Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KHP6 - Brampton St Mary's Parish ChurchKHP6 - Brampton St Mary's Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent: the service of the Church1 - Incumbent: the service of the Church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of individual clergy
Expand 3 - Incumbent: the benefice3 - Incumbent: the benefice
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: the church rate4 - Churchwardens: the church rate
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: financial records5 - Churchwardens: financial records
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: records of church property6 - Churchwardens: records of church property
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: correspondence and papers7 - Churchwardens: correspondence and papers
Expand 8 - Records of the Vestry and Parochial Church Council8 - Records of the Vestry and Parochial Church Council
Expand 9 - Constable: financial records9 - Constable: financial records
Expand 10 - Constable: general records10 - Constable: general records
Expand 11 - Overseers: rates11 - Overseers: rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: accounts and related financial records
Expand 13 - Overseers: settlement13 - Overseers: settlement
Expand 14 - Overseers: parish apprenticeship14 - Overseers: parish apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: bastardy15 - Overseers: bastardy
Expand 17 - Constable: militia17 - Constable: militia
Expand 18 - Overseers: general correspondence and papers18 - Overseers: general correspondence and papers
Expand 19 - Overseers: correspondence with the Poor Law Union19 - Overseers: correspondence with the Poor Law Union
Expand 20 - Surveyor: highway rates20 - Surveyor: highway rates
Expand 21 - Surveyor: financial records21 - Surveyor: financial records
Expand 22 - Surveyor: road repair22 - Surveyor: road repair
Expand 23 - Papers received for information23 - Papers received for information
Expand 24 - Records of Societies and Special Committees24 - Records of Societies and Special Committees
Collapse 25 - Records of Schools and Parochial Charities25 - Records of Schools and Parochial Charities
Expand 28 - Records received for safekeeping28 - Records received for safekeeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the parish29 - Items published by the parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference