman of Cumberton, bricklayer, renouncing bastards from begetting a child on the body of Ann Smith, be withdrawn and Henry Foreman discharged. Appointment of a committee by the Justices and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge to examine the treasurer's acconts and a bill dlivered at the last Quarter Session by Mr Jeffs, stonemason, for work done at the Castle. Order to meet a committee to be appointed by the Corporation to consider alterations to be made in Shire and Town Halls for better accommodation for Judges of Assizes, Justices of the Session, gentleman of the Grand Jury and others.
p91 - Edward Stamford of Kneesworth appointed Treasurer in place of William Harlock, deceased: giving bond with Joseph Porter of Royston in £400 penalty for the faithful discharge of his office. Order that Simeon Saunders, keeper of the County Bridewell, give fresh security to the new Treasurer, and for £30 partof the County stock. Order that Quarterages be reduced by a quarter and that Petty Constables and Chief Constables be informed and notice be inserted in the Cambridge Chronicle. Conviction of William Chapman for sweaing ten profound oaths and curses within the parish of Melbourne.
p92 - Discharge of Catherine Bruce, committed for being a loose disorderly person and making great disturbances in the parish of Soham. Order that the Treasurer pay the following bills: William Mott, coroner for inquisitions £5 7s 9d. Oficers of Bassingbourn, for burying a poor man found dead in the Parish 18s 4d. Officers of Granchester, part of a bill for maintaining Phillis Newton 10s. John Cobb, carpenter £1 5s 4d. Constables of Girton, 2 bills 9s 8d. WIlliam Thompson, bricklayers, work done at the Castle £1 2s 3d. Gaoler, £7 12s. Samuel Patten, whitesmith's work £1 11s 8d. John Atkin, controller of Barnwell 7s. Mr Prince, apothecary, for attendance and medicines for people in gaol £1 14s 8d. Mr Forlow, expenses of the day £5 2s 4d.
p95 - Before John Drage Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet, William Norfolk, (Mayor), Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell LLD, Dingley Askham Esq. Certificate of the State of the Militia presented by Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lieutenant for the County of Cambridge, to be entered in the records of Court. Contains list of the number and rank of officers and privates.
p97 - Qualification of William Howell Ewin LLD to empower him to act as a Deputy Lieutenant exhibited and filed.
p98 - Appeal by parish of Catledge also Kirtling against a removal order for John Mitchell from the parish of Carlton cum Willingham: appeal dimissed at last Quarter Session subject to opinion of James Wallace Esq, now dismissed and the order absolutely confirmed.
p99 - Appeal by the parish of Swaffham (Norfolk) against a pass granted for conveying John Wood as a vagrant from the parish of St Andrew, Cambridge. Appeal allowed and pass quashed. Appeal by Robert Moody, Joseph Sharpe, William Sharpe and John Moor of the parish of Isleham to be relieved against a rate made by the parish for the relief of the poor. Appeal dismissed, it being too general.
p100 - Appeal of John Griggs of the parish of Hinxton, to be relieved against an indenture whereby the parish placed George Tabor, a poor child, apprentice to him on account of John Griggs ordered to execute the counterpart of the indenture or pay the officers of the Parish of Hinxton £10. Appeal by John Fletcher of Hamlet of Barraway in parish of Soham to be relieved against a conviction for not performing certain duties on the highways in Soahm or paying the compostion monet for the same, and against levying by John Drage and John Smith of £6 18s and the sale of goods and chattels as a forfeiture. Appeal dismissed, and John Fletcher ordered to pay John Drage 2 guineas for costs.
p101 - Indictment preferred by Ann Brooks, spinster, against Robert Cotton of Lolworth, yeoman, for several rapes and common assaults commited against her: returned ignoramus. Grant of an assessment of 6d in the pound to the Surveyor of Highways in the Parish of Brinkley, to be paid by all ratepayers, for the repairing, amending, cleansing and supporting of the highway, 8c.
p102 - Discharge of Moses Bye, committed to the house of correction in November last, being charged wit being the father of the bastard child of Sarah Haycock, delivered three years ago, now chargeable to the parish of Great Wilbraham. Order for the gaoler Simeon Saunders to pay 3d a day each to Barnet Maccabe, John Moore and Thoma Grant, all under confinement in the prison, until the next session.
p103 - Recognizance entered into at last Quarter Session between William Dolby of Childerly, Wiliam Reason of Childerly and Gilbert Woollard of Cambridge, for £40 on condition that William Dolby attend the next Quarter Session concerning a complaint by the Parish of Longstanton for begetting a child on the body of Ann Bodger which is likely to be born a bastard and not depart the Court without leave. Order that WIlliam Stockbridge of Meldreth and John Harwood of Newmarket, be each fined 40s for failure to attend to serve on the Grand Jury.
p104 - Order that Robert Brock, one of Sheriff's officers, to be fined 40s for neglecting to summon John Apthorpe of Teversham to appear and serve on the Grand Jury. Report by the Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts Michaelmas 1768-69: The Treasurer received £410 2s 9 1/2 d including £149 9s 3 1/2d balance of his last account, and disbursed £220 8s 4 1/2d (as appearing on the vouchers) so that there remains due to the county from Mr Edward Stamford £189 14s 4 3/4d. Accounts of William Hancock, late Treasurer, Michaelmas 1768-Michaelmas 1769: Received: Balance of accounts passed to MIchaelmas 1768 £143 9s 3 1/4d. Note: Quarteridges this year being quadruple are each £96 7s 4d. Received by part of a QUarteridge to Christmas 1768 £92 18s 0d. Received by part of a Quarteridg to Lady Day 1769 £90 17s 2d. Received by part of a Quarteridge to Midsummer 1769 £73 14s 10d. Received by part of arrears charged to Michaelmas 1768 £9 3s 6d. Received $410 2s 9 1/4d. Paid: To chief constables and other bills to Christmas 1768 £75 1s 10 1/2d. To Chief Constables and other bills to Lady Day 1769 £84 6s 3 1/2d. To Chief Constables and other bills to Midsummer 1769 £45 4s 8 1/2d. To poor soldiers families 8c to 6 OCtober 1769 £5 5s's 6d. To a years salary to Michaelmas 1769 £10 10s 0d. Paid £220 8s 4 1/2d. Balance due to the County £187 14s 4 3/4d. Arrears due to the County: Mr Daniel Corney for part of Thriploe to michaelmas 1768 £3 9s 4d. Mr Daniel Corney for part of Thriploe to Christmas 1768 £3 9s 4d. Mr Daniel Corney for part of Thriploe to Mady Day £3 9s 4d. Mr Thomas Hancock for part of Plendish to Lady DAy £2 0s 10d. Mr Thomas Hancock for part of Flendish to Midsummer £2 0s 10d. Stanis to MIdsummer £5 2s 0d. Steploe to MIdsummer £8 9s 0d. Thriplow to MIdsummer £6 18s 8d. Whole arrears due to the COunty £35 1s 4d. Balance paid to Edward Stamford, the new Treasurer.
p106 - Bond of Mr Edward Stamford of £400 penalty for the execution of his office as Treasurer of the County, brought in and filed.
p107 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor), Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet, Robert Plumptree DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham and Hale Wortham Esq. Oaths of allegiance, supremacy and adjuration, Rev Christopher Hunter, Fellow of Sidney College, William Burslem and Samuel Prime, Fellows of St John's College. Appeal of the PArish of Hadstock (Essex) against a removal order for William Wright and Jane his wofe and their four children from the Parish of Linton: Appeal saved until next Quarter Sessions, and appellants to pay 40s costs to the respondents.
p108 - Confirmation of order for removal of Ann Lucas from the Parish of Bottisham to the Parish of Landbeach
p109 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Weternhall against Henry Gynn of Granchester and Mary his wife for a nuisance in keeping a orderly house: bench warrant issued to apprehend Henry and Mary Gynn to find sureties for their appearance at this court (if is is sitting) or the next Quarter Sessions. Recognizance entered into at last Quarter Sessions by William Dolby of Childerly, William Reason of Childerly and Gilbert Woollard of Cambridge for the appearance of William Dolby here this day concerning a complaint by the parish of Longstanton against him for begetting a child on the body of Ann Bodger which is likely to be born a bastard: respited until next Quarter Sessions, Ann Bodger not being yet delivered. Recognizance entered into at last QUarter Sessions between Thomas Jacklin of Over and Benjamin Jacklin of Waterbeach, paying £20 and £40 respectively for the appearance of William Jacklin here this day concerning a complaint by the parish of Wicken against him for begetting a child on the body of Elizabeth Cross of Wicken likely to be born a bastard: respited until next Quarter Sessions, Elizabeth Cross not being yet delivered.
p110 - Confirmation of an order directing the Parish of Kingston to seize and take into their possession the household goods of John Cole who deserted his wfe and children: permission granted to the Parish of Hingston to sell and dispose of those goods towards providing for the children.
p111 - Appointment of Mr Henry Headley of Grantchester as one of the Chief Constables of the Hundred of Wetherley in place of William Headley his father deceased. Order that fine of 40s set at last Quarter Sessions on William Stockbridge of Melbourne for not attending to serve on the Grand Jury to be remitted and forgiven, he having been very ill at the time.
p112 - Order that Mr Essex be directed to consider a plan and estimate for making the Grand Jury boxes and courts in the S, to be hire Hall more convenient to be presented to the e adjourned Sessions to be held at the Rose Tavern on 19 May. Order to the TReasurer to pay the following bills: Coroner, for inquisitions, £4 13s 9d. John Cobb, carpenter, for work done at the Castle and House of Correction £2 19s 2d. Simeon Saunders £5 1s 1d. Mr Prince, apothecary, for medicines for the prisoners in the Castle, £0 18s 0d. Constables of Barnwell for paying vagrants £2 3s 0d. Mr John Ivatt, charges in prosecuting Benjamin Burling at last Assizes for attempting to commit a rape on Esther Ivatt his sister £1 1s 2d. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work done at the House of Correction, £2 2s 2d. William Thompson, bricklayer, for work done at the House of Correction £3 4s 4d. Mr Forlow, expenses of the day, £4 7s 10d. Adjourned to 19 May May at Rose Tavern.
p113 - Before Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet, William Norfolk Edq (Mayor), Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin, LLD, Dingley Askham Esq. Adjourned to this day month.
p115 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Richardson DD<, Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor) Robert Plumptre DD.
p116 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor) William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham and Soame Jonyns Esqs. Sacrament Certificated delivered into court and Oaths of allegiance , supremacy and abjuration-John Haggerstone of Cambridge.
p117 - Appeal by the parish of Hadstock (Essex) against removal order for William Wright and Jane his wife and their four children from the Parish of Linton, saved from last Quarter Sessions: Appeal allowed, order quashed.
p118 - Conviction of Henry Gynn having been found guilty of causing a nuisance in keeping a disorderly house: committed to the Castle or Common Gaol for three months, to pay a fine of 6s 8d and a surety of £20 for good behaviour for one year before being discharged. Mary his wife committed for twelve months. Discharge of recognizance of William Dolby of Childerly to attend this court concerning a complaint of the Parish of Longstanton for begetting a child on the body of Ann Bidger, and an order of bastardy having been made on him.
p119 - Discharge of recognizance of William Jacklin of Waterbeach to attend this court concerning a complaint of the Parish of Wicken for begetting a child on the body of Elizabeth Cross of Wicken, and an order of bastardy having been made on him. Qualification of David Burgers to empower him to act as Deputy LIeutenant for the Isle of Ely exhibted and filed.
p120 - Bond for transporting Edward Hart, from Moses Isreal Fonseta and Jonathon Forward Sydenham, filed by Simeon Saunders, keeper of the gaol. Order that the treasurer pay the following bills: coroner for inquisitions, £2 14s 3d. Constable of Ickleton for passing vagrants, £3 19s 0d. JOhn Austin, carpenter, remainder of bill for work done at the Castle, £2 0s 0d. Constable of Barnwell for passing vagrants £2 7s 6d. Thomas Furbank, bill for iron work done at the Castle, 18s 9 1/2d
p121 - Before John Drage Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earle of Hardwicke, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham, Soame Jonyns and Edward Leeds Esqs. Sacrament certificate delivered and oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-James Garwood of Brinkley, Officer of Excise.
p122 - Indictment preferred by John Heading against Patrick Dayley late of the Parish of Lolworth for an assault: found guilty and to be privately whipped. Order to license The Barn belonging to John Dewse in Fulbourn as a place to hold meetings of Protestant Dissenters from the Church of England of the Baptist Denomination. Discharge of Barnet Maccabe, John Moore and Thomas Grant, convict of an assault with an intent to commit a rape on the body of Elizabeth Rooke, sentanced to be four times publicly whipped, to remain 12 months in prison and pay a fine of 1s each.
p123 - Grant of permission to ask and collect the alms, benevolence and charitable contributions of well disposed persons throughout the County and the University and Town of Cambridge until next week Quarter Sessions and to give an account of all moneys collected and pay the same into the court. This money to be distributed to the several sufferers of an accidental fire in a stack if hay belonging to Mr William Robinson of Over, which consumed the dwelling houses and outhouses of George Beechens, Thomas Webb, ...Denton, Robert Gylot, Mary and Jane Sandford, Stephen Stooton and William POrter in the parish of Over, amounting to £600 damage.
p124 - Grant of an assessment of 6d in the pound to the Surveyor of the Highways in the parish of Soham to be paid by all ratepayers for the repairing, amending, cleansing and supporting the highways 8c.
p125 - Appointment of John Masters of Cambridge, baker, to make weekly returns of the prices of corn and grain in the amrket of Cambridge, Henry Claydon of Linton to do the same in the market in Linton, to William Cooke Esq at the Treasury, Whitehall. Order that the Treasurer of the COunty provide two Winchester Bushells, containing 8 gallons each, for the use of the persons appointed to make returns of the prices of corn and grain in the markets of Cambridge and Linton. Discharge of Henry Gynn, convicted at the last Quarter Sessions of keeping a disorderly house and sentanced to three months imprisonment, to pay a fine of 6s 8d and to gove security in £20 for good behaviour for one year after that-recognizance entered into by Henry Gynn of Granchester and Francis Newman of Cambridge at £10 each conditional upon Henry Gynn's attendance at the Quarter Sessions of MIchaelmas 1771 and his good behaviour until that time.
p126 - Bond and receipts for transporting John Allen brought to be filed by Simeon Saunders, keeper of Gaol, from Moses Isreal Fonseca and Jonathon Forward Sydenham.
p127 - Order that the Treasurer pay the following bills: Coroner, for inquisitions, £5 4s 9d. Gaoler, for conveying John Allen and transport from Cambridge to London £6 6s 0d. Constable Barnwell, for conveying vagrants, £2 19s 6d. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work done at the Castle, £1 1s 6d.
p128 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, James Burleigh Esq (Mayor), Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, Robert Plumptree DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham, John Drage and Hale Wortham Esqs. Sacarment certificate and oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-Henry Topping, Fellow of Kings College.
p129 - Oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-Rev Robert Barker, Vicar of Moulgrave (Derbys), Daniel Wilcox and John Robinson, scholars of Clarehall. Certificate of the State of the Militia presented by Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lieutenant for the County of Cambridge, to be entered in the Records of the Court. Contains list of the number and rank of officers and privates.
p130 - Appeal by the Parish of Saffron Walde (Essex) against removal order for Robert Moote and Elizabeth his wife from the Parish of Stetchworth. Appeal dismissed and order confirmed. Appeal by the Parish of St Andrew the Great in Cambridge against the removal order for William Sturman and his wife Mary and Martha their daughter (1 month) from Parish of Saint Sepulchre. Appeal respited until the next quarter sessions.
p131 - Order confirmed for the removal of Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Robinson and Elizabeth Applebee who was born a bastard in the Parish of Stretham from the Parish of Waterbeach to the Parish of Streatham.
p132 - Oath taken and subscribed by Lancelot Browne, Sheriff, previous to the election of Sir Sampson Gideon, Baronet to represent the County in Parliament in place of the late Marquis of Granby, brought in and filed. Indictment preferred by Salisbury Dunn against John Smith late of the Parish of Isleham for felony and petty larceny, found guilty and committed to the House of Correction until tomorrow and then be publicly whipped with twenty lashes.
p133 - Indictment preferred by William Cudworth against Robert Brown late of the Parish of Isleham for felony and petty larceny; acquitted. Indictment preferred by William Chapman and others against William Thompson late of the Parish of St Sepulchre in Cambridge for lodging inmates; order that a warrant be made out for apprehending William Thompson to find sureties for his appearance at the next quarter sessions. Indictment preferred by Berry Dodson against William Barrs late of the Parish of Swavesey for a nuisance: order that a warrant be made out for his apprehending of William Barrs to find sureties for his appearance at the next quarter sessions.
p134 - Indictment preferred by James Day against Susanna the wife of James Chapman late of the Parish of St Michael in Cambridge for fraudulently obtaining from him 2 guineas; pleaded guilty and committed to the House of Correction for hard labour for six months, to pay a fine of 6s 8d before being discharged. Order that Henry Church, committed to the House of Correction on 3 January being charged with being an idle disorderly person and running away from and leaving his wife and family chargeable to the Parish of Elsworth, be continued in the House of Correction until Tuesday next, then publicly whipped at Elsworth before being discharged.
p135 - Order that Peter Richardson, commited to the House of Correction on 4 January being charged with going away and leaving a female child chargeable to the Parish of Gamlingay, be continued in the House of Correction until Tuesday next, then be publicly whipped at Gamlingay before being discharged. Recognizance entered into by John Chambers of Waterbeach and John WIlson of Waterbeach for the appearance of John Chambers at this court concerning a complaint by the Parish of Waterbeach against him for begetting a child on body of Elizabeth Civil, likely to be born a bastard; respited until the next quarter sessions, ELizabeth Civil not being yet delivered.
p136 - Recognizance entered into by Edward Spellman of Burwell and John Slack of Soham for the appearance of Edward Spellman here this day concerning a complaint by the Parish of Isleham against him for begetting a child on the body of Mary Ware of Isleham, likely to be born a bastard, respited until the next quarter sessions, Mary Ware not being yet delivered.
p137 - Order that James Palmer of the Parish of Soham shall pay to the officers of the Parish of Soham 20s for the costs of their attendance concerning his refusal to pay his proportion of the poor rates of the Parish of Soham. Order that William Turtle, one of the Sheriff's Officers, be fined 40s for neglecting to summon part of his Jurors. Proclamation by the Sheriff that William Bardwell late of the Parish of Catlidge be before his Majesties Justices of Over and Terminer at the next sessions to answer and indictment of felony.
p138 - Accounts filed of the Charity Estate belonging to the Parish for two years ending Michaelmas 1770: Mr Apthorpe the receiver had received at Michaelmas 1769 £8 which with the balance of 10s 3d in his hand at Michaelmas 1768, made £8 10s 3d and had disbursed £8 11s 4d so that Mr Apthorpe is due 1s 1d, and had recieved at Michaelmas last £8 and disbursed with the balance due to him £8. Duplicate return of the prices of corn the Market of Cambridge made by John Masters to the Treasury Office 22 December 1770 filed: William Cooke certified that John MAsters had made the 11 returnd: John Masters entitled to receive up to 2s for each return.
p140 - Duplicate return of the price of corn in the Market of Linton made by Henry Claydon to the Treasury Office to 20 December 1770 filed: William Cooke certified that Henry Claydon had made 1 returns: Henry Claydon entitled to receive up to 2s for each return. Higlers licence granted to WIlliam Gray of Castle Camps, yeoman. Committee appointed to examine and pass Treasurer's accounts on Friday next at Rose Tavern to report at the next quarter sessions. Order that the Treasurer pay the following bills: Coroner, for inquisitions. Constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £6 6s 0d. Mr Prince, apothecary, for attending prisonersion castle 17s 0p. Simeon Saunders, the Garter £1 0s 6d. John Cobb, Carpenter, for work done at House of Corrections 16s 1d. Mr James Day, Clerk of the Peace, for business done £14 10s 0d. Smauel Patten, Whitesmith 18s 11d. Mr Samuel Forlow, expenses of the day £4 9s 2d.
p143 - Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, John Summer DD, Vice Chancellor of the University, James Burleigh Esq (Mayor), Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Edward Leeds, John Drage and Hale Wortham Esq. Oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-John Law, Master of Art, Fellow of Christs College, Samuel Pollard, Scholar of St John's College. Appeal by the Parish of St Andrew the Great in Cambridge at the last quarter sessions against removal order for William Sturman and Mary his wife and Martha (2 months) their daughter from the Parish of St Sepulchre, appeal allowed, order questioned.
p144 - Appeal by the parish of Fen Stanton (Huntingdon) against removal order for Henry Runham and Jane his wife from the parish of Little Shelford, appeal allowed, order quashed.
p145 - Appeal by the Parish of Dullingham against the removal order for Richard, Walter, Dorothy, Mary and George Cates, the five children of Richard Cates and Dorothy his wife (both deceased) from the Parish of Borrough Green, appeal dismissed, order confirmed. Indictment preferred by Thomas Wetenhall and Sarah Morgan against James Moulder late of Parish of St Gyles in Cambridge and Elizabeth his wife, for a nuisance in keeping a common bawdy house: order that a warrant be made out for apprehending James Moulder and Elizabeth his wife to find sureties for their appearance at next Quarter Session. Indictment preferred by Thomas Wettenhall and Catherine Etollsee against Maurice Bearford late of the Parish of St Mary the Great in Cambridge and Sarah his wife for a nuisance in keeping a common bawdy house: order that a warrant be made out for apprehending Maurice Bearford and Sarah his wife to find sureties for their appearance at next quarter sessions.
p146 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Wetenhall, Ann Grumbold and John Lawson against John Blackley late of the Parish of St Botolph in Cambridge and Ann his wife for a nuisance in keeping a common bawdy house: order that a warrant be made out for apprehending John Blackley and Ann his wife to find sureties for their appearance at next quarter sessions. Indictment preferred by William Barret and others against Alexander Camp late of the Parish of Soham, now a prisoner in the House of Correction for a fraud in obtaining money by false pretences; convicted and to be countinued in the House of Correction until next Friday week, publicly whipped at Soham, then discharged.
p147 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Fletcher against George Agar late of the Parish of St Michael in Cambridge and Morgan O Meara late of the Parish of Little St Mary in Cambridge for an assault; court divided in opnion on motion that indictment be quashed. Indictment preferred by THomas Wilson against William Webb late of the Parish of Wood Ditton for an assault pleaded not guilty and entered into recognizance to try his traverse at next quarter sessions. Recognizance entered into by WIlliam Webb of Wood Ditton, shepherd, and James Cater of Wood Ditton, Gentleman, for ten pounds each on conviction that William Webb appear at the next quarter sessions concerning indictment for assaulting THomas Missen of Wood DItoon, publican.
p148 - Indictment preferred against William Barrs of Swavesey for a nuisance: entered into a recognizance to try his traverse at next quarter sessions. Recognizance entered into by William Barrs of Swavesey for 40 pounds on condition that William Barrs appears at the net quarter sessions concerning an indictment for a nuisance.
p149 - Indictment preferred against William Thompson for lodging inmates: pleaded guilty and fined one shilling. Discharge of Edward Attlesea, committed to the House of Correction on 4 February last, being charged with running away from and leaving his two daughters chargeable to the Parish of Soham; to be contained in the House of Correction until next Friday fortnight, then publicly whipped at Soham before being discharged. Order that Richard Colins, committed to the House of Correction as a rogue and vagabond for having several gathered a large number of young people at the Chequer alehouse, Gamlingay and performed on musical instruments, practiced slight of hand and exhibited many juggling and conjuring tricks with cups and balls and cards, and having pretended to enlist several young men into His Majesty's service, and demanding, and by threats and false pretences obtaining, from the Constable of Gamlingay billets for quartering himself and 2 others he pretended he had enliste, though to himself was not a soldier and had no legal authority to enlist them; to be committed to the Castle or Common Gaol for months then to be whipped at Gamlingay before being discharged.
p150 - Order that Joseph Wallman, committed to the House of Correction on 5th March for having gotten Ann Rutter with child, refusing to indemnify the parish or to enter into recognizance with sufficient sureties for his appearance at this court, be contained in the House of Correction until the next quarter sessions, Ann Rutter not yet being delivered.
p151 - Order that John Pearson, committed to the House of Correction on 16 March, being charged with running away from and leaving his wife and family chargeable to the Parish, be continued at the House of Correction for 3 months, and whipped before being discharged. Order that the Treasurer pay Thomas Mean of Gamlingay £3 3s for the costs and expenses the parish has been at in apprehending and proceeding against Richard Collins, taken up as a rogue and vagabond and committed to the House of Correction. Recognisance entered into at last quarter sessions by John Chambers of Waterbeach and JOhn Wilson for the appearance of John Chambers at this court concerning a complaint by the Parish of Waterbeach concerning a child begotten on the body of Elizabeth Civil, likely to be born a bastard chargeable to the parish; respited, Elizabeth not yet being delivered.
p152 - Recognizance entered into by Edward Spellman of Burwell and John Slack of Soham for the appearance of Edward Spellman at the court concerning a complaint by the Parish of Soham for begetting a child on the body of Mary Ware, likely to be born a bastard chargeable to the Parish: respited, Mrry Ware not being yet delivered. Order to the Clerk of the Peace to distribute money collected for the sufferers of a fire at Over and to give an account at the next Sessions.
p153 - Accounts of Burwell Charity 1763 to 1771 filed by Philip Isaacson: balance of £31 1s 10d owed to him. Duplicates to be filed of John Masters' returns of the prices of corn in Cambridge market to the 23rd March.
p154 - Duplicates to be filed of Henry Claydon's returns of the prices of corn in Linton market to the 21st March. Pass filed for Thomas Cheveley to be conveyed from Waterbeach to the Parish of Holy Trinity, Ely. Higlers licence granted to Francis Kidman, yeoman of Caxton. Orders for payments by Treasurer as follows: Coroner: £5 2s 6d for taking inquisitions. Samuel Patten, whitesmith: £1 17s 2 1/2d. William Harlock, glazier: £2 1s 9 1/2d. Simeon Saunders £1 9s 3d.
p155 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next Sessions entered into by Richard Pechey of Soham and Robert Wilkins of Wicken for the appearance of George Prestwidge, exciseman of Soham, in connection with bastardy order for the unborn child of Elizabeth Chapman. Proclomation that Stephen Fovargne late of the Parish of All Saints be present at the next sessions of Oyer and Terriner to answer on indictment for felony and murder.
p156 - Treasurer's accounts for 1769 to 1770 and committee's report.
p159 - Held before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton Barts, James Burleigh Esq, Mayor Robert Plumptre DD, Soane Jenyns, Dingley Askham, William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham, John Drage, Christopher Jeaffreson et al. Sacrament certificate delivered and oath allegiance taken by Barnard Baroles, Excise officer. Oat of qualification as Justice of the Peace taken by Christopher Jeaffreson Esq.
p160 - Confirmation of order for removal of John Runham and Jane his wife from Little Shelford to Marston. Confirmation of order for removal of Sarah Powley and her son John (9 months) from Willingham to Lolworth.
p161 - Agreement to leave deturrunation of King v William Barrs to reference. Indictment preferred by Edward Rust against William Cudworth, butcher of Isleham for an assault. Not found. Indictment preferred by John Homington and George Brooks against Alice Kidman, widow, and Sarah Cracknell of Waterbeach for petty larceny. Pleaded guilty and discharged.
p162 - James Moulder and his wife, indicted at the last Quarter Sessions for keeping a disorderly house, pleaded not guilty and acquitted. Order to discharge Ann Blackley, committed to House of Correction for lac of sureties on joint indictment against her and her husband John for keeping a disorderly house, her husband having disappeared. Order to disharge William White, committed to the Common Gaol for behaving in a disorderly manner and trading as a pedlar without a licence, conditional upon him leaving the town.
p163 - Order to discharge Francis Hetley of All Saints in Newmarket, comitted to the House of Correton for desertion of children. Order to discharge Francis Hetley of All Saints in Newmarket, committed to the House of Correction for desertion of children. Order to discharge Stephen Hills from custody, none of the officers of Castle Camps parish having appeared in court to support their complaint that he made Jane Webb pregnant. Order to discharge Joseph Wallman from custody, no order of bastardy having been made upon him by Ann Rutter after she was delivered.
p164 - Indictment preferred by Robert Elsden against John Diver of Soham for assault. Pleased no guilty. To be tried at the next Quarter Sessions (see below). Recognizance entered into by John Diver of Soham, William Taylor, victualler of Soham and Robert Rook of Mildenhall for John Diver to appear at the next Quarter Sessions to try his traverse or to pay £10 a piece. Order for recognizance to stand over to next sessions which was entered into by William Webb and James Cater at the last sessions concerning an assault by the former on Thomas MIssen.
p165 - Maurice Bearford and Sarah his wife, indicted at last quarter sessions for keeping a disorderly house, pleaded not guilty. To be tried at the next quarter sessions. Rogognizance entered into by Maurice Bearford, musician, Samuel Frost and John Willimot, all of Cambridge, for the appearance of the former and his wife at the next sessions to try their traverse. Bond and receipts for transporting James Smith, otherwise Dally, and WIlliam Easy, filed by Simeon Sauinders, gaoler, from Moses Israel Fonesca, Mary Sydenham and Abraham Lopes Fernandez, merchants of London.
p166 - Duplicates to be filed of John Masters returns of the prices of corn in Cambridge market to the 22nd June. Dupliacates to be filed of Henry Claydon's returns of the prices of corn in Linton market to the 20th June. Certiorari writ to be filed removing to the Court of King's Bench the indictment against Geiorge Agar and Morgan O'Meara, students of the University, for assaulting Thomas Fletcher, which was preferred and found against them at the last Quarter Sessions.
p167 - Order for payments by the Treasurer as follows: Mr Mott, the Coroner, for taking inquisitions £7 12s 3d. William Thompson, Bricklayer £1 6s 5 1/2d. John Cobb, carpenter, £2 8s 6d. Simeon Saunders, gaoler 19s 8d. Thomas Prince, apothecary 16s 2d. John Atkins, constable of Barnwell 13s 0d. Constables of Fen Ditton 6s 3d. Pass filed for Diana, widow of John Simons to be conveyed from Royston to the parish of Kerrisford in the City of Norwich.
p168 - Accounts of Little Wilbraham Charity 1763 to 1771 filed. Sessions adjourned till 17th September, incomplete entry
p171 - Held before John Drage Esq, the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Hardwick, Soane Jenyns Esq, Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham and Christopher Jeaffreson Esq, et al. Sacrament certificate delivered and oath of allegiance taken by Christopher Jeaffreson Esq of Dullingham. Confirmation of removal order for John Simons, his wife ELizabeth and Mary, Ann, THomas and ISaac thier children, from Dullingham to Horseheath.
p172 - Maurice Bearford and Sarah his wife, indicted last Easter Sessions for keeping a disorderly house, tried and acquitted. John Diver, indicted at last Quarter Sessions for assault on Robert Elsden, having changed his plea from not guilty to guilty, fined 1s. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Bocock against Sarah Reddal, late of the parish of Burwell, for felony and petty larceny. Pleaded not guilty and was acquitted. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Bocock against Elizabeth Purr lateof the parish of Burwell for felony and petty larceny. Quashed as defendant under the age of 12.
p173 - William Webb, indicted last Easter Sessions for assault on Thomas Missen, found guilty and fined 1s. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Bocock against Sarah Reddal, late of the parish of Burwell, for felony and petty larceny. Pleaded not guilty and was acquitted. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Taylor against her husband William Taylor, carpenter, late of Kirtling or an assault. PLeaded not guilty but committed to gaol for lack of security fo appearance at next Quarter Sessions. Order that James Blows of Willingham, imprisoned last 5th August for deserting his wife and child be publicly whipped then discharged.
p174 - Order to keep in custody William Todd, who was committed to the House of Correction on the oath of Elizabeth Watts of Steeple Morden to await an order of bastardy.
p175 - Order to keep in custody Daniel Green of Bottisham, who was committed to the House of Correction for desertion of his wife and children, until the next Quarter Sessions. Indictment preferred by Robert Amey against the inhabitants o the parish of Barton for a nuisance. The Sheriff of the County to summon them to the next Quarter Sessions. A similar indictment preferred by Robert Amey against the inhabitants of the parish of Haslingfield. The Sheriff to summon them to the next Quarter Sessions.
p176 - Recognizance entered into by William Sampson of Kirtling for the appearance of Elizabeth Taylor wife of William Taylor late of Kirtling (see p.174) to give evidence, or to pay £10. Duplicate to be filed of John Master's returns of the price of corn in Cambridge market to 28th September. Duplicate to be filed of Henry Claydon's returnd of the piece of orn in Linton market to 26th September.
p177 - Committee of JPs appointed for passing the Treasurer's accounts. Order for payments by the Treasurer as follows: Mr Mott, the coroner, for making inquisitions £2 9s 9d. Mr John Masters for making 51 weekly returnd of the price of corn at Cambridge market £5 2s 0d. Mr John Archdeacon for printing the form of such returns 6s 6d. Mr Henry Claydon for returns of prices of corn atLinton market £5 2s 0d/ Messrs Fletcher and Hodgson for printing for the form of such returns 5s 0d.
p181 - Held before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Jhn Purches Esq, Mayor, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bart, Robert Plumptre DD< William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham Esq, et al. Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire's Certificate of the Estate of the Milita filed by the Clerk of the Peace
p183 - Sacrament certificate delivered and oath of allegiance taken by Richard Watson DD. Oath of allegiance taken by Rose King, gentleman, Scholar of Emmanuel College [Cambridge]. Order for Catherine Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor, bricklayer, to be removed from the parish of Chevely [Cheveley] to the parish of Ashley quashed at request of the former.
p184 - Order for removal of Charles, bastard son of Isobella Bleat, widow, from the parish of St Edward's, Cambridge to the parish of St Botolph, Cambridge quashed at the request of the former. Order for the removal of Mary, bastard daughter of Isobella Bleat, widow, from parish of St Edward, Cambridge to parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge quashed at request of the former.
p185 - Appeal by parish of Cottenham against removal order for Elizabeth Newman from the parish of Landbeach. Order confirmed. Indictment preferred by William Sansar against John Carfell late of the parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge for an assault. Pleaded guilty and fined 1s.
p186 - Indictment preferred by Ann wife of John Staling against William Pleasants of Wood Ditton for assault. A warrant to be made out to apprehend him. The case to be tried at the next Quarter Sessions. Indictment preferred by John Conlan against William Webb late of Ashley but now in the House of Correction for grand larceny. To be transferred to the Castle and tried at the next Assizes. Indictment preferred by Thomas Iverson against Thomas Ashwood late of Burwell but now a prisoner in the Castle, for petty larceny. Pleaded guilty and ordered to be publicly whipped at the Market Cross, then discharged.
p187 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Tyler against Scarfeant late of Isleham but now confined in the House of Correction, for petty larceny, Acquitted. Indictment preferred by Thomas Powell and others against John Crohan late of the parish of St Andrew the Great but now a prisoner in the County Gaol for fraudulently collecting money. Pleaded guilty and ordered to be transported for 7 years.
p188 - Indictment preferred by Mary Browne against Catherine Bates, late of Sawston but now a prisoner in the County Gaol, for petty larceny. Pleaded guilty and ordered to be publicly whipped and then discharged. Order to keep in custody Thomas Wolfe, who was committed to he House of Correction on the oath of Elizabeth Watson of Lolworth to await an order of bastardy until the next Quarter Sessions or until suretes provided.
p189 - Order that Francis Northfield of Hauxton, imprisoned for deserting his wife and family be publicly whipped and then discharged. Discharge of Daniel Green by an order of the last Quarter Sessions. Henry Page, former surveyor of highways in Barton, for the inhabitants of the parish indicted at the last sessions for nuisance, pleaded guilty and delivered a certificate and affidavit that the nuisance had been removed. Fined 1s.
p190 - William Whitechurch former surveyor of highways in Haslingfield, for the inhabitants of the parish, indicted at the last sessions for nuisance, pleaded guilty and delivered a certificate and affidavit that the nuisance had been removed. Fined 1s. Discharge of recognizance entered into by THomas Maltman and John MAltman for the appearance in court of the latter in connection wait the bastard child of Blacnh Stewkins of the parish of All Saints, Longstanton, no bastardy order having been made.
p191 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next sessions, entered into by William Handly the elder of Landbeach and Benjamin Jacklin of Waterbeach for the appearance of William Handly the younger in connection with bastardy order for the unborn child of Sarah Allen of Cottenham.
p192 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next sessions, entered into by William Handly the elder of Landbeach and Benjamin Jacklin of Waterbeach for the appearance of William Handly the younger in connection with bastardy order for the unborn child of Sarah Allen of Cottenham
p193 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next sessions, entered it by John Janeway and Benjamin Jackson of Wensley for the appearance of John Setchfield in connection with bastardy order for the unborn child of Henrietta Blows of Bassingbourn.
p194 - Discharge of recognizance entered into by John Roper the younger of Fordham ad Joseph Eden of Soham, for the apearance of the former, in connection with the bastard child of Jane Palmer, he having now prmised to provide for the child. Conviction of Robert Giddings for selling strong waters with licence in the parish of Boxworth.
p195 - Certificate granted to the parish of St Peter, Cambridge, to be sent to the Lord High Chancellor requesting a licence to collect money to build a new church.
p196 - Account filed of the distribution of money to the sufferers of the fire at Over according to the order of the last Easter Sessions.
p197 - Duplicates filed if John Master's returns of the prices o corn at Cambridge market to 21st December. Duplicates filed of Henry Claydon's returns of the prices of corn at Linton Markte to 19th December. Appointment of Mr William Wilks as a commissioner of Waterbeach Level. Similarly of Mr Rober Rayner.
p198 - Pass filed for Elizabeth wife of William Everit and her daughter Mary to be conveyed from West Wratting to Linton in Norfolk. Licence granted to Mr Winters to collect for sufferers of the fire at Streatham. Order for payment by the Treasurer as follows: Mr Mott, the coroner, for inquisitions £5 10s 0d. The Constable of Girton for conveying vagrants £1 1s 0d. Samuel Pattin, Whitesmith 17s 3d. William Thompson, bricklayer £2 9s 9d. John Cobb, carpenter £1 13s 0d. William Harlock, glazier £2 5s 7 1/2d. The Constable of Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 16s 0d. The Constable of Fen Ditton for conveying vagrants 13s 10d. The Constable of Ickleto for conveying vagrants £4 13s 6d. The Clerk of the Peace £13 14s 2d. Mr Forlow for dinners etc £4 7s 2d. Mr James Day for prosecuting Croham £7 14s 10d. The Constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants 6s 6d. Order that Richard Mee oversee repairs to the Castle and House of Correction and check all workman's bills.
p199 - Treasurer's accounts for 1770 to 1771 and committee's report.
p200 - Held before William Greave Beaupre Bell Esq, William Howell Ewin LLD, Edward Loads, Hale Wortham, John Drage Esq et al. Sacrament certificate delivrered and oath of allegiance and excise officers' oath taken by James Boddison, excise of Newmarket
p201 - Oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Richard Baker, fellow of Pembroke Hall and rector of Caloston? And Porcingland in Nofolk, Rev George Belgrove, Richard Blakeway and William Smith, fellows of St John's College. Indictment preferred by Robert Cory against the inhabitants of the parish of Holy Trinity Cambridge for a nuisance, return ignoramus by the Grand Jury. Indictment preferred by Matthew Charles against John Piddock late of Histon for petty larceny. Acquitted.
p202 - Presentment against inhabitants of Fordham for non-repair of highway. The Clerk of the Peace to summon them to the next Quarter Sessions. Discharge of recognizance respited from the last sessions, entered into by William Handley the elder of Waterbeach and Benjamin Jacklin of Landbeach for the appearance of WIlliam Handley the younger in connection with the bastard child of Sarah Allen of Cottenham, no bastardy order having been made.
p203 - Order for recognizance to be respited to next sessions entered into at last sessions by John Janeway and Benjamin Jackson for the appearance of John Setchfield in connection with the bastard child of Henrietta Blows, the bastardy order having not yet been made. Appeal by Thomas Barnes and Thomas Johnson against conviction for non-payment of tolls. Conviction confirmed.
p205 - William Plasants of Wood Ditton, indicted at the last sessions of an assault on Ann wife of John Starling, appeared by a recognizance entered into by him and William Brand of Newmarket and pleaded not guilty. Recognizance entered into by William Pleasants to appear at the next Quarter Sessions to stand trial, or to pay £40.
p207 - Conviction of Morgan O'Meara, fellow commoner of St Peter's College for swearing twice profane oaths.
p208 - Conviction of Ann Clarke of the parish of St Mary the Great in Cambridge for swearng two profane oaths
p209 - Convicton of John Criseell of the parish of All Saints, Cambridge, for swearing five profane oaths. Conviction of John Turner of Wood Ditton for possession of a snare. £20 fine paid.
p210 - Conviction of Robert Hood, labourer of Dullingham for stealing wood, and refusing to pay the penalty. Committed to the house of Correction for one month and hard labour and to be whipped.
p212 - Order that Edward Reynolds' house at Royston in the parish of Bassingbourn be licensed as a meeting place for professional dissenters. Order to renew Francis Kidman's licence as a higler.
p213 - Appointment of Mr John Read as a Commissioner of Waterbeach Level. Order for payments by the Treasurer as follows: Mr Mott, the Coroner, for taking inquisitions £7 0s 6d. The Officers of the Parish of Shepreth in part of a bill £1 of £1 5s 1d for nursing and burying a pauper. Elias Bland for apprehending Sewel? Wells £2 1s 11d. Robert Cock, Constables of Great Shelford for expenses concerning Elizabeth Spittles and Elizabeth Jiggars £1 5s 0d. Parish of Sawston for burying a pauper 1 £2 9s d. John Cobb, carpenter £3 2s 11d. Barnaby Conder, Constable of Ickleton, for conveying vagrants £6 12s 0d. John Austin, carpenter, for work at Whittlesford Bridge £10 13s. Simeon Saunders £2 9s 6d. Simeon Saunders £2 10s 0d. Simeon Saunders 2s 6d. Richard Bailey for maintaining and conveying a vagrant 8s 10d. The Constable of Girton for conveying a vagrant 5s 0d. Sam Patten, whitesmith, for work at the Castle, £2 10s 1d. John Atkins, Constable of Barnwell, for conveying vagrants £1 0s 4d. The Constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £3 17s 8d. Thomas Peters of Fen Drayton for maintaining Mary Cook in her lying £2 0s 0d. Mr Prince, apothecary 13s 6d. Mr Forlow for dinner £5 0s 1d.
p215 - Held before John Drage Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton, Bart, John Purches Esq, Mayor, Robert Plumptre DD, Dingley Askham, Soame Jenyns, Edward Leeds, Hale Wortham Esq et al. Oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Henry Elmsell, Rector of Elmley and Vicar of Betley, Yorks, and Rev Lancelot Bell MA, Rector of Sall and vicar of Saxthorpe, Norfolk
p216 - Appeal by parish of Tostock, Suffolk against removal order for Edward Parkinson otherwise Jerman and his wife Jane from the parish of Isleham. Special case heard but order confirmed.
p217 - Indictment preferred by William Eastwell and John Clarke against George Chambers the younger of Reach in the town of Swaffham. Prior for a pound breach and recous. The Sheriff to summon him to the next Quarter Sessions. Indictment preferred by Daniel Doe against JOhn Thickpenny late of the parish of St Clements, Cambridge for trading poultry without the statutory licence. Returned ignoramus by the Grant Jury.
p218 - Indictment by Daniel Doe against Edward Witton, poulterer, late of the parish of St Sepulchre for practising as badger and poultry seller without a licence. Returned ignoramus. Furhter time allowed to inhabitants of parish of Fordham to plead presentment against them for a nuisance proffered by John Drage Esq al last Quarter Sessions. William PLeasants of Wood Ditton, yeoman, tried his traverse against a previous indictment for assaulting Ann the wife of John Starling. Fined five shillings for trespass and assault. William Taylor, carpenter, of Kirtling, previously pleading not guilty to assault on his wife Elizabeth, together with William Sampson of Kirtling, yeoman, Thomas Taylor and James Taylor who had offered recognizance for the appearance of WIlliam and ELizabeth Taylor in court; were discharged from their obligations as the dispute was fabricated and the defendant mentally confused.
p219 - Discharge of recognizances of John Janeway and Benjamin Jackson of the parish of Wendy for the appearance of John Setchfield at Wendy for begetting a bastard child with Henrietta Blows of Bassingbourn, singlewoman.
p220 - Appearance of Newman Runham at Harston on charge of begetting a bastard child with Ann Warboys of Harston (?Hauxton p.200), singlewoman, not yet delivered following recognizances entered into. William Allen and Henry Driver of Harston entered into recognizances of £20 each to secure appearance of Newman Runham to appear at next quarter sessions on the above charge.
p221 - Copy of the return of the prices of corn in Cambridge market to twentieth June last by John Masters to the Treasury office to be filed with proceedings. Complier paid 2s per entry. Similar return for Linton made by Henry Claydon to eighteenth June last. Paid 2s per entry.
p222 - Conviction of Ambrose Child of Bottisham for swearing. William Jobson discharged from gaol on condition that he lives apart from his wife Hannah and does not molest her. James Foreman discharged from House of Correction.
p223 - William Boer, Thomas Colbeck, William Pether, Joseph Rider, William Snell and John Sayer, insolvent debtors, discharged from prison.
p225 - Expenses of prosecution of Margaret Pavey for murder of her bastard child to be borne by County. Order to pay £6 10s 9d to William Mott, coroner, for taking inquisitions. Kneesworth Turnpike: Trustees mortgage to secure £200 and interest at 4%. INdenture dated 9th July 1772 between Sir Thomas HAtton of Longstanton, Rev Roberts Plumptre, Hale Wortham of Royston, JOhn Hitch of Melbourn Esqs, Joseph Beldam of Royston, gentleman, Rev Thomas Ferns, vicar of Royston, Joseph Foster, maltster of Royston, Edward Dowyer, draper of Royston, Samuel Luke, maltster of Royston, Thomas Trigg of Royston, merchant, trustees for repairing the highways from Royston (Herts) to Wandersford Bridge (Hunts) of the one part and Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke to pay to him tolls and revenues from the Turnpike in lieu of money borrowed on the credit of mene tolls-a sum of £200 plus interest and annually £4 in every £100.
p228 - Indenture dated 9th July 1772 between the trustees noted above together with Valentine Bebbam of Bassingbourn, workstapler of the one part and Hale Wortham of Royston Esq of the other part to repay similarly a loan of £500.
p231 - A similar agreement dated 9th July 1772 between the trustees and Hale Wortham Esq for loan of £500
p234 - A similar agreement dated 9th July 1772 between the trustees and Hale Wortham Esq for loan of £100
p237 - A similar agreement dated 9th July 1772 between the trustees and Thomas Barnard of Caxton, clerk, for loan of £200
p239 - A similar agreement dated 9th July 1772 between the trustees and Lenny Lyell of Bourn Esq for loan of £200
p242 - A similar agreement between the trustees and Bob Pearse of Hartley St George for loan of £200
p245 - A similar agreement between the trustees and Susanna Hatton of Melbourn for loan of £100
p249 - Oath of allegiance taken by Rev John Yonde. Appeal by parishioners of St Boltolph against the removal of James Constable, his wife Elizabeth and children James (about 13), Charles (about 11), Joseph (about 6), Elizabeth (about 4), John (about 3) and Sarah (about 6 months) from the parish of St Mary the Great to St Botolphs. Appeal dismissed
p250 - Confirmation of removal order of Elewe Coe, Margaret his wife and Thomas, Eleanor and Sarah their children from parish of Holy Trinity to parish of Saint Sepulchre.
p251 - Confirmation of removal order of John Collis, aias Leete, illegitimate son of Sarah Collis, spinster deceased from the parish of Enfield, Middlesex. Articles of peace bought against John Williams of Sawston, victualler, by his wife Elizabeth-giving details of assault and battery in order for her to obtain security of the peace from him.
p253 - Order for John Williams to remain until the next quarter sessions in the House of Correction on his refusal to give security of the peace.
p254 - Articles of the peace bought against John Williams of Sawston, victualler, by John Moan of Sawston, carpenter for assault.
p255 - Order for John Williams to remain in the House of Correction until the next quarter sessions on his refusal to give security of the peace.
p256 - Articles of the peace bought against James Foreman late of Over, yeoman, by Richard Garner of Willingham, famer, concerning threats, abuse and wilful damage.
p257 - James Foreman ordered to remain in House of Correction until next quarter sessions on his refusal to give security of the peace. Indictment brought by robert Adams, constable of parish of Sawston against John Williams late of Sawston for assault. Defendant pleaded not guilty and was ordered to remain in House of Correction until next quarter sessions. Time allowed to parishioners of Fordham to plead presentment against them brought by John Drage Esq for a nuisance. Order of assessment of 6d in the pound on all property and personal estate usually used for Poor Rate for the repair and upkeep of the highways in Fordham.
p258 - Indictment preferred by Thomas Dennis against Edmund Hurny late of parish of Horningsea, labourer, for damaging a drainage tunnel. Ordered to appear at next quarter sessions. Time allowed to parishioners of Fordham to plead presentment against them brought by John Drage Esq for a nuisance. Order for assessment of 6d in the pound on all property and personal estate usually used for Poor Rate for the repair and upkeep of the highways in Fordham
p259 - Conviction of George Chambers the younger for swearing.
p260 - Order for Thomas Platt to remain in House of Correction for refusal to indemnify parish or guarentee to do so, for the birth of a bastard child to Elizabeth Oslar of the parish of Trumpington. Order of discharge of recognizances of William Allen and Henry Driver for appearance of Newman Runham for begetting a bastard child with Ann Warboys of Hauxton. Discharged as child is dead.
p261 - Duplicate of return of corn prices in Cambridge market to 20th September last to be filed and copiler John Masters to receive 2s for each return. Similar return made by Henry Claydon for Linton who is to receive 2s for each return. Order for formation of committee to examine County Gaol and give directions for repairs. Order for appointment of committee County Treasurer's account.
p262 - Order for distribution of 500 printed lists of wanted persons to High Constable of County. Bills paid by the Treasurer.
p263 - Order to free Joseph Cooper under Insolvent Debtors Act
p267 - Oath of allegiance taken by Rev Thomas Moor, vicar of St Mary and St Andrews in Whittlesey and Rev Henry Bates, vicar of Haddingley. Certificate presented of raising militia, together with schedule of numbers raised.
p270 - Continuation of removal of Ann Everett, singlewoman, from parish of Waterbeach to parish of Willingham or Wivelingham. Articles of Peace exhibited by Mary Knights against her husband Henry Knights late of Bassingbourn, committed to the Castle or Common Gaol concerning battery and threats
p272 - Henry Knights ordered to remain in gaol next quarter sessions unless he can obtain recognizance of £100 and sureties of £50. Indictments by Francis Cooke and Richard Elvidge against William Trapell late of parish of All Saints, labourer for arceny. Sentanced to be publicly whipped twice at Market Cross with a month's imprisonment.
p273 - Issue of summons to parishioners of Quy to appear and answer the charge preferred by Thomas Watson Ward Esq for a nuisance. Presentment delivered by Robert Dilmore, doctor of divinity, against the parishioners of Little Eversden for neglecting to repair the King's highway. Presentment delivered by Robert Dilmore, doctor of divinity, against the parishioners of LIttle Eversden for neglecting to repair the King's highway.
p274 - Indictment preferred against Wilson Whitechurch, yeoman, by Robert Crippen for assault. Appeal returned ignoramus. Appearance of William Stacey of Trumpington in connection with a charge of begetting a bastard child with Sarah Hook. Dismissed as child now dead.
p275 - John Williams of Sawston, victualler, Edmund Salisbury of Babraham, yeoman, and Jonathon Eastwood of Great Shelford acknowledge indebtedness of £20, £10 and £10 respectively.
p276 - Benjamin Burroughs of Wood Ditton appeared pursuant to a recognizance entered into by William Burroughs of Soham on 4th October 1772.
p277 - Benjamin Burroughs, having begot a child of Sarah Tweed singlewoman, and the child having been born a bastard, the recognizance be continued until the next quarter sessions or until a bastardy order be made.
p278 - Michael Morgan, committed to the County Gaol on 4th November last for entering the home of John Rabinet of Whittlesford, demanding victuals and drink and threatening Sarah, wife of the above with a knife, having entered into a recognizance for the appearance of his wife to give evidence against Morgan, and his wife being unable to do so Morgan and Rabinet both to be discharged. Darwood Brown of Isleham to be publicly whipped for deserting his pregnant wife and to be afterwards discharged from the House of Correction where he was lain since 2nd December last.
p279 - James Foreman, committed to the House of Correction last Michaelmas session for refusing to find surety on articles of the peace, to remain in custody until such surety be found by him. Isaac Trigg convicted for swearing in Meldreth on 3rd December 1772.
p280 - A 6d rate granted to the surveyors of Swaffham Prior for the repair, cleansing and supporting of the highways, streets, pavements and bridges of the town. Thomas Hancock the younger of Fulbourn appointed a Chief Constable of Flendish Hundred on the resignation of his father, Thomas Hancock.
p281 - Order for repayment of malt duty already paid on malt destroyed by fire on 29th May 1772 at the granary of Sir Thomas Hatton, Longstanton, the duty being £5 3s 6d. Duplicate of returns for the price of corn in Cambridge market brought in by John Masters, for which he was granted two shillings for each of the twelve returns made. Duplicate of prices of corn in Linton market brought in by Henry Claydon, who was granted two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made. Order or the estreat of a recognizance of twenty pounds entered into by John Waterfield of Bottisham on 9th December last as a condition for giving evidence against Thomas Eaton, John Knowls, Robert Hart and John Foot for assault, Waterfield having failed to turn up in court. Order for the estreat of a recogniazance of ten pounds entered into by Thomas Eaton of Bottisham on 9th December last for his appearance to answer an indictment of assault preferred against him by Tabitha Burton, Eaton having failed to turn up in court.
p282 - Order for the estreat of a recognizance of ten pounds entered into by Thomas Eaton on 9th December last for his appearance to answer an indictment against him by John Waterfield, Eaton having failed to turn up in court. Passes for Ann Watterer
p283 - Agreed and ordered that a committee of magistrates be appointed to view the state and condition of the Castle of common gaol of the county and its house of correction, and to consider a salary for a clergyman for the above. A bond and reciept signed by Moses Israel Fonseca and Abraham Lopes Fernandos for the transportation of the convict William Miller, brought into court.
p284 - Report by committee appointed for taking the Treasurer's accounts from Michaelmas 1771-Michaelmas 1772 particularised: Receipts £525 10s 0 1/4d, Disbursements £279 8s 6d, Balance £246 1s 6 1/2d
p285 - The following bills were ordered to be paid by the Treasurer: To Mr Richard Mee for surveying work done at the Castle, House of Correction and Shire Hall £2 2s 0d. To Constable of Girton for conveying vagrants 10s 0d. To John Austin, pumpmaker, for a pump at the Castle £7 19s 6d. To George Carman, Constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants £3 4s 5d. To the Constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £3 8s 6d. To Mar FArlow, the expenses on passing Treasurer's accounts on the 2nd ist. £1 10s 7d. To Mr Farlow, the expenses of this day £5 0s 4d. To certify William Rous, otherwise Ryley was delivered to gaol having been convicted of taking one mare to the value of ten pounds, the property of Joseph Mackinder, and another worth twelve punds, belonging to John Wingfield. And that John Clark, for apprehending and prosecuting Rous, be dicharged from all duties within the parish of ST Andrew.
p288 - John Valentine, William Wheatly, John Oldersham and Isaac Clarke, Scholars of Emmanuel College, swore allegiance, supremacy and abjuration. Appeal for relief against three rates by Benjamin Spooner of Isleham, he arguing that he has been over-charged while others have been under-charged. Appeal respecting two of the rates dismissed, but third rate allowed, though quashed by the court. Parish officials to pay costs of appellant, new rate ordered to be made.
p289 - Appeal for relief by inhabitants of St Mary the Less, Cambridge, against an order dated 27 March last for the removal of John Burgess and Susanna, his wife, dismissed. Order confirmed.
p290 - Indictment of a nuisance against parish of Quy in neglecting to repair part of the common highway. Surveyor William Bankes pleaded guilty on behalf of parish which is fined £100 but given until next Session to make necessary repairs. Presentment for a nuisance against parish of Little Eversden in neglecting to repair parts of the common highway. Surveyor Henry Rycraft pleaded guilty on behalf of the parish which is fined £100, but give until next Session to make necessary repairs.
p291 - Presentment for a nuisance against parish of Harlton in neglecting to repair parts of the common highway. Surveyors Joshua Eversden and John Wyatt pleaded guilty on behlaf of the parish which is fined £100 but given until next Session to make the necessary repairs.
p292 - Order granted for further time to be allowed for the parish of Fordham to plead to the presentation preferred against them at the Easter Session for a nuisance. Discharge from the County Gaol of Thomas Barron, who was committed on 4th March last on the complaint of WIlliam Symons, one of the overseers of Tadlam. Barron had been charged by Ann Sell with being the father of a male child born to her on 7 JUne 1767, but no order of bastardy ever having been lade or served against him, he was discharged by the court. Discharge from House of COrrection of David Carter, having been committed on 6 MArch last for deserting his wife and three children and leaving them chargeable to parish of Bassingbourn. Carter promised to maintain them in future and was immediately discharged.
p293 - Discharge from his recognizance of Benjamin Burroughs who had appeared in court on 4 October last on the charge of begetting a child of Sarah Tweed, singelwoman. No order of bastardly having been made in the interval, Burroughs was duly discharged.
p294 - Bail of £100 levied on Henry Knights and sureties of £25 each on William Knights and Thomas Sell, all of Bassingbourn. At the last Session Knights had been committed to the County Gaol for beating his wife and threatening her life, having failed to provide surety for his future conduct. Bound over to keep the peace until the next Session. Conviction of Edward Green, Cordwainer of Dullingham, for damaging on 24 January last an elm tree belonging to Christopher Jeafferson of Dullingham.
p295 - Order for filing an account made by Mr Apthorpe for the receipts and disbursements of the charity estate belonging to Teversham. Apthorp received at Michaelmas 1771 £8 and disbursed £8 1s 8d. At Michaelmas 1772 £8 was received and £7 11s disbursed, including the balance of last year. Thus 9s is due from the Treasurer to the Charity. Duplicate filed of returns of corn prices in Linton market made by Henry Claydon on 25 March last. Claydon receive two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made.
p296 - Order for payment of the following bills by the County Treasurer: To Mr Cobb, carpenter, for work at the Castle £1 11s 1d. To Mr Austin, carpenter, for work at Shelford Bridge £9 5s 6d. To Mr Harlock, glazier, for work at the Shire Hall, £4 12s 5 3/4d. To Paul Patison, a Quarter's salary or looking after and cleaning the SHire Hall 7s 6d. To John Atkin, Constable of Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 9s 4d. To the Constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £7 10s 0d. To the Constable of Fen Drayton or conveying vagrants £5 5s 2d. Order for James Foreman to remain uin custody until next Session, he having failed to find sureties on articles of the peace exhibited against him at the last Michaelmas Session by Richard Garner
p299 - Appeal from parish of Swanton Novers, Norfolk, for relief against an order dated 4th May last for the removal of Sarah Barnard, widow, and her three children, from the parish of St Giles, Cambridge to Swanton Novers. It appearing that Barnard's late husband William had also had a wife living at King's Lynn, the appeal is admitted and the order quashed by the court. Order confirmed for the settlement of Sarah Folks and her daughter Mary, paupers from St Edwards parish, Cambridge, to Harston, being the place of their last legal settlement. Indictment for petty larceny preferred against Mrry, wife of John Evans, Ann Gatwood and Mary Hills, all three late of Bassingbourn. All pleaded not guilty but were convicted and sentanced to be publicly whipped at Bassingbourn. SIx stripes were to be given until their backs shall be bloody, then to be discharged.
p300 - James Foreman to remain in the house of correction until next quarter sessions for refusing to find sureties on articles preferred against him. Discharge of Robert Speechley of Great Shelford, no one appearing in court to support the charge bought against him of deserting his family.
p301 - Order for Sarah, wife of Thomas Mison of Wood Ditton, to be reconveyed to the house of correction for refusing to find sureties for her future good behavior. Mison had been committed on 5 July this year for declaring she had burnt timber belonging to Charles Meredith at the house in which she was living in Wood Ditton and that she intended to pull down and burn the rest of the house. Order for more time to be allowed for the parish of Quy to repair part of the common highway, an indictment having been preferred against the parish at the last Epiphany sessions. Estreatment of £100 fine respited to the next session. Order for more time to be allowed for the parish of LIttle Eversden to repair part of the common highway, an indictment having been preferred against the parish at the last Epiphany sessions. Estreatment of £100 fine respited to the next session
p302 - Order for more time to be allowed the parish of Harlton to repair part of the common highway, a presentment having been preferred against the parish at the last Epiiphany sessions. Estreatment of £100 fine respited to the next session. Order for more time to be allowed the parish of Fordham to plead for a presentment preferred against them at the Easter Sessions 1772. Order granted for an assessment of four pence in the pound on the inhabitants of Fordham parish for the repair of highways and bridges. Appeal of Henry Page of Barton to be relieved of a forfeiture incurred as a result of his failure to deliver a list of the inhabitants of Barton parish who were liable to a statue duty. Appeal admitted and lack of order or conviction against Page meant no judgement could be made by the court. Duplicates filed of returns of corn prices in Cambridge market made by John Masters to 19th June last. Masters to receive two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made. Duplicates filed of returns of corn prices in Cambridge market made by Henry Claydon to 24 June last. Claydon to receive two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made.
p304 - County Treasurer ordered to pay the following bills: To County Coroner for taking inquisitions £7 17s 6d. To Ickleton Constable, conveying vagrants £5 6s 0d. To Paul Pattison, quarter's bill for cleaning Shire Hall 6s 6d. To officers, All Saints Parish, Cambridge for expenses and nursing a private in militia who fell ill on duty 9s 6d. To the officers of St Andrews Parish, Cambridge for the like £2 2s 0d. To JOnas Jackson, whitesmith, for work done at SHire Hall 8s 6d. To Mr Mee for surveying and ordering repairs at the House of Correction and Castle £2 2s 0d.
p306 - Indictments for petty larceny against Elizabeth, wife of William Gotobed, of St Mary's parish, Newmarket Cook and Sarah Clarke, spinsters late of this parish. Returned ignoramus by Grand Jury. Conviction of Sarah, wife of Thomas Mison of Wood Ditton, for assault. Sentanced to one month's imprisonment in house of correction and fined one shilling.
p307 - Indictment found against Henry Muggleton, carpenter, late of Stow cum Quy, for pound breach and rescous (ie rescue). Muggleton ordered to appear at next session to answer indictment. Remission of hundred pound fine on inhabitants of Stow cum Quy for failure to repair the highway. Since the last session large amounts of gravel and stone have been laid to the satisfaction of the authorities and this the indictment is discharged.
p308 - Order for more time to be allowed the inhabitants at Little Eversden for the repair of the highway. Fine respited to next session.
p309 - Order for more time to be allowed the inhabitants at Little Eversden for the repair of the highway. Fine respited to next session. Order for more time to be allowed the inhabitants of Fordham for them to plead to a presentment. Order for James Foreman to remain in prison until next session or until he should find sureties. Duplicate filed of returns of prices of corn in Cambridge market made by John Masters to 25 September. Masters to receive two shillings for each of the fourteed returns made.
p310 - Duplicate filed of returns of prices of corn in Linton market made by Henry Claydon to 23 September. Claydon to receive two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made. Order that a duplicate be filed of the pass dated 26 July 1773 conveying Mary Allison, singlewoman, from Royston to Stretham being her last legal place of settlement. Order for discharge from their recognizances of Evan Mortimer of Papley Grove, Eltisley, John Bullon of Cambridge and Peter Eversdon of Caxton. Mariann, wife of Mortimer, had failed to appear to make good her charge against her husband. Committee of magistrates appointed for passing the accounts of the county treasurer at the Rose Tavern on 24 December next. Order for following bills to be paid by County Treasurer: To Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work at Castle and House of Correction £1 1s 3d. To Simon Saunders, Gaoler 8s 0d. To the officer of St Benet, Cambridge-an apothecary's bill for attending those militia men who fell ill of the Small Pox when on duty last summer £4 17s 6d. To Mr Cobb, carpenter, for work at the Castle etc £1 18s 3d. To Mr Masters for 52 returns of the prices of grain in Cambridge market to 25 September last inclusive at 2/- each £5 4s 0d. To Messrs Martindale and Day for inquisitions £11 1s 6d.
p311 - Committee appointed for passing Treasurer's accounts. Treasurer ordered bills to be paid.
p313 - Members of Christ College took oaths of allegiance. Lord Hardwicke's certificate of state of militia filed.
p314 - Certificates of militia men will be kept and recorded at each quarter session
p315 - Table of number and rank of officers in militia of Cambridge trained and exercised from 1-28/5/1774. Appeal of Fulbourn against order by William Howell dismissed, subject to special case.
p316 - Incident of petty larceny in Melbourn by Elizabeth Asgors placed in custody and committed by Hale Wortham. Pleaded guilty and contained in House of Correction until 20 January and then returned to Melbourn and publicly whipped on naked back by Hooper and then discharged.
p317 - Extra time afforded for repair of King Common highway at Little Eversden. Extra time afforded for repair of King Common highway at Harlton.
p318 - Extra time afforded for repair of King Common highway of King Common highway at Fordham. Henry Muggleton pleaded guilty for incident and was fined 1 shilling to Sheriff. William Howell appealed to be John Edwards for begetting bastard child is respited to next session.
p319 - Henry Knights of Bassingbourn discharged from recognizance
p320 - John Williams discharged from recognizance. Thomas Sumptor requiring wages as suretor from Histon parish left to determination of Edward Leeds.
p321 - Duplicate of John Masters' price list of corn in Cambridge market filed. Duplicate of Mr Claydon's prices of corn in Linton market filed. James Foreman brought to court by Hooper of House of Correction but will remain there till next session.
p322 - Robert Ablot in court for trying to leave wife and children, remain in correction house then publicly whipped in Swavesey parish, 10 strokes on naked back. John Harris brought to court by Hooper of House of Correction. Contained in House then return to wives. On further examination if behaves well shall remain at home, otherwise condemned to hard labour.
p324 - Year's accounts of Waterbeach Charity Estate filed. Treasurer's accounts filed
p325 - Treasurer's accounts
p326 - Treasurer order bills to be paid.
p328 - Hale Wortham of Royston took oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration
p329 - John Baxtor of Waterbeach took oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration. Appeal of Little St Mary and All Saints dismissed.
p330 - Incident of assault by John Houghton returned as ignorance by Grand Jury. Samuel Coxall of Royston appealed to relieve conviction of £5 after evading toll payments and received appeal.
p331 - John Edwards of Gamlingay reputed to be father of bastard child of Elizabeth Milton appealed not to pay 40 shillings to parish and 2 shilling weekly for maintainance. Lost appeal though split jury.
p332 - James Foreman released from House of Correction after long imprisonment on own bail £100. Must follow conditions of behaviour.
p333 - Benjamin Bomet charged with running away from 7 year old son. Discharged from custody. Several parishes must complete repairs on Kings Common Highway. William Howell not father of bastard child. Judgement at next session.
p334 - Sarah Eversden delivered child, William Howell dicharged.
p335 - William Howell must follow conditions of behaviour. Henry Cole of Saint Michael parish begat a bastard Mary Strand but recognizance will come in next session after birth.
p336 - 4 convictions filed this day
p337 - John Smith of Burwell confessed to complaint. Discharged as first offence. Abraham Hall cut two ash trees and carried them away with no consent. Discharged for first offence.
p338 - Elizabeth Darnell false reeling - conviction. Conviction of Christopher Jeafferson.
p339 - Duplicate of Mr Masters' returns filed. Duplicate of Mr Claydon's returns filed.
p340 - Arrington Bridge to be repaired. James Smith's and other's passes filed. Mary Goldsborough and child's passes filed.
p341 - Richard Free to estimate expense of building brick wall in garden. Treasurer orders bills to be paid.
p343 - Benjamin Spooner lost appeal against rates in Loham. Mr Thomas Supter lost appeal against rates in Histon
p344 - Richard Matthews lost appeal against rates of Histon
p345 - Duplicate to be filed of John Master's returns of the prices of corn in Cambridge market to 21st March. Duplicate to be filed of Henry Claydon's returns of the price of corn in Linton Market to 19th March. Order to keep in custody John Clarke, committed to the House of Correction on the oath of Jane Pratt of Melbourn to await a bastardy order, for lack of sureties, until the next Quarter Sessions unless they marry before.
p347 - Reverend Ambrose Lyre, Rector of Leverington and Reverend Richard Haighton, Rector of Longstow, appear in court and publicly take oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration.
p347a - On the previous 23rd April, Lynford Caryl, Dr of Divinity and Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, and Robert Plumptre, Dr of Divinity, both Justices of the Peace, order the removal of husband and wife Cornelius and Ann Hovis from Burwell Parish to All Saints Prrish due to complaints from the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Burwell Parish. The church wardens and overseers of the poor of All Saints Parish appealed against this order. Andrew Pemberton, Counsel for Burwell Parish brought Cornelius and Ann Hovis to court and moved for the order to be quashed. The court agrees.
p348 - After a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Chesterton Parish, on July 11th John Whittrod, Mayor of Cambridge, and William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law, both justices of the peace order the removal of Elizabeth Lunn from Chesterton PArish to All Saints Parish. Elizabeth Lunn, a pauper, was delivered to court, did not appeal and the order was passed.
p348a - Yeoman Robert Staples of Soham moved through his Counsel Barham Rushbrooke to be relieved of his apointment by justices of the peace. John Drago and John Whittrod upon a special session of the peace on 25th April whereby he became an overseer of the poor of Soham Parish, as he was 74, had served 3 previous times (the last occasion some 14 years ago) and was not names in the list delivered to the two justices or people qualified to hold the post. The court dismissed the appeal and upheld the 2 justices' appointments.
p349 - Innholder Robert Kent of Soham, by his Counsel Barham Rushbrooke, appealed to be relieved of his appointment as overseer if the poor in Soham Parish by John Drago and John Whittrod. Justices of the Peace at a special session of the peace on 25th April. The court dismissed the appeal and confirmed the 2 justices appointment
p350 - Henry Clayton and others bring an indictment against William Harrison, a labourer now being held in jail, for collecting money from people in the Parish of Linton through a forged letter of license granted to him by the name of William Blake, and others, which claimed he had sustained a great loss by fire aboard the Dolphin merchant ship in London. Harrison pleased guilty, the court ordered he be transported to an American plantation colony for 7 years. Harrison was to remain in jail until an oppertunity arose to carry out the order.
p350a - Robert Liles and another brought an indictment against John Gunn, a resident of Soham parish and substantial householder who was appointed an overseer of the poor of Soham on 25th April but refused. Gunn pleaded guilty and was to appear at the next General Quarter Session.
p350b - Samuel Frost proffered an indictment against Thomas Newman of Waterbeach Parish for a 'pound breach and rescue'. (Newman has entered and 'rescued' something when he should have paid for its release). The court decides Newman should appear at the next general quarter session to answer the charges.
p350c - William Rolph brings an indictment against John Richman of Swaffham Prior, for a forcible entry. Richman pleaded guilty and was fined 1 shilling. Paid to the Sheriff in court.
p351 - John Atherton and another bring an indictment against Yeoman Stephen Palmer and the younger of Burwll, and bricklayer William Arber for an assault and rescue. The court ordered the clerk to issue warrants for the 2 men in order to receive assurances of their attendance at the next general quarter session of the peace to answer the indictment. If the 2 men failed to do so they were to be committed to jail until such assurances were given.
p352 - At the Peace's General Quarter Session, 15th Janury 1773, Robert Plumptre, Dr of Divinity and a Justice of the Peace, brought a presentment against the inhabitants of Little Wersden for not repairing sections of the King's Highway within their parish. At the next session Henry Rycroft, surveyor of the highway within the Parish, appeared in court and pleaded guilty. The inhabitants were fined £100. Upon a motion by Barham Rushbrooke, Counsel for the inhabitants to make repairs to the road and provide a certifiate to prove this, before the fine would be enforced. On 15th July 1774 the inhabitants of Little Wersden produced a certificate dated 14th July 1774 and signed by Robert Plumptre and William Howell, Dr of Law, both justices of the peace, saying the road was well prepared. Barham Rushbrooke motioned that the fine of £100 should be remitted, and the court agrees
p353 - At the Peace's General Quarter Session, 15th January 1773, Dr of Divinity and Justice of the Peace Robert Plumptre, brought a presentation against the inhabitants of Harlton Parish for not repairing sections of the King's Highway within their parish. At the next general session Joshua Wersden and John Wyatt, surveyors of the highway within the parish pleaded guilty and the inhabitants were fined £100. Upon a motion by Barnham Rushbrooke, Counsel for the inhabitants of Harlton Parish, time until the next general session of the peace was given to the inhabitants to make repairs to the road and provide a certificate proving this, before the fine would be enforced. On 15th July 1774 the inhabitants of Harlton Parish produced a document signed by Richard Plumptre and William Howell, Dr of Law, both Justices of the Peace, signed 14th July 1774 certifying the roads were well repaired. Barham Rushbrooke motioned that the fine of £100 should be remitted. The court agrees
p354 - On Easter session 1772 Justice of the Peace John Drago, brought a presentation against the inhabitants of Fordham Parish for neglecting to repair sections of the King's highway in their parish. At the day's session Barham Rushbrooke motions that the inhabitants be given until the next sessions to plead the presentment. The court agrees.
p355 - John Woolard, a surveyor of the highway in the parish of Fordham, states that the highways, bridges, causeways, streets and pavements in the parish are so badly repaired that an Act of Parliament will have to be enforced to repair them. The court agrees and orders sixpence in the pound on all land and property owners within the parish to help repair the damage.
p355a - Henham Runham of Harston, a labourer, appeared at the courts previous session due to a recognizance entered into by him and his sureties George Hatley and William Allen before Justice of the Peace William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law, on 4th January 1774 to answer the complaint of the church wardens and overseers of the poor at Hauxton parish for producing with spinster Ann Warboys a bastard child, who, if born a bastard, would be chargeable to the parish. Since Ann Warboys had not yet had the child the court prdered, with Runham and his sureties, consent that the recognizance be respited until 15th July 1774. By lunchtime the child had been born a month and no order of bastardy made. The court therefore released Runham and his sureties from the recognizance and gave Runham liberty to depart the court.
p356 - At the previous session Henry Cole, single of St Michael's Parish appeard in court under recognizance entered into by him and his sureties on 24th February 174 to abide by any orders made as a result of an act of parliament concerning bastard children after a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Bottisham parish for producing a bastard child with the spinster Mary Stand, which was likely to be born a bastard, and chargeable to Bottisham Parish. However, since the child was not yet born, recognizance was respited until 15th July 1774. When the court reconvened, Strand had 2 children, both of whom died shortly after their birth. On motion of Barham Rushbrooke, Counsel for Bottisham Parish, Cole was ordered to pay the church wardens and overseers of Bottisham Parish 8 guineas as part of their bill of 11 pounds 8 shillings and threepence for expenses while Strand was lying in (bed bound before and after the births) and 5 guineas for the mid-wife
p357 - A dupicate of returns of corn prices in Cambridge market made by John Masters for the trasury office is produced made up to 13th June 1774. William Cooke certifies that Masters has made the 13 returns therein and is entitled to 2 shillings for each return which were filed amongst proceedings.
p358 - A duplicate of returns of corn prices in Cambridge market made by Henry Claydon for the treasury office made up to 24th June is produced. It is signed by William Cooke who certifies that Claydon has made 13 payments therein and is entitled to 2 shillings for each return which were filed amongst other proceedings.
p359 - James Ingles House, named Lon Farm, in Gamlingay Parish is licensed as a protestant meeting place
p360 - Yeoman John Grim of Soham Parish acknowledged he would be indebted to the King by a sum of £10 in default occurred on the following order. John Grim to appear at the next session and formally day (try his traverse) an indictment found against him this day for refusing to become an overseer of the poor of the Soham Parish after being so appointed and not leave without court's permission. The above recognizance then becoming void or to remain in effect.
p361 - Reverend Lynford Caryl, Dr of Divinity, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University and Rector of Barnborough appeared in court and took oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration.
p362 - The following prisoners confined for debt on 28th April 1774-Thomas Stewkin the younger, John Coile, William Coe, John Williams, Thomas Sendall, Deborah Crabb and Henry Foot were brought to court by the keeper of Cambridge Common Jail at the suite of the following: Thomas Stewkin the elder for THomas Stewkin the younger, George and Thomas Brunt,and Thomas Pater for John Coile, John Treeman for William Coe, Widow Williams for John Williams, Joseph Howell for Thomas Sendal, his Majesty the King for Deborah Crabb, and Widow Elizabeth Pratt for Henry Foot, who, in accordance with an act of parliament, have petitioned William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law and Justice of the Peace to bring all the named prisoners and the documents concerning them to court. This Mr Ewin did and in accordance with the act a notice was placed in the London Gazette and Cambridge Chronicle to this effect, 30 days prior to their appearance.
p363 - All prisoners made an account of their estates under oath, and since none were charged with over £2000 besides interest and costs, nor had they taken benefit of either insolvency act and no one showed any cause for not discharging the prisoners, the court ordered the prisoners to be freed if they were detained for no other reason.
p364 - John Cotton, a Justice of the Peace and a Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridge, son of Baronet Sir John Hynde Cotton, apeared in court and delivered a certificate confirming his having received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Church of England's usage. 2 credible witnesses confirmed this. Cotton then took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration and also took the declaration of transubstantiation.
p365 - Robert Cracknell, a prisoner confined by debt to Cambridge Common Jail on 28th April 1774, was at the suit of Joseph Leach, in accordance with an act of parliament, brought to court along with all relevant documents after a warrant from Justice of the Peace William Howell Ewin resulting from Leach's suit. Cracknell gave an account of his state under oath and since he was charged with a sum of either insolvency acts and no one disagreed despite a public proclomation for that purpose, the court ordered Cracknell be released if not being held for any other reason.
p366 - The inhabitants of Over parish move to cancel the order by Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet, and Dingley Askham, both Justices of the Peace, on 30th July 1774 to remove Henry and Mary Parker from Boxworth Parish to Over Pish after complaints from the churchwardens and overseers of the poor Boxworth Parish. Andrew Pemberton, Counsel for the respondents, moves that the case is heard on the next sessions. The court agrees and orders the respondents to pay the appellants 40 shillings for the day's costs.
p366a - Yeoman John Gynn of Soham Parish appeared in court on recognizance to try his traverse (formally debt) against an indictment found against him for not carrying out his duties as an overseer of the poor of Soham Parish after being so appointed. Willis, Counsel for the prosecutor, moves that the trying of traverse be respited until next session. Court agrees and also respites Gynn's recognizance.
p367 - Labourer Thomas Newman of Waterbeach in court on recognizance to answer an indictment found against him last session for a pound breach and rescue. Newman pleaded guilty. The court fines him 5 shillings and sixpence and court costs. Newman paid and was released.
p367a - Following the directions concerning Yeoman Stephen Palmer and bricklayer William Arber at the previous General Quarter Session, John Hitch, Sheriff of Cambridge said that he had given William Arber notice to appear at this session, but Palmer was not to be found in his bailwick. Arber pleaded not guilty and entered into recognizance to appear at the next General Quarter Session to try his traverse (deny the allegations). The court also ordered the Sheriff to find Palmer and bring him to the next session.
p368 - Upon a motion by (blank), Counsel for the inhabitants of Fordham Parish, the court agrees that the said inhabitants are given until next General Quarter Session to plead to Justice of the Peace John Dragos presentment in Easter 1774 for not repairing part of the King's highway in their parish.
p369 - Thomas Morley of Fordham appears on his recognizance to answer a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Fordham Parish that he did not produce a child with spinster Mary Baron which was likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to Fordham Parish. Since the child was not yet born, Thomas Morley, Thomas South of Burwell and WIlliam Morley of Fordham gave security by acknowledging themselves to be in debt to the King in the sum of £20 (Thomas Morley) and £4 (Thomas South and William Morley each) if Thomas Morley did not appear at the next session thereon, at which time the security would be voided or enforced accordingly.
p370 - Bricklayer William Arber of Bottisham acknowledged himself to be indebted to the King by £8. If he fails to attend the next session of the court and deny the allegations concerning an assault and rescue, or departs court without leave, the security to be voided or enforced at that time.
p370a - The keeper of the house of correction brought James Foreman (committed on 11th August 1774 by Baronet Thomas Hatton JP for not providing surety of the peace conerning a complaint by his wife Ann) to court. Ann Foreman, also in court, agreed to her husband's discharge providing that he provide her with a seperate maintainance since she was afraod to live with him any more. The court recommended James Foreman to agree, which he did, promising to settle his estates with his wife by deed to a weekly amount deemed reasonably by the officers of Over Parish. The court found he should be released when this was done.
p370b - 3 bonds made by Moses Israel Tenseca, Merchant of London, dated 28th August 1778 were brought to court by Simeon Saunders, keeper of the common jail of Cambridgeshire; one for transporting John Neaves, Luke Barn and Thomas Marsh, one for transporting Charles Gregory Maynard, and the other for transporting William Harrison in accordance with their sentances. Saunders also brought receipts for 15 guineas for the bonds and their transportation. The bonds and receipts were filed amongst the day's proceedings at the court's order.
p371 - The Treasurers of the County pay a 5 guineas gratuity to Simson Saunders for running the common gaol.
p372 - The Treasurer of the County was ordered to pay the following bills. To Martindale's Coroner James Day £4 11s. To the constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £4 7s. To Samuel Patten, whitesmith for work at the castle £1 6s4p. To Mr Cobb, carpenter for work at the castle £1 4s 6p. To the officers of Linton Parish for the prosecution expenses for William Harrison last session £1 5s. To Simeon Saunders for allowance to felons £1 4s. To the constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants 9s 3p.
p373 - According to an act of parliament concerning the raising of militia in England, and recording their true strength, a list of privates and officers raised in Cambridgeshire and the dates they trained for (1st-28th Mary 1774) was presented to the Clerk of Court, and filed in the days records. UNder Lieutenant Commander, The Right On, LOrd MOntfort 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 1 adjutant, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers, 79 privates. Under Major William Harknesse, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers and 79 privates. Under Captain Thomas Watson Ward, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers, and 30 privates. Under Captain Anthony Lumpkin, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers, and 79 privates. Under Captain William Wiles, 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers, and 80 privates. VAcant slot, 1 lieutenant, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers and 79 privates. The certificate was signed by teh Right Hon Philip Earl of Hardwick, His Majesty's Lieutenant for Cambridgeshire, 3rd DEcember 1774
p375 - Charles Martindale and Richard Edwards, Coroners of Cambridge Town, delivered certificates of their receivingthe sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Church of England's usage. 2 credible witnesses confirmed this and Martindale and Edwards then took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, and also took the declaration against transubstantiation.
p376 - The Rev William Cole Vicar of Burnham in Buckinghamshire, the Rev Michael Tyson, Official of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, and Rev John White, Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge, appeared in court and took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration.
p376a - John Gynn appeared in court on recognizance and denied the charge of not becoming an overseer of the poor of Soham Parish when so appointed. Gynn was convicted and fined 10s and the court's fees.
p377 - William Arber, bricklayer, appeared in court on recognizance to try his traverse on the charge of assault and rescue. Arber, through his counsel, retracted his earlier plea and pleaded guilty. The court fined him 1s and court costs which Arber immediately paid and was therefore released.
p378 - The inhabitants of Over, on motion of their counsel, Charles Malson Cole, asked for their appeal over the transferral of Henry and Mary Parker (husband and wife) to be dismissed in accordance with notice given by the inhabitants of Over to the inhabitants of Boxworth after the last court session. The court agrees.
p379 - William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law and JP bought to court a conviction signed by him on 7th January 1775 stating that on 6th January 1775 Joseph Ricket, servant to farmer John Farlow of Fen Ditton, and the renter of the Turnpike Gate known as Paper Mill Gate, had on 6th January 1775 charged Ricket on account of Farlow 1s and 0.5p for passage of 1 wagon drawn by 3 horses, a higher toll than authorised in the relevant act of parliament. On 7th January Smith was summoned and denied the charge but Ewin, adjudging Ricket a credible witness, found Smith guilty and fined him £5. Smith gave notice of appeal and to that end entered into recognizance. On 13th January 1775 Smith came to court and through his counsels, Edward Benson and Robert Graham, appealed against the conviction on the grounds that the fine was not in accordance with the relevant acts of parliament, that the same acts are full of errors and due to the court variation between the information and the conviction, the court agreed and quashed the conviction.
p380 - Robert Collins proffers an indictment against labourer James Jackson of All Saints Parish for an assault. The Grand Jury finds for the indictment. The court commands the Sheriff to make Jackson appear at the next session to answer the indictment.
p381 - Humphrey Willings and another proffers an indictment vs John Hubbard, a baker in Pampisford Parish for an assault. The Grand Jury found for the indictment and Hubbard, being in court, pleaded not guilty and entered into recognizance to try his traverse at the next session.
p382 - Robert Amey proffers an indictment against the inhabitants of Caxton Parish for failing to scour and clean a section of Bourn Brook within Caxton parish. The Grand Jury finds for the indictment and the court orders the Sheriff to bring the inhabitants of Caxton parish to the next session to answer the indictment.
p383 - William Fairchild and William Morden proffer an indictment against labourer John Catley of Sawston Parish for petty larceny. The Grand Jury found for the indictment, but since the day of the offence was not mentioned in the indictment and the jury now discharged, the court ordered that Catley be discharged without pleading since a fresh indictment cound not be proffered.
p383a - The Keeper of the House of Correction brought to court James Foreman, still being held for not complying with his previous agreement concerning maintainance for his wife, Ann. The court ruled that Foreman was to stay in the house of correction until next sessions, unless he fulfills his agreement, finds sufficient sureties for his keeping the peace, or Ann consents to his discharge without this.
p384 - The Keeper of the House of Correction brings John Hammond to court. Hammond was committed on 29th October 1774 on the oath of Samuel Milton, an overseer of the poor of Bassingbourn Parish, by Hale Wortham, JP, for leaving his wife and child who were thereby chargeable to Bassingbourn parish. The court, satisfied with Milton's oath and since Hammond gave no reasonable defence, ordered Hammond to be held untilnext Monday, then taken to Bassingbourn and whipped.
p384a - The Keeper of the House of Correction brings Joseph Sanfield to court. Sanfield was committed on 21st December 1774 on the oath of Richard Benson, overseer of the poor of Dullingham Paish, by Christopher Jeafreson, JP, for leaving his wife and child who were thereby chargeable to Dullingham Parish. However, since no one appeared on this day to make good the charge, Sanfield was discharged.
p385 - Thomas Morley appears on recognizance to answer the complaint made by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Fordham Parish made at the previous session concerning a bastard child. The child has been born one week previous to this session and was likely to be chargeable to the Parish. but no order of bastardy had been made. At Thomas Morley and his sureties' (Thomas South and William Morley) request, recognizance was respited until the next court session when Thomas Morley was to appear again.
p385a - Jeremiah Appleby appears in court on recognizance entered into by Thomas Appleby and William Mason to answer the complaint of the church wardensand overseers of the poor of Waterbeach Parish that he and spinster Avis Creek produced a child likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to the Parish. Since Creek had not yet delivered the child, the court ordered Jeremiah Appleby to give security to ensure hsi appearance at the next session.
p386 - At the court session 1st May 1772 John Drago, JP bought a presentment against the inhabitants of Fordham for not repairing part of the King's highway leading from Market Street to Newmarket, whereupon the presentment was filed and the inhabitants to appear at the next session. Since then all inhabitants of Fordham to make the repairs, until this day, when a letter signed by John Drago and Baronet John Hynde Cotton, both JPs, dated 12th January 1775 confirmed the road was suitably repaired. Charles Nalson Cole, Counsel for the inhabitants of Fordham moves that the presentment be discharged. The court agrees.
p387 - Charles Allis and william Poulter, surveyors of the highway in the town of Swaffham Prior, through their counsel Charles Nalson Cole, apply for an assessment of nine pence in the pound upon all landowners in the township to pay for repairs of all highways, causeways, bridges, streets and pavements in Swaffham Prior according to the relevant act of parliament. The court, satisfied with the surveyors' oaths that the roads et al are so out of order they cannot sufficiently be repaired by means of the act without such an assessment, agrees to the assessment which is to be collected by the surveyors.
p388 - Humphrey Willing of Pampisford acknowledges he is indebted to the King by £40 if John Barton, a carrier of Pampisford fails to appear at the next court session and try his traverse on an indictment found against him this day for assaulting John Hubbard, or fails to keep the peace in the meantime.
p389 - Labourer Samuel Westrop and Humphrey Willings, both of Pampisford acknowledged they will be indebted to the King by £10 each if Westrop fails to appear at the next session to try his traverse on an indictment found against him this day for assaulting John Hubbard, or fails to keep the peace in the meantime.
p389a - John Hubbard proffers an indictment against labourer Samuel Westrop of Pampisford Parish for an assault. The Grand Jury finds for the indictment and Westrop, being in court on recognizance, pleasds not guilty and continues his recognizance to try his traverse at the next session
p390 - Baker John Hubbard of Pampisford and baker Richard Hubbard of Chesterford, Essex acknowledges they weould be indebted to the King by £10 each if John Hubbard fails to appear at the next court session to try his traverse on an indictment found against him this day for assaulting Humphrey Willings, or fails to keep the peace in the meantime.
p391 - Thomas Appleby of waterbeach acknowledges he would be indebted to the King by £40 if yeoman Jeremiah Appleby of Waterbeach fails to appear at the next session and obey any orders thereof made in accordance with an act of parliament concerning bastard children.
p392 - The Clerk produces duplicates of corn prices in Cambridge and Linton markets made for William Cook, who certifies that John Masters made the 14 returns for Cambridge market from 25th June to 24th September, and the 13 returns from 1st October to 24th December, and that Henry Claydon made the 14 returns for Linton market from 30th June to 29th September, and the 12 returns from 6th October to 22nd December, adn that both Masters and Claydon should receive 2 shillings for each of their returns. The returns were filed amongst the day's proceedings. A committee made up of 3 JPs is appointed to examine and pass the accounts of the Treasurer of the County for the last year, at the Rose Tavern, Cambrodge on Tuesday, 25th April.
p393 - The following bills were ordered to be paid: To Mr John Master for making returns of 52 corn prices to 24th September 1774, five pounds four shillings. Also to John Masters for paying for printing of the returns, six shillings 8 pence. To Mr Henry Claydon for making returns of 53 corn prices to 29th September 1774, five pounds six shillings. Also Henry Claydon for paying for printing of the returns, six shillings 8 pence.
p395 - Benjamin Ingham, Fellow of Catherine Hall in Cambridge University produced a certificate confirming his receiving the sacrament of the ord's Supper according to the Church of England's usage, with proof by the oaths of 2 credible witnesses, and took the oath of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, and took the declaration against transubstantiation. Rev John Gordon, Dr of Divinity and Presenter of Lincoln, the Rev Roger Kedington, Rector of little Cissall in Essex, and Thomas Branch, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration.
p396 - The inhabitants of St Sepulchre Parish appealed against an order dated 4th April 1775 by King Whittrod and Francis Funwell, JPs upon the complaint of the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Holy Trinity Parish for moving Eleze Coe and Margaret, his wife, plus their sons of 15 and 10 years, John and Thomas, and their daughters Eleanor (12 years) and Sarah (8 years) from Holy Trinity to St Sepulchre Parish. Court heard the case for both sides and quashed the 2 JPs order.
p397 - Inhabitants of Hauxton parish appeal against an order dated 13th January 1774 by Dr of Divinity Robert Plumptre and Dr of Law William Howell Ewin, for the removal of spinster Elizabeth Browne from St Botolphs Parish to Hauxton Parish. The court heard the case for both sides and dismissed the appeal.
p398 - Thomas Sumpter of Histon parish moves by his counsel Barham Rushbrooke to be relieved of a rate made by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Histon Parish on 16th June 1774 for the relief of the poor, as the rate is illegal and Sumpter is being overcharged for the lands he owns, is being charged for lands he doesnt own, and that other landowners are undercharged, are not charged for all their land or are not related in the same proportion. Court rules that Sumpter's appeal is too general (!) and is insufficient to compel any evidence from the repondants, and orders the rate to stand.
p399 - Thomas Sumptor of Histon Parish moved through his counsel Barham Rushbrooke to appeal against the assessment of the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Histon Parish between St Michael 1774 and to Easter 1775 made by John Fordham, one of the overseers made at sixpence in the pound to go to the relief of the poor of Histon, for reasons that the law is illegal. Sumpter is over-rated, or not rated for all land they own, or are not related in due proportsion, as a result of which the rate is uneven. The court declares the appeal is too general and is insufficient to compel any evidence from the respondents, and upholds the assessment.
p399a - John Hubbard proffers an indictment against john Barston, a carrier of Pampisford Parish for an assault. The Grand Jury found for the indictment and Barston, being in court on recognizance, pleads not guilty and continues his recognizance to try his traverse at the next session.
p400 - On behalf of the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Isleham parish, Counsel Andrew Pemberton moved the court to allow them costs against William Brown and John Collin of Isleham who had given notice of their intention to appeal against a rate made for the relief of the poor, then retracted this very late at 9pm last wednesday, by which time the church wardens and overseers had accrued considerable expense in preparing their defence. The court refused costs since the original appeal had not been before court.
p400 - Robert Amey proffers an indictment against the inhabitants of Bourn for failing to scour and clean a section of Bourn Brook, a watercourse running from Caxton to Granchester. The Grand Jury found for the indictment and the court commanded the Sheriff to bring the inhabitants of Bourn to the next Session to answer the indictment.
p401 - Following from last session when an indictment was brought against the inhabitants of Bourn for not cleaning a section of Bourn Brook in their Parish, Sheriff Daniel Swaine announced he had given the inhabitants of Bourn notice that they were to attend court session to answer the charge, and John Butler, a surveyor of the Parish, appeared for the inhabitants and pleaded guilty. The court fined the inhabitants £50, respited until next session to allow them time to clean the canal and provide a document proving this.
p402 - Following on from last session when an indictment was found against James Jackson of All Saints Parish for assault, Sheriff Daniel Swaine stated he had informed Jackson he was to attend this court session to answer the charge, but Jackson had not turned up. The court ordered the Sheriff to bring Jackson to the next session.
p402a - Following on from last session when an indictment was brought against the inhabitants of Caxton for not leaning a section of Bourn Brook in their parish, Sheriff Daniel Swaine announced he had informed the inhabitants of Caxton that they were to attend this court session to answer the charge, and Henry Payne, a surveyor of the Parish, appeared for the inhabitants and pleaded guilty. The court fined the inhabitants £50 which was respited on motion of Edward Benson, Counsel for the inhabitants of the parish.
p403 - Following his appearance in court last session, labourer Samuel Westrop of Pampisford appeared on recognizance to try his traverse against the court's findings for his indictment on assault. On motion by Andrew Pemberton, his Counsel, Westrop changed his plea to guilty, was fined 1 shilling and court costs, paid and was released.
p404 - Following his appearance in court last session, John Barton of Pampisford Parish appeared on recognizance to try his traverse against the court's finding for his indictment on assault. On motion by Barham Rushbrooke, his Counsel, Barton changed his please to guilty, was fined 1 shlling and court costs, paid and was released.
p405 - Following from their entering court on recognizance to answer complaint of the church warden and overseers of the poor of Fordham parish for producing with spinster Mary Bacon a child likely to be born a bastard, which was respited till this session, since Bacon had only then delivered the child a week previously, Thomas Morley of Fordham and his sureties, Yeoman Thomas South of Burwell and Miller William Morley of Fordham again appeared. Thomas Morley moved through his Counsel, Robert Graham, that he and his sureties be discharged from recognition since it was now over 3 months since Bacon had had the child and no order of bastardy had been made. SInce no one gave any cause to the contrary, the court discharged the three.
p405a - John Drago, JP produces a conviction signed by him on 18th November 1774 reading that William Yeast is convicted on oath of exciseman George Prestwidge, and by his own confession that he sold ale in Wicken on 5th November 1774 without a license.
p406 - John Belcham appears in court on recognizance entered into by John Wilkin and John Lofts on 26th January 1775 to answer a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Babraham Parish for producing with spinster Mary Hamings a child likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to the Parish. SInce Hamings had only delivered the child some 2 weeks ago and no order of bastardy had been made, the court, with WIlkins and Lofts' consent, respited the recognizance until next court session.
p407 - Jeremiah Appleby appears in court on recognizance to answer the complaints of the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Waterbeach for producing with spinster Avis Creek a child likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to the parish. Creak had delivered the child and an order of bastardy made. The court, on motion of Andrew Pemberton, Appleby's Counsel, released APpleby.
p407a - Thomas Canham the younger, gentleman (and son of Thomas Canham, gentleman and chief constable of the Hundred of Cheveley) as appointed Chief Constable of the Hundred of Cheveley by the court, superseding his father on account of ht elatter's age.
p407b - A duplicate of the corn prices for Cambridge market up to 25th March 1775 is produced. It is made by John Masters and signed by William Cooke certifiying that Masters made the 13 returns included and that he should receive 2 shillings for each one. The duplicate is filed amongst the day's proceedings.
p407c - A duplicate of the corn prices for Linton market up to the 23rd March 1775 is produced. It is made by Henry Claydon and signed by Wiliam Cooke certifying that Claydon made the 13 returns included and that he should receive the 2 shillings for each return. The duplicate is filed amongst the day's proceedings.
p408 - Yeoman James Foreman is released from the House of Correction upon his wife, Ann's petition after entering into recognizance that he would be indebted to the King by £40 If he did not appear at the next session or fails to keep the peace, espicially with his wife Ann.
p409 - The court license Thomas Clarke of Bottisham's House as a place of protestant meetings.
p410 - John Oslar of Impington, Henry Lagden of Balsham, Robert Simmons of Dullingham, Daniel Whitby of Little Wilbraham, Thomas Nash of Foulmere [Fowlmere], John Angier of Coton and Edward Angier of Coton and Edward Angier of Coton were summoned to appear before the Grand Jury, failed to do so and were each fined 20 shillings.
p410a - The committee for examining the Treasurer's accounts submitted the following report. Accounts of Edward Stanford, Treasurer of Cambridge, Michaelmas 1773-Michaelmas 1774. Balance of accounts up to Michaelmas 1773 £147 10s 10.5d, Quarter to Christmas 1773 £72 5s 6d, Quarter to Easter 1774 £72 5s 6d, Quarter to Midsummer 1774 (part) £60 7s 6d, Quarter to Michaelmas 1774 (part) £63 3s 6d, Arrears up to Michaelmas 1773 £9 2s, Total recorded £432 14s 10.5d. Payments to Chief Constables and other bills to Christmas 1773 £70 11s 3.5d, To chief constables and other bills to Easter 1774 £49 16s 1d, To Chief Constable and other bills of Midsummer 1774 £102 4s 6d, To Chief Constables and other bills Michaelmas 1774 £43 17s, To poor vagrants until Christmas 1774 14s 3d, One year's salary to Christmas 1774 £10 10s, Balance due to COunty £147 1s 1d. Arrears due Michaelmas 1774 Staine Hundred to Midsummer 1774 £3 10s Michaelmas 1774 £3 10s, Thriploe Hundred to Michaelmas £5 4s, £13 0s. Signed by R Plumptre and W Ewin.
p411 - Charles Day, surveyor of hosues and windows, prodced a certificate of his having received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the useage of the Church of England, also proved by 2 credible witnesses, and took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, and the declaration against transubstantiation.
p412 - Reverend Nicholas Rygbye Baldwin, Vicar of Harston, took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration.
p412a - The inhabitants appeal against an order made by JPs John Drago and Christopher Jeaffreson on 30th Mary following a complaint by the chuch wardens and overseers of the poor of Burwell Parish, to move Cornelius Oveling A K A Hovis and his wife Ann and son William Saunders from Burwell to All Saints Parish, the court dismisses the appeal and confirms order.
p413 - The inhabitants of Burwell appeal against an indenture of apprenticeship made by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Fen Ditton Parish on 3rd January 1775 whereby Joseph Dare, a 6 year old poor boy of Fen Ditton was apprenticed to labourer Robert Ashford of Burwell parish. The inhabitants of Burwell claimed Ashford was a pauper and unable to take an apprentice and the binding had occured simply to remove Dare from Fen Ditton Parish. Court agreed and annulled the binding.
p414 - As a result of a court order made 28th April 1775 concerning the cleaning as part of Bourn Brook watercourse by the inhabitants of Bourn Parish, John Butler, surveyor of Bourn Parish appeared in court and produced a certifocate dated 4th July 1775 and signed by Robert Plumptre, Dr of Divinity, and Hale Wortham, JPs confirming Bourn Brook was clean. On motion of Robert Graham, Counsel for the inhabitants, the court dismissed their indictment and reduced the fine from £50 to one shilling, which Butler paid.
p415 - As a result of a court order made on 28th April 1775 concerning the cleaning of part of Bourn Brook watercourse by the inhabitants of Caxton Parish, Henry Payne, surveyor of Caxton Parish appeared in court and produced a certificate dated 4th July 1775 and signed by Dr of Divinity Robert Plumptre and Hale Wortham, JPs confirming Bourn Brook was clean. On motion of Robert Graham, Counsel for the inhabitants, the court dismissed the indictment and reduced the fine from £50 to one shilling, which Payne paid.
p416 - John Belcham appears on recognizance, respited from last session, to answer a complaint of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Babraham Parish for producing a child with Mary Hamings, likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to the Parish. Since last session both Mary Hamings and the child died. Belcham agreed to pay 40 shillings to the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Babraham Parish for expenses due to Mary Mahins' condition and death through illness. On motion of Robert Graham, Counsel for Belcham, John Wilkin and John Lofts were released from the recognizance they had entered into for Belcham, who was a minor.
p417 - Following from the court ruling on 28th April 1775 concerning James Jackson, Sheriff Daniel Swaine announced Jackson couldn't be found to be was unable to bring him to caught. The court ordered the Sheriff to find and hold Jackson until next session to answer the indictment brought against him for assault.
p418 - JP Christopher Jeaffreson delivers a conviction signed and dated by him on 4th Mary 1775 stating that labourer Daniel Rolling a.k.a. Raisling the younger was convicted on 14th February for stealing 3 bunches of tinderwood from West Wratting Park owned by Robert Shaft on 14th February 1774.
p419 - Hale Wortham JP delivers a conviction dated and signed by him on 9th and 10th May and 1st July 1775 stating that An Jaggers and Sarah Priestland, both widows, were convicted on 9th May for reeling short yarn. Jaggers on or around 17th April at Bassingbourn, and Priestland on or around the 15th April at Abington, and that for both this was their first offence, and that for both this was their first offence, and that on 10th May Elizabeth, wife of William Everitt and SArah, wife of John Newman, were convicted of reeling short yarn on or about the 17th April at Kneesworth, and this was their first offence, and that on 1st July 1775 Ann, wife of John Elus, Ann, Wife of Edward Bodger, Mary, wife of John Marshall, and Susanna, wife of Stamford Davey, are convicted for reeling short yarn on or about the 22nd June 1775 at Bourn. Sarah, wife of Michael Harradine, is also convicted for reeling false yarn in Bourn on or about the same day. For all this was their first offence.
p420 - A duplicate of price of returns for corn in Cambridge market up to 24th June 1775 is produced, made by John Masters and signed by William Cooke, certifying that Masters made the 13 returns included and that he should receive 2 shillings for each one. The duplicate is filed amongst the day's proceedings.
p420a - A duplicate of price returns for corn in Linton market up to 22nd June 1775 is produced, made by Henry Claydon and signed by William Cooke certifying that Claydon made the 13 returns included and that he should be paid 2 shillings for each one. The duplicate is filed amongst the day's proceedings.
p421 - It is ordered that the JPs, the Hon Rev Barton Wollop, Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, and Robert Plumptre D.D., do agree with the Rev William Hodson, Vicar of St Gyles [Giles] Parish, or in case of his refusal, with any other clergyman they think proper, to officiate at the castle monthly as the chaplain for £10 a year.
p422 - The following bills were ordered to be paid by the Treasurer Quarter salary to Paul Pattison, 6s 6d, To William Jennings on account of Shefford Bridge £1 3s 4d, To the Constable of Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 16s 2d, to Mr Cobb, carpenter, for work at Castle 10s 3d, To the constable of Girton for conveying vagrants £1 15s 0d, To Mr Stevens, Glazier for work at castle, correction house and shire hall 19s 9d, To Jonas Jackson, Whitesmith, for work at castle £1 2s 4d, To jailer Simeon Saunders, a bill of £1 10s 2, to the constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £5 1s 6d, To the constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £5 9s 0d, To Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work at castle £1 2s 5.5d, To the constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants 7s 9d.
p423 - The Rev John Jenner, Vicar of All Saints Parish, and William Peploe and Joseph Davis of Royston, excise officers, delivered a certificate of their having received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the usage of the Church of England, confirmed supremacy and abjuration, and the declaration against transubstantiation.
p424 - Labourer James Jackson appeared in court and pleaded guilty to a charge of assault. The court fined Jackson 3 shillings, 4 pence and court fees
p424a - Thomas Jenyns brought an indictment against labourer Thomas Moody of Waterbeach. The jury returned it ignoramus (considered evidence for prosecution to be insufficient)
p424b - Ann Mason brought an indictment against Yeoman John Poole, A K A Posley the younger of Burwell for an assault. Grand jury returned it ignoramus.
p425 - The Grand Jury finds for an indictment brought by John Peake against labourer Robert Harvey for a misdemeanour. Court order Sheriff to make Harvey appear at the next session and answer the charge.
p425a - Upon a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Croydon Parish on 25th September 1775, JPs Hale Wortham the elder and the younger ordered there removal of William Foll and his wife Sarah from Croydon to Sandy Parish. Proof of the delivery of the paupers was made and on motion of Barham Rushbrooke, Counsel or Croydon Parish, the court confirms the order since no officer of Sandy Parish appealed.
p425b - Upon a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Soham Parish on the previous 12th September, JPs John Drago and Christopher Jeaffreson ordered the removal of Sarah Baker, single, from Soham to St Marie's Parish since no officers of St Marie's Parish appealed. The court, upon motion of Barham Rushbrooke, Counsel for Soham Parish, confirmed the order.
p426 - Mary Johnson, wife of yeoman Will Johnson of Steeple Morden appeared in court and produced the following article of the peace, Upon oath Mary Johnson states she had been married to William Johnson for over 7 years during which time William Johnson has beaten Mary JOhnson several times, in particular on Thursday 28th September 1775 when he used a knife and threatened to kill her. Mary Johnson therefore craves sureties of the peace against this action.
p427 - Labourer John Beavis of Hadstock, Essex appeared on recognizance to answer the complaints of the overseers of the poor and church wardens of Castle Camps for producing with Sarah Hills a child likely to be born a bastard and chargeable to the Parish. Mary Mills delivered the child which died shortly after. Beavis agreed to pay the officers of the Parish of 20 shillings for their costs in this matter and the court, on motion of Robert Graham, Counsel for Beavis, released him from recognizance.
p428 - Robert Graham, Counsel for church wardens and overseers of the poor of Histon Parish, moves the court awards the said officers of Histon costs against Thomas Sumpter, whose previous appeal against the officers were judged too vague. The court refused on the grounds that they appealed too late.
p429 - John Corsley Barns, a traveller committed to the house of correction of JP John Drago on 18th July 1775 after providing no sureties following a complaint by Jane, wife of Yeoman Robert Elsden, was released on consideration of his long imprisonment and after agreeing to leave the county
p429a - Lucretia Green and Ruditia Boswell, and 7 children, committed to the house of correction by Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet on the previous 6th of August after being apprehended as begging vagrants in Willingham Parish, were brought to court where Green and Boswell were sentanced to be whipped and the whole group returned to their last legal settlement.
p430 - William Johnson the younger, committed to the house of correction by JP John Drago on the oaths of the officers of Isleham Parish on 21st September for neglecting and refusing to provide for his wife, who was as a result chargeable to the Parish, was brought to court and sentanced to be held until next MOnday, then taken to Soham to be whipped.
p431 - Matthew Frohock, committed to the house of correction on 2nd October by JP William Howell Ewin (after a complaint by the church wardens and overseers of the poor of Fen Ditton following an oath by Judith Fabb that the 2 had produced a child likely to be born a bastard) for not providing surety for his next appearance, was brought to court. Since Fabb had not yet had the child the court ruled Frohock was to appear at the next session and was to remain in custody until, unless he provided surety or married Fabb.
p431a - JP Hale Wortham the elder delivers a conviction taken before him on 28th July 1775 stating Lydia, wife of Gregory Newman, is convicted of reeling short yarn on or about 22nd June 1775 and that this was her first offence.
p431b - Mr Thomas Barker appointed High Constable of Hundred of Chilford following the removal of the previous High Constable Mr William Spencer from that Hundred.
p432 - The duplicates of three passes were filed under the days proceedings. The 3 passes were 1. to convey husband and wife Matthew and Elizabeth Benson from Royston Parish to Trinity Parish, Ely, signed by Hale Wortham Junior, JP 2. To convey Ann Young, widow of labourer WIlliam YOung, and her 2 children William, 2 and Phillip, 9 weeks, from Harston Parish to Chesterton Parish on her way to Ireland, signed by JP Hale Wortham. 3. To convey William Game from Ickleton Parish to (illegible) in Hertford, signed by JP William Howell Ewin. A committee is appointed to pass the County Treasurer's accounts for the year on 29th December at the Rose Tavern, Cambridge and to examine the state of SHire Hall and report any necessary repairs/improvements
p433 - Bills to be paid. To the constable of Girton for conveying vagrants 9s 10d, to the constables of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £4 12s 6d, to the constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants £4 15s 0d, to the constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £1 14s 4d, to Mr Prince, Apothecary for treating prisoners in house of correction £1 0s 10d, to Mr Charles Day, joiner, for work at Shire Hall £1 6s 5d, to Mr James Day, a bill of expenses for prosecuting John Stickwood for the murder of Ambrose Nunn £20 17s 8d, to constable of Girton for conveying vagrants 9s 10d, to Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work at the far ho £2 0s 9d, to Simeon Saunders, Goa for a bill of £8 2s 8d, to Paul Pattivon a quarter's salary for fires etc 7s 6d, to constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £4 12s 6d, to Constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants 9s 3d, to Constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £4 15s 0d, to Constable of Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 14s 4d, to the expense of dinner £5 1s 6d.
p435 - Lord Hardwicke's certificate of the state of the militia delivered into court
p436 - Under acts of parliament a certificate should be made concerning the raising of militia before 25th December each year, to be delivered by the Clerk of the Peace to the JPs at their next quarter session so that the true state of the militia in each county may appear
p437 - Rev Edward Gregory of Nottinghamshire, Rev William Paley of Westmorland, William Nelson of Christ College, Thomas Bigsby, William Atkinson and John Norton of Jesus College, and Robert Parkinson of Emmanuel College, took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration in court.
p438 - Order made, on complaint of church wardens and overseers of the poor of Great Shelford, by JPs for removing Randall Payne and his wife Ann from Great Shelford to the parish of Southill in Bedforshire, last legal place of settlement; paupers duly delivered without appeal
p438a - Order made on complaint of Kneesworth (Cambridgeshire) church wardens and overseers of poor, by JPs for removal of William Everitt and wife Sarah to Melbourn, last legal place of residence; paupers delivered without appeal.
p439 - Order made, on complaint of Swaffham Bulbeck church wardens and overseers of the poor, by JPs for removal of Elizabeth, wife of John Sigers (he having left his wife, chargeable to the said parish), with 3 children, to parish of All Saints, Fulbourn, their last legal place of residence; paupers delivered without appeal.
p440 - Order by JPs, made on complaints, for removal of Edward Wright, wife Sarah and daughter, from St Giles' Parish to St Micheal's in Cambridge, paupers delivered without appeal. Further order made for St Giles' Parish church wardens and overseers to pay St Michael's two pounds 5 shillings and 2 pence for supporting the family in illness and in Sarah Wright's lying in and burial of the child, before the order was made.
p441 - Robert Harvey, formerly of Fordham, indicted for misdemeanour in lodging vagrants pleaded guilty and to be committed to the house of correction for 6 weeks, then to be discharged.
p442 - Indictmet proffered by Mary Howlett against John Crisp, waterman, late of Bottisham for assaulting her in the execution of her office as collector of money, by a certain act of parliament, court orders Sheriff to cause John Crisp to appear before the next quarter quarter sessions to answer indictment.
p442a - Indictment against John Crisp for assault; court orders Clerk of Peace to command Sheriff to cause Crisp to appear before next sessions.
p443 - Indictment proffered by William Gilson and another vs John Eaton of Swaffham Prior for a pound breach. Clerk of the peace ordered to command Sheriff to cause Eaton to appear at next quarter sessions to answer indictment
p443a - John Langhorn, carpenter, of St Andrew the Less appeared before court pursuant to recognizance by him and John Clark before William Weals, Mayor, and a JP to answer a complaint by Little Abington church wardens and overseers for begetting a child by a single woman, likely to be born chargeable on Abington Parish. No order of bastardy made, therefore Langhorn and Clarke discharged from recognizance and Langhorn free to depart court at liberty.
p444 - William Poulter, surveyor of highways in Swaffham Prior, applying via council Charles Nalson Cole, for assessment of 9d in the pound on all inhabitants for repair of highways etc, under act of parliament. Court allows that assessment to be paid to the surveyor.
p445 - Account of receipts and disbursements of the charity estate beloinging to Teversham from Michaelmas 1772 to Michaelmas 1774.
p446 - Clerk of the Peace brought into court duplicates of returns of prices of corn in the market of Linton, made by John Masters from 1st July to 23rd December last, thus masters claimed by William Cook to be entitled to a sum for his trouble. Duplicates to be filed.
p446a - Clerk of the Peace brought into court duplicates of returns of prices of corn in market of Linton, made by Henry Claydon from 29th June to 21st December last. William Cook certifies Claydon is entitled to receive a certain sum for his trouble. Duplicates ordered to be filed among the proceedings of the day.
p447 - Letter sene to Philip, Earl of Hardwicke (Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Cambridgeshire) by the Lords of H.M.Most Honourable Privy council ordered to be filed amongst proceedings of the day. Letter text follows concerning representations made to HM regarding an increase in the number of vagabonfs, etc resulting in strict execution of acts of parliament concerning such persons being commended to JPs of Cambridgshire (letter dated 1st December 1775). Hence Clerk of the Peace ordered to prepae warrants to be signed by 2 or more JPs directed to HIgh Constables of the Hundreds requiring them to issue warrants to Petty Constables directing them to make a general privy search on the night of 1st February for the apprehending of vagabonds etc, then bring them before JPs to be dealt with.
p448 - John Bridge, gentleman, son of John Little Bridge, approved as Lieutenant in the militia. Ordered that Mr Essex be desired to estimate expense of alterations to Shire Hall, Cambridge, according to the plan produced by him.
p449 - Duplicates of 2 'Several passes' under seal of William Howell Ewin (L.L.) one for conveying Ruditia Boswell, singlewoman with her 4 bastard children from Chesterton to Burniss Pelham in the county of Herts, the other for conveying Lucretia Green, singlewoman with her 3 bastard children from Chesterton to Wellington, Shropshire, being the respective last legal places of residence. Duplicates to be filed with day's proceedings.
p449a - Treasurer's accounts reported, balance, receipts, disbursements.
p450 - Accounts of Edward Stamford, Treasurer of County of Cambridge from Michaelmas 1774 to Michaelmas 1775 (balance, receipts, payments including to poor vagrants with foot passes, and a year's salary due). Committee JPs certify they have examined the accounts and believe them to be just and right.
p451 - Bills ordered to be paid by the Treasurer, including for work done conveying vagrants, work done at the house of correction and at the castle; salaries; to John Atkins and Cherrude Braddy for apprehending John and James Stickwood who murdered Andrew Nunn; for work at Shelford Bridge, for returns of prices of corn; for the expense of dinner, etc this day 2nd February 1776
p452 - List of those JPs present at quarter session
p453 - Chief Constable of the various Hundreds (except Papworth, Radfield, Staploe and Triploe [Thriplow]) appeared in court and declared they had issued precepts to the several petty constables commanding them to make a general privy search throughout their several parishes.
p453a - Constables of Fulbourn brought into court a man apprehended last night on privy search and charged with begging and strolling. Appeared on examination he who pretends to be a Dutchman and calls himself Dork Credelo (?) cannot give satisfactory explanation for his coming to England. Two large bags of half pence found on him appear to have been obtained by begging. Ordered him to be committed to the house of correction for 3 months and whipped at the market cross, Cambridge during his confinement; on release be passed to nearest seaport, unless he first agree to enter HIs Majesty's service, whereupon he shall be discharged at once.
p454 - Constables of Newmarket brought into court Caleb Cross, an idle disorderly person, to be sent to the house of correction for 3 months and publicly whipped at market cross, Cambridge during his confinement, unless he agree to enter H.M's service, whereupon shall be immediately released.
p454a - Constable of Shudy Camps brought to court Robert Thompson, a bound apprentice from Spittal Fields, who was sent to the house of correction until the Clerk of the Peace acquaint his master with where he is.
p454b - Constables of St Giles'. Cambridge brought into court Taylor and wife as vagrants, but discharged.
p454c - Vagrant, John Christmas, sent to house of correction for 3 months and publicly whipped unless he sooner agree to enter into His Majesty's service, whereupon he shall be released.
p455 - JPs to form a committee to meet a committee of the town to consider making an alteration to the present shire and town hall in Cambridge, at the Rose Tavern on 16th April.
p456 - List of JPs present at quarter session
p456a - Six JPs declared their approbation of Mr Essex's plan. Mr Essex to be ordered to attend the COUnty session on Friday with a more particular estimate for the proposed alterations, and a report be made at the next sessions
p457 - List of JPs present
p457a - John Plumptre, Fellow of Kings College, delivered into court a certificate of his having received communion according the the Church of England usage, and 2 witnesses that he had done so; and took the oath of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, and subscribed to the declaration against transubstantiation.
p457b - Rev Daniel Longmire, Rector of Newton, Suffolk, Rev Thomas Blanchard of Jesus College, and Rev John Brett, Vicar of Heckington (?County) took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, and subscribed their names to those oaths.
p458 - Inhabitants of Mildenhall, Suffolk appealed to be relieved of a JP's order of 26th March for removal of Samuel Pompey, wife Elizabeth and daughter Rose from Soham, Cambs Court quashed JPs order.
p458a - Upon complaint of Soham church wardens and overseers, order made by JPs for removing James Strowston (labourer), wife Sarah and children John and Edward to Downham, last legal place of settlement. No appeal made and order therefore confirmed.
p459 - Confirmation of removal order (26th March 1776) for William Aymes Taylor, wife Allen and son William, from Soham to Swaffham Prior.
p459a - Order that John Crisp, having not appeared at this session despite order that he should answer concerning trespass and assault because the Sheriff had been unable to find him, issued again that Crisp should appear at next session.
p460 - John Eaton of Swaffham Prior (yeoman) did not appear to answer indictment of trespass, contempt and offences, despite being commanded to do so. Therefore Sheriff commanded to cause Eaton to appear at next session.
p460a - Indictment against Humphrey Willings of Sawston for selling ale and beer without license found by the grand jury.
p460b - Indictment against William Chapman, William Tunwell, Henry Gifford and William Cornwell late of Fulbourn, for petty larceny, found by the grand jury.
p460c - Duplicate of returns of prices of corn in market of Cambridge by John Masters to 23rd March last inclusive, thus Masters entitled to receive for his care and trouble a sum. Duplicates to be filed.
p460d - Duplicate of returns of prices of corn in market of Linton made by Henry Claydon to 21st March last. William Cooke claimed Claydon entitled to a sum. Duplicate to be filed.
p461 - Keeper of house of correction brought into court John Smith, charged on complaint of officers of Little Shelford, on the oath of Mary Pamplin, with having gotten her, a singlewoman, with child likely to be born a bastard. Ordered that John Smith give security, and Thomas Barnes of Whittlesford acknowledged himself indebted in the sum of £40 if default be made in the condition that John Smith appears at next quarter session and performs such orders as shall be there made. Hence John Smith discharged on recognizance.
p461a - William Flanders brought into court by keeper of house of correction, charged on oath of overseer of poor in Shingay (?) with leaving wife and family chargeable on the parish. In consideration of his imprisonment and promise to endeavour to maintain family, discharged immediately.
p462 - Woman called Mary (other name unknown) committed to custody on 19th March, apprehended in Fulbourn in the open fields almost naked and in great distress. Unable to give any account of herself. Ordered to be set on the Huntingdon Road as she seemed to make signs to go home that way.
p462a - Thomas Pattison's recognizance for appearance here this day of Barton Hopwood for getting Ruth Neeve with child be respited until next session. Girl not yet delivered
p462b - Duplicates of passes (dated 29th January) for conveying Michael Moss from Fen Ditton to Market Weston, Norfolk and Thomas Gray from Fen Ditton to Lakenheath, Suffolk, their last legal places of settlement. Ordered to be filed.
p462c - Mr Essex's plan of intended alterations to Shire Hall to be carried into execution. Committee of JPs to be formed to treat with corporation of Cambridge concerning enclosure of ground necessary in making the alterations.
p462d - William Howell Ewin, JP complained to court that Mr John Gillam or his tenant, in order to enlarge a piece of garden ground, made encroachments on the castle mount and turnpike road. Ordered that Mr Mee attend next adjourned sessions to report on state of encroachments
p463 - Bills ordered to be paid including to Coroners, Messrs Day and Martindale £5 4s 9d, Simeon Saunders, gaoler £6 9s 4d, Thomas Peters, Constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £7 5s 2d, Barnaby Carder, constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £6 3s 0d, Simeon Saunders, gratuity for extra care of the two Stickwoods 10s 6d, Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work done at Castle House of Correction £1 11s 4d, JOhn Atkin, Constable for Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 14s 9d, Thomas HArt for expense of this day and last adjourned session £7 8s 0d.
p463a - List of JPs present at quarter session
p463b - Order for Mr Gillam to have to take down fence he has placed next to Castle Bank and remove it to its ancient boundary. Mr Mee to cause a pale fence to be placed at utmost extent of boundary next to the castle yard.
p463c - Adjourned because insufficient number of JPs attending to do business today. Gentleman of committee of town of Cambridge desired to attend
p464 - List of JPs present
p464a - Committee appointed by corporation, namely Alderman Whittred (?) Norfolk, Newling, Tunwell and Purchas met JPs and agreed that corporation may grant a lease of a piece of ground 5 wide at back of Shire Hall in order to build a gallery for easier access to the courts, the county justiced to pay a peppercorn rent annually to the corporation and 20s a year to a person to be employed to keep lower part of Shire Hall clean during term of lease
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Expand Z - Shire Hall ConstructionZ - Shire Hall Construction